And the Spirit & the bride say, come.... Reveaaltion 22:17

And the Spirit & the bride say, come.... Reveaaltion 22:17
And the Spirit & the bride say, come...Revelation 22:17 - May We One Day Bow Down In The DUST At HIS FEET ...... {click on blog TITLE at top to refresh page}---QUESTION: ...when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? LUKE 18:8

Monday, December 30, 2019

20 BEST of the DECADE: 2011-2019 - Looking Back

And from Jesus Christ....the first begotten of the dead...
Unto him that loved us,
and washed us from our sins in his own blood...
But he was wounded for our transgressions,
he was bruised for our iniquities:
the chastisement of our peace was upon him;
and with his stripes we are healed.
For ye are bought with a price...
Rev.1:5/Is.53:5/1 Cor.6:20
Listen to and Watch the Song "Lamb of God" by clicking Link below

1] What is the BIBLE?
2] Where He wants to LEAD YOU
3] Noah's Dove & the End Times
4] "Let There Be Light" to "It Is Done": Fitting It All Together
5] What started Christ's Quest?
6] Crucifixion & Giving
7] Creation Moment 1/29/2014 - Why of Dust?
8] Multitudes
9] Lessons from Mary Magdalene
10] IN the NEWS - New "True Righteousness By Faith" pushed
11] Creation Moment 3/27/2015 - Shopping
12] Rumblings of the Roots of the SECULAR APOSTASY
13] What is the Doctrine of Sunday Sacredness?
14] Lessons of Friday of Creation Week / Redemption Week
15] Who Touched Me?
16] TYPOLOGY: David, Lion, Bear
17] ARCHAEOLOGY: "Superheated Blast from the Skies"
18] Creation Moment 7/1/2018 - Paintbrush Genes
19] Creation Moment 9/1/2018 - Epigenetics: Air Conditioner Analogy
20] ARCHAEOLOGY: A Very Strong Wind (yes it was)

The Very First Post---from July, 2011--- Divine Locksmith

Puritan Corner - Long Garments

Seek not great things for yourselves in this world, for if your garments be too long, they will make you stumble; and one staff helps a man in his journey, when many in his hands at once hinders him.
by William Bridge (1600-1670)
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.
1 John 2:15

The Midnight Bell.....

There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob...
Romans 11:26

“Ere yet the midnight bell proclaims the birth of a new year, may you be born to God: at any rate once more shall the truth by which men are regenerated be lovingly brought under your attention.”
Charles Spurgeon

Creation Moment 12/31/2019 - Did God Create Green Colored Stars too?

He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names.
Psalm 147:4

"Although some scientists claim stars can’t look green, many stargazers will swear that Zubeneschamali proves otherwise.

Zubeneschamali, aka Beta Librae, is the brightest star in the constellation Libra the Scales. It’s just a touch brighter than the other bright star in Libra, called Zubenelgenubi.
The incomparable Burnham’s Celestial Handbook quotes the star enthusiast Willian Tyler Olcott, who refers to this star as “… the only naked-eye star that is green in color.”

If, indeed, Zubeneschamali is truly green in color, it’s the only green star among the bright stars in the sky."


Ah, but guide claims it's color is--blue...
"Based on the spectral type (B8V) of the star, the star's color is blue."

Sunday, December 29, 2019

No "perhaps"

"There is no such thing as "perhaps" with God.

---His promises to the penitent,
---and his threats to the impenitent, are equally positive.
"He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." Mark 16:16.

To the straying he says: "Then shall ye call upon me,
ye shall go and pray unto me,
and I will hearken unto you.
And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:12, 13."

IN the News - Sins of Sodom Leads to Crucifix down the Throat

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13

"French police have arrested a man for killing an
accused homosexual predator priest by ramming a crucifix down his throat.
Nineteen-year-old Alexandre V. is being charged with murder and torture, after police caught him fleeing the home of 91-year-old Fr. Roger Matassoli in Agnetz in the Oise department in northern France. The priest was found dead in his home, a crucifix protruding from his mouth.
According to the prosecutor, "the victim died in manifestly violent conditions," an autopsy revealing "death by asphyxiation," with "traces of blows to the abdomen, the skull and the face."
According to Alexandre's attorney, both Alexandre and his father were abused by Matassoli.
"We know today that his father was a victim of the priest," said Caty Richards. "We also know that his father tried to protect his children, and then after the divorce, he [Alexandre] fell back into Matassoli's grip."

According to FranceInfo, a woman named Colette from Saint-André-Farivillers in Picardy claims her now-deceased brother Jacques was abused from age 6–15, and that the town had had suspicions about the priest since at least the 1980s.
"He told me that he took a naked shower at the abbot's house and that Matassoli was also naked," Colette said of her brother, 22 at the time he confessed the abuse.
She pressed him further, leading him to break down in tears: "He told me that [the priest] masturbated on him," among other things.
"The people who could have protected the children protected the priest," she said. "The priest knew how to manipulate people so we said nothing."
After other abuse allegations, the diocese of Beauvais removed Matissoli from priestly ministry in 2009."

Creation Moment 12/30/2019 - What IF Altair were our Sun?

There's a Reason we have our Sun and not Altair for a Sun...
And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day..
Genesis 1:16

"Altair is only 16.8 light-years away from Earth, making it one of our nearest stellar neighbors. At least two features of the star Altair make it distinctive.

First, Altair rotates rapidly.
This star requires only about 10 hours to spin once on its axis, in contrast to 24 hours for our Earth to spin or roughly a month for our sun.
In other words, this mighty star spins on its axis more rapidly than Earth!
This rapid rotation tends to flatten the star a bit, much as a pizza crust flattens as it spins. Rough estimates are that Altair’s flattening is about 14 percent.
The sun also is an oblate spheroid, although its flattening is
difficult to measure due to the low rotation rate.

Second, Altair stands out because it is a weak and unusual variable star with as many as nine different rates of brightness waxings and wanings. The brightness variations are too small to measure without sensitive instruments, but likely are related to the star’s high rotation rate.

By the way, if Altair were substituted for our sun, at the distance the sun is now, life on Earth would be doomed, as Altair shines with 11 times the sun’s visible light."

Saturday, December 28, 2019


Even as Abraham believed God,
and it was accounted to him for righteousness.
Galatians 3:8
Spurious Books found in 1873
Dig Deeper: Spurious Books found in 1873
Contrasting the Creative Power of God vs. man 
Peering Deep Into Romans 7 Intro
The WARNING from Christ & Paul 
The Mass of Mankind
E.J. Waggoner on Justification
At Creation 
Drops from the Fountain
Paul's Servantude 
Purpose of the Sabbath 
What is The Strongest Possible Opposition To God? 
E.J. Waggoner's Thoughts on Christmas 
Dark Fog of the Marshy Ground of Sin
"Your Trouble"..... 
Scripture on "the majority"
How Many Books Are Really Necessary?
The Inverse Relationship Between Heaven and Earth's Work 
Even among the Masses--Still an Individual Work 
Digging Deeper into LOVE OF GOD
The Love of God SIMPLIFIED
Digging Deeper into the "Blotting Out"
Creation & Redemption
1260 Years Simplified
2 Observations of Matt.18:20
Curse of the Doctrine of the Natural Immortality 
Creation Moment 1/29/2014 - Why of Dust?
What Moses set before the People
Plato Echoing Lucifer
Hebrews 1:6 & the Divinity of Christ
The Devil & Death
Real Lesson of the Wedding Feast in Cana
What are the "Oracles" of God?
The "Master" Served....
Catholic Spiritualism
Can't be any Clearer
The "Jew", "Gentile" & "father" Abraham Simplified
Digging Deep into Leviticus 17:11
--"to suffer with"--
Springtime Lesson about God
Identifying the Sabbath via the Manna Test
How to start a Reformation in the Church
Which Law in Galatians 3? 10 Commandments or Ceremonial?
The 1,2 of Righteousness & the Law
Lesson of the Parable of Luke 12
What David Saw in the Sanctuary
Amazing Point
Dwelling on the Power of Christ
Lesson of the Altar(s) of Abraham
How the Gospel was Given to Abraham
2 Things Pleasing to God
The Woman at the Well Represents....
Mercy & the Law
Lesson of 1st Gospel Message Preached
What the Gospel Brings
Examining the Point of Hebrews 2
How are we made near to God?
What of the Flesh & Blood verse?
Digging Deeper into the Cleansing of the Sanctuary
Lesson of the "6 Days Before"
The Voice of God in the Book of Hebrews
What of God's Name?
No "perhaps"
What's the Noahic Lesson of Rom. 15:4?
Q & A on His Blood
1 Corinthians 1:13 SIMPLIFIED
How "evolution" rejects Creation
Inverse Relationship of Evolution / Creation
From Glory to Glory
The two Tables
Purpose of Old Testament
A Look At Unbelief
Opening of Gen.1:1 tells us...
What is the MERCY of God?
The Simple Language of the Works of God
Purpose of Old Testament
A Good Observation about Offerings
Afraid God Will Not Accept You?
Lesson of Naming the 7th Day
Is Willingly Keeping the Law Legalism OR is it Expected by God?
Where is this "Seat of Darkness"?
Mary & spirit of antichrist
Creation SABBATH
Paul on the Created Heavens
The Most Unreasonable Thing in the Universe
What is Impossible for mankind?
Tithing Lesson of the "Slave"
Revelation 12 and the Great Controversy
Jannes and Jambres 
Christian View of Government 
Above the Creation
Waxing Philisophical about Sabbath: Digging Spiritually Deep 
God's Way Summed Up
Coupling Colossians 1 wirh Hebrews 1
Servant for Whom? 
Bound by the Cords....
Simplifying the Summary of this Great Controversy
For the Heart Will Deceive Us Every Time 
What HE does for us 
Garment Lesson
Sympathy of the High Priest
That Memorial
How Near?
IN "this mind"..... 
For What Purpose Were The Miracles Of Healing Recorded?
Q & A on Grace
That Name Indicates-----........ 
Lesson of Solomon's Gold Shields 
Are you Dividing Honors to God with a Rival Power? 
The Image of the Beast will be Nothing New.... 
Ecclesiastical Assumption
Waggoner on "What are the Keys"?
Calm of Christ 
Replacing the Cross of Christ with a Cross of OUR OWN MAKING 
The Constitution of Leo XIII
The Sabbath NOT a Mistake or Misfit
A Look at Temptation 
Lust for Power
When that Darkness of Egypt began Creeping over Christendom
Waggoner's take on the Crusades
The Mark of the True Daughters of Rome
Thoughts on Day 2 of Creation 
Wells of Salvation 
The Sabbath a Reminder of...... 
A Lost Soul..... 
Digging Deep into the "Purchase" 
Galatians 2:11,12 Given by Inspiration in Anticipation of..... 
The LAW & Those PROMISES Stand Together
One thing Peter had in common with the Papacy
Soul Lesson from Intoxication
Points of Christ's Divinity 
Those 3 Great Mistakes 
"Christians" of Rome who first Worshiped the Sun
Q & A on His Blood 
The Implication: [Interesting Observation]
Church "Father" Origen: WISDOM RUN MAD
Catholic Christian Instructed, chapter 23.... 
That Venomous Beast
Who You Should Ask?
Our Promises - A Hindrance 
Creator / Redeemer = the Cross 
Dividing Line between Spirit of Christ vs. antichrist: AMBITION
"Can that faith save him?"
The Heart & Mouth 
Do our Candles Burn Only in the Stove? 
Keynote of the Reformation
When the "falling away" appeared
Dangers of Biblical Criticism based on the Fancies of Men
The Lord has Not 2 Gospels 
Socialists & Social Reformers vs. the Sabbath
Those Weights 
Not Merely a Question of Days
3 Points on that "Eternal Fire"
Q & A on the Refuge
Healing and Forgiveness
Catholic Confessional: Setting Men to Juggling with Sin 
Creation Memorial for Knowing & Remembering God 
Speculation as to whether Creation or Redemption is Greater.... 
Might Seem Like A Small Matter To You...but.....
Armenia/Turkey Then (1897) -- Ukraine/Russia Today (2022) [E.J. Waggoner] 
Biblical Answer to Theodicy 
Ai Lesson
Modeled After "Chief Druid"
Digging Deep Into Psalm 136:1
Deep Thought of Romans 5:8
The Pre-Existence of Christ
To Know God...CREATION: Starting Point / SABBATH: Reminder 
Salt Lesson 
Lesson of an Ignorant Man & a Thermometer 
Satan's Cord
Gleaning from Genesis 1:1 
Works of Creation Teach the Gospel 
No Need to wade into the Noxious Weeds 
Purpose of that Question Through the Ages
The Thoughts of God
The Mechanism of the Law, Sin & Death 
Royal Road to Knowledge
SDA History: Waggoner on Unions
Title of CREATOR enables ability to be REDEEMER
Authority of Old Testament for Christians
Moses & the Gospel
How satan took Dominion of Earth from Man
A Fixed Rule
The Creation, Flood & Judgment 
Point of the Creation
Lesson of Many Lepers in Israel but only One Cleansed in Days of Elisha 
The Pity of God 
Exceeding the Righteousness of the Pharisees
Why the Creation Story was Written
Why Civil Governments can't make a "Holy Day"
Whatever God commands men to do.... 
How to induce people to Reverence the Sabbath
Your Biological Connection to the Sabbath
What Constituted "a Day" at the Creation? 
How to EASILY Answer the Sabbath Question 
Sabbath since the Creation 
What those 2 Texts show us..... 
Living that Life
Excuses about Sabbath show.... 
Dangers of the Path of an "allegorical" of Genesis
Keeping it Real about Death 
Real Lesson of the making of the Golden Calf
To those who believe the Ascension of Christ was on Sunday.... 
You had Nothing to do with it..... 
Just because others..... 
Sickness and Infirmity: WHY? 
A Matter For Curiosity 
Lessons from Observing the Creation Around You
Common Sense & Scripture Applied to the "Wine" of Cana's Marriage Feast 
Believing is Building 
The Fountain of Life 
How The Creation Memorial Comes Full Circle 
Lessons of the Alphabet of God & Creation 
Goal of the Tempter
Digging Into the "Rest" of Hebrews 4 
The Gospel Then vs. Now 
The ideal Bible student 
Moral Science
What does not being "under the Law" mean?Psalm 1:1-3 LessonsMuscular ChristianityThe Voice like "Thunder"
Unspotted from the World
The GOSPEL: Inverse Relationship of "transgression" & "righteousness"
The ties that bind
That "Knowledge of Good & Evil"
Evolution is antagonistic to Creation
In that very Moment of Defeat
WHY God fed them with Manna
Seeping of Paganism into Christendom 
Origen -- father of Christian mysticism 
Sunday - Day of the Sun
Sun Worship
The Invisible GodWhy God does Wonderful thingSpirit of Truth
Scripture Speaks With One Accord of the Sabbath Day
Arrogance of Priestcraft 
Example of careless manner in which most people handle the word of God
Only 2 Religions on Earth
Unconsciously working against our prayers
Look at it from God’s point of view
What is the Gospel?
How some misinterpret Ephesians 2:19-20
The Opening verses of Proverbs
In Light of The Light
Superstition of Infant Baptism
Christ was the anointed king before the earth existed
The pre-existence of Christ
Worldwide Proclamation of the Gospel Brought to View
Purpose of 2nd Advent
Your Temptations
The pseudo-Barnabas
God's "rites" vs. man made ordained "rites"
Unbelief + Self Exaltation
Christ's longing at the well
Miracle that demonstrated Christ as the BREAD OF LIFE
In the Valley of the Vapor
What is serving Mammon?
Cast abroad the rage of your wrath
Faith & the Foundation
The Covenant Agreement
We cannot all see alike?
1885 Sunday Keepers Admitted it.....
Christ is called God
Creation Linked to Redemption
Justification & Works
Lesson from Luke 13
To Those Who Disparage "Doctrine"
Lessons from the Shewbread
Isaiah 6:1
Observance of the Forms commanded by God
god of "this world"
Gleanings from Romans 2
That Light
Where Doubt Stems From