As it began to dawn, came Magdalene, to see the sepulcher.
Matthew 28:1
"Let us learn from Mary Magdalene how to obtain fellowship with the Lord Jesus.
Notice how she sought.

* She sought Him also with very great boldness. Other disciples fled from the sepulchre, for they trembled and were amazed; but Mary, it is said, "stood" at the sepulcher.
* Note further, she sought Jesus earnestly-she stood "weeping." Those tear-droppings were as spells that led the Savior captive, and made Him come forth and show Himself to her.
Some find it hard to stand by a living Savior,
but she stood by a dead
Let us seek Christ after this mode, cleaving to the very least thing that has to do with Him, remaining faithful though all others should forsake Him.
Mary Magdalene sought thus because she loved much.
Let us arouse ourselves to the same intensity of affection;"
Charles Spurgeon