70 BEST of 2024
1- On the Cross: Christ -- zig zagging through the Sanctuary
2- 4 Ways God Reveals Himself to us
3- The Gospels are no Peter Pan story
4- SIMPLIFYING the Old / New [Everlasting Covenant]5- That "Knowledge of Good & Evil"
Dig Deeper: That "Knowledge of Good & Evil" (master1844-dc.blogspot.com)
6- Underlying Lesson of the Book of Job7- Outer Court of Sanctuary: Baptism of the Earth Twice
8- God's Hierarchy of Love
9- Society, Christians and LGBT: Where's the Line?12- The Transfer of the Sinful Nature to Mankind
10- What do Swine, Lucifer & Lakes have in common?
11- Witch of Endor Repeated in End Times (Typology)Dig Deeper: The Transfer of the Sinful Nature to Mankind (master1844-dc.blogspot.com)
15- Our Human State13- God's Hand in the Presidency
14- It isn’t fairDig Deeper: Our Human State
16- Where is Faith like this Today?
17- 2 Elements to Temptation
Dig Deeper: 2 Elements to Temptation31- 2 Purposes of Scripture
18- Cain: "Patron Saint "of Ecumenism
19- The Identity of Familiar Spirits
22- Unbelief + Self Exaltation20- One Night of Imbibing on Wine - Centuries of Death Unleashed
21- Why frogs?23- The Shepherd of Death
24- 1335 and 1290 Days Point to 1844
Dig Deeper: The 1290 & 1335 Days of Daniel 12
25- Ezekiel 6:11-13 WARNING about SIN
26- CASE STUDY: Lesson of Eve Beguiled27- What is Your Duty?
28- Formula for TRUE RIGHTEOUSNESS BY FAITH (God's Needlework)29- Gleanings from Jezebel’s Name
30- The Invisible God 32- Enheduanna: The A , B & C of Romans 1
33- Truth about the Mark of Cain [Mark of Protection - Mark of Mercy]34- The Science of Gen. 3:19 & Job 17:16
Dig Deeper: The Science of Gen. 3:19 & Job 17:16 (master1844-dc.blogspot.com)
35- How Platform of Truth is Established
36- Neology: Roots of Modern Liberal Christianity
37- Does TRUTH Matter?
38- That "scale" proves the 2300 "Days" = "Years"
41- God is NOT Casual 39- We Have A Record
40- The a,b,c's of About Christ on Earth42- The "what" & "how" of the Beast43- Arrogance of Priestcraft
44- Sabbath vs. Sunday Debate: Ultimate Question
Dig Deeper: Sabbath vs. Sunday Debate: Ultimate Question (master1844-dc.blogspot.com)
66- Having the EYS OF YOUR HEARTS Enlightened -- so you can see REALITY45- An Elite Authoritarianism
46- Post Flood Animal Speciation
47- The Jezebel Analogy48- Principals of John the Baptist vs. Labor Unions of Today
49- Matthew 4:23 Under a Microscope
Dig Deeper: Matthew 4:23 Under a Microscope
50- Our Sowing
51- Bay of Fundy
52- Global Cenozoic coals indicate high post-Flood boundary
53- The use of the LawDig Deeper: The use of the Law (master1844-dc.blogspot.com)
55- PENTECOST: Glossolalia or Xenoglossia? 56- The Science of Gen. 3:19 & Job 17:16
54- How did Christ Himself Describe the End of the World?
Dig Deeper: How did Christ Himself Describe the End of the Wolrd?
55- PENTECOST: Glossolalia or Xenoglossia? Dig Deeper: How did Christ Himself Describe the End of the Wolrd?
Dig Deeper: The Science of Gen. 3:19 & Job 17:16 (master1844-dc.blogspot.com)
57- The "2 Israels" SIMPLIFIED
58- Point of the Transfiguration & the Saints
59- Human Appetite & God’s first prohibitory declaration
60- Neology: Roots of Modern Liberal Christianity
61- How do the Skeptics think it would have been done?
62- That day in between63- SANCTIFICATION (Obedience/Holiness)
64- JUSTIFICATION (Grace/Forgiveness)
65- The 2 Gospel ThievesDig Deeper: Having the EYS OF YOUR HEARTS Enlightened --
67- Individuality in Religion
68- The GOSPEL: Inverse Relationship of "transgression" & "righteousness"
69- The Wide and Eternal SABBATHDig Deeper: The Wide and Eternal SABBATH (master1844-dc.blogspot.com)
70- Nietzsche's Atheism in Real World Application
Dig Deeper: Nietzsche's Atheism in Real World Application (master1844-dc.blogspot.com)
2- The Machines that are DESIGNED to Sustain LIFE
1- Who, What, and Why of CreationDig Deeper: Creation Moment 12/9/2024 - The Machines that are DESIGNED to Sustain LIFE
7- Infinite Monkey Theorem tells us......3- 4 Problems of the human evolutionary model
4- Darwin's Magic Fish Wand
5- Like baking a designer cake....
6- Your Camera8- Why you don't blow up everyday
Dig Deeper: Creation Moment 11/20/2024 - Why you don't blow up everyday
9- Darwin Attempted to FLIP THE SCRIPT
10- That 98–99% figure of Human / Chimp DNADig Deeper: Creation Moment 11/2/2024 - That 98–99% figure of Human / Chimp DNA
11- Brain & Language (Amazing)
12- Metals of Life
Dig Deeper: Creation Moment 12/13/2024 - Metals of Life
13- Fine Tuning
14- Triplicate Memory Storage
Triplicate Memory Storage (master1844-dc.blogspot.com)
15- An "Engineered System"16- Reading Darwinese Articles
17- Your “forest of wires”18- Sacred bone icons of Evolution19- Misuse of 2 Peter 3:8
20- Your Thought Highway
21- Brain 'Traffic Maps' show Humans UNIQUE from Animals
Brain 'Traffic Maps' show Humans UNIQUE from Animals (master1844-dc.blogspot.com)
22- RNA World hypothesis Falls Apart
Dig Deeper: Creation Moment 4/25/2024 - RNA World hypothesis Falls Apart
25- Your "ready-mix patch"26- Simple Mathematics in your Lungs
27- Who Made the Rules?23- Genesis 5:2 Makes more sense than Darwin
24- Darwin on WomenDig Deeper: Creation Moment 10/15/2024 - Who Made the Rules? (master1844-dc.blogspot.com)
28- RNA editing
29- "man"
30- Moons of Uranus tell us.......31- LANGUAGE Undermines evolution
32- The Production of Speech33- Hierarchical Organization for Music
34- DESIGNED SWEET SPOT that keeps you alive
DESIGNED SWEET SPOT that keeps you alive (master1844-dc.blogspot.com)
35- Sunlight points to Creator
36- Crucial for SurvivalDig Deeper: Creation Moment 8/18/2024 - Crucial for Survival (master1844-dc.blogspot.com)
37- How did the eye figure that out?
How did the eye figure that out? (master1844-dc.blogspot.com)
38- YOU are NOT Related to a Common Beast of the Field
YOU are NOT Related to a Common Beast of the Field
39- God’s attributes as seen through MathGod’s attributes as seen through Math (master1844-dc.blogspot.com)
41- Could God have used evolution and millions of years to create?
40- They saw Rom. 1:20 in Action
41- Could God have used evolution and millions of years to create?42- 3 Fallacies / Problems of Theistic Evolution
Dig Deeper: Creation Moment 10/20/2024 - 3 Fallacies / Problems of Theistic Evolution
45- Genesis 1:2 & the Moon43- A “holey” fitness landscape
44- Darwin’s “abominable mystery”Dig Deeper: Creation Moment 11/24/2024 - Genesis 1:2 & the Moon
49- YOU46- Robopteryx
47- Big Bang Bungle
48- Adam's rib50- The Artist
60- Your ion channels
61- "Attention"
Dig Deeper: Creation Moment 8/12/2024 - "Attention" (master1844-dc.blogspot.com)
62- Hemple’s Dilemma of the 3rd Way
63- Brain's shortcut for processing our first languageBrain's shortcut for processing our first language (master1844-dc.blogspot.com)
64- Earth's Circulatory System
65- Electron Transport ChainDig Deeper: Creation Moment 10/24/2024 - Electron Transport Chain
66- Glycolysis
67- NGTS-10b
68- Evolutionary Propaganda Bait -and- SwitchDig Deeper: Creation Moment 12/26/2024 - Evolutionary Propaganda Bait -and- Switch
3- IN the NEWS - Push for new Global Religious text via AI69- Mindy?
Dig Deeper: Creation Moment 12/22/2024 - Mindy?
70- Clue from what the Brain Can Not Do
70- Clue from what the Brain Can Not Do
Dig Deeper: Creation Moment 12/27/2024 - Clue from what the Brain Can Not Do
2- SDA Issues - Trump assassination attempt40 BEST NEWS POSTS 2024
1- IN the NEWS - TIME Magazine Channels the Serpent
4- IN the NEWS - What's going on? Very strange Times in America
Dig Deeper: IN the NEWS - What's going on? Very strange Times in America
5- SDA Issues - Near Ultimate Rebellion in our Church at NAD
6- IN the NEWS - Potential Ramifications of Playing with God's Creation7- IN the NEWS - Dangers of the Secular Left CULT
8- IN the NEWS - Playing "god" with God's Sun
9- IN the NEWS - Helene & Milton
10- IN the NEWS - Whales, Rivers & Volcanos Granted "Personhood"
11- IN the NEWS - God vs. Bill Maher on Killing Babies
13- The "Really" File - ("gay" Abe?)God vs. Bill Maher on Killing Babies (master1844-dc.blogspot.com)
12- IN the NEWS - POLL: Half of Americans Supposedly in Contact with the DeadDig Deeper: The "Really" File - ("gay" Abe?) (master1844-dc.blogspot.com)
14- IN the NEWS - Itching Ears of Another Gospel
15- IN the NEWS - Internet "Saints
16- IN the NEWS - The DISEASED IMAGINATIONS of HarvardIN the NEWS - The DISEASED IMAGINATIONS of Harvard (master1844-dc.blogspot.com)
17- IN the NEWS - Climate CULT Threat
18- IN the NEWS - Who says WITCHCRAFT doesn't exist?Dig Deeper: IN the NEWS - Who says WITCHCRAFT doesn't exist? (master1844-dc.blogspot.com)
19- IN the NEWS - U.N. goes all Gen. 6:5 (Literally)
20- SDA Issues - Will the modern day "Hitler Youth" show up on our Campuses? Will the modern day "Hitler Youth" show up on our Campuses? (master1844-dc.blogspot.com)
21- IN the NEWS - Lindell, Driscoll and a Male Stripper: State of Christendom
22- IN the NEWS - Forget about Easter -- It's Transgender Day!!!
23- SDA Issues - Carlton Byrd brings in glossalalia to Camp Meeting Dig Deeper: SDA Issues - Carlton Byrd brings in glossalalia to Camp Meeting
26- IN the NEWS - NBC's quest for going Gen. 6:524- IN the NEWS - CASE STUDY: Why the Secular Left HATES Christians in Politics
25- IN the NEWS - Lucifer's Family Values27- IN the NEWS - WEF calls in the Witch Doctors
28- IN the NEWS - A Look at Death with a 117 year old
29- IN the NEWS - Irony of Wickedness: Making of Strange "bedfellows."
30- IN the NEWS - "Sunday" comes up in U.S. Senate (allied with Unions)
31- The "Really" File - (Parisian Olympics Last Supper)32- IN the NEWS - Here We Go.......
Dig Deeper: IN the NEWS - Here We Go....... (master1844-dc.blogspot.com)
33- IN the NEWS - March towards FREEDOMLESS Democracies
Dig Deeper: IN the NEWS - March towards FREEDOMLESS Democracies
36- From the "Really" File - (Evil Queen was...well....Evil)34- IN the NEWS - Lucifer Targets the kids of Scotland -- and their Parents
35- IN the NEWS - Sunday Sacredness Linked to Wrong Kind of Gospel Conversion37- IN the NEWS - The "Apex Body"
38- IN the NEWS - Lucifer's War on your child via POLITICIANS
39- The "Really" File - (Trans Dogs?)Dig Deeper: The "Really" File - (Trans Dogs?) (master1844-dc.blogspot.com)
40- SDA News - SDA's Kicked Out Of WEF
1- 100,000 idols coming to a town near you2- Too Much What at Catholic Seminaries?
3- Francis, Lady Madonna & Islam4- Brother Sun?
Dig Deeper: Papal Notes - Brother Sun? (master1844-dc.blogspot.com)
5- Pope Bends the Knee to Pagan "Wisdom"
The Rock and the Keys SERIES PageRUNNER-UP BEST SERIES 2024
Gospels Are Reliable SERIES PAGE
Dig Deeper: Gospels Are Reliable SERIES PAGE
1- Response to largest known single day CHILD SACRIFICE on planet earthDig Deeper: Archaeology: Response to largest known single day CHILD SACRIFICE h
2- They thought they could take it with them.....
3- Cahokia-- Pitfalls of the Darkened Heart: Human Sacrifice
4- 2 Lessons from Roman Concrete
5- Frankfurt Amulet3 BEST HEALTH POSTS 2024
1- Dangers of Seed Oils
2- BEFORE YOU Eat those CHEERIOS.......
3- Rain
1- The Cry of Sinners: Same as the Cry of the Demons
2- Your measuring line is false
3- We are like the Dove of OldDig Deeper: We are like the Dove of Old
4- Answer honestly before you give sleep to your eyes
5- The Head3 CRAZIEST
"On the Streets of Babylon" POSTS 2024
1- Loch Ness Monster "Prophecy" heard on the Streets
2- Kicking the Bible on the Streets
3- Pride Brunch being hosted on the Streets
Dig Deeper: On the Streets of Babylon: Pride Brunch being hosted on the Streets
Just As I Am performed by KIM HILL
The Last Pillars of Darwinian Evolution FalsifiedBEST CHRISTMAS POST 2024
Santa vs. God's "Naughty & Nice List"Dig Deeper: Santa vs. God's "Naughty & Nice List"
Would Paul have "adapted" any of these things to a commemoration of the Resurrection?Dig Deeper: Would Paul have "adapted" any of these things to a commemoration of the Resurrection?
All Souls’ Day vs. ScriptureBEST REFORMATION POST 2024
What Stunted the Reformation?BEST PURITAN COENER 2024