And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou?
Then Satan answered the LORD, and said,
From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.
Job 1:7
"In 1425, English and Burgundian forces drove off all of Domremy's cattle and burned the town. The same year of this trauma, when Joan was 13, she started hearing "voices."
The first of these voices spoke to her from her father's garden, and was accompanied by a blinding white light. Joan claimed that the voices were angels and saints, through whom God was addressing her. She identified the saints as Saint Michael, Saint Catherine and Saint Margaret, all crucial French saints of whom Joan had learned through statuary in the church she attended and through her mother's careful religious instruction. Although she was initially afraid to speak to other people about them–she never mentioned them to the Domremy priests even though she was constantly at confessional–she would claim to talk to these saints and hear their voices regularly.
Joan said they always spoke in French."
What role did Joan of Arc play in this Great Controversy?
Was she hearing voices from God, demons or just psychotic?
My opinion (just an opinion) is that she was hearing from demons.
Q: Why?
A: Because she was hearing from "Saint Michael, Saint Catherine and Saint Margaret"...."Michael is the pre-incarnate name of Christ. Catherine and Margaret were dead, awaiting either the 1st or 2nd resurrection of Revelation 20. So NO, she wasn't hearing from God. And considering what she accomplished, I don't think it was a coincidence via psychotic episodes.
We have examples to Peak behind the scenes:1- In Daniel, Gabriel had to struggle against the Prince of Persia (Lucifer) to get the kings of Persia to do what God wanted to guide the flow of history. (God struggles against our Free Will). Gabriel was losing and had to call down Prince Michael (Christ).
2- God held a council to decide how to deal with Ahab. A spirit (Lucifer, the father of Lies) stepped forward and offered to put lying words in the mouth of Ahab's false prophets which led to Ahab's death. Obviously Lucifer offering to help God was for his own agenda.
3- Of course you all know the story of Lucifer and God squaring off over Job.

-*-I believe Lucifer used Joan to attempt to finish off France. God needed France for the prophecy of the French Revolution in Revelation as well a France to deal the deadly wound to the beast.
---IF--- Lucifer could get the Dauphin to follow a peasant girl foolishly, lose badly, then all would be lost-both his claim to the crown and France. His support would collapse, more would defect, and England would emerge victorious.
---But God intervened in His way and worked it out so that the MAID OF ORLEANS became a rallying cry and the French made a comeback and ultimately-well-you know the rest....JUST A THOUGHT
---But God intervened in His way and worked it out so that the MAID OF ORLEANS became a rallying cry and the French made a comeback and ultimately-well-you know the rest....JUST A THOUGHT