And the Spirit & the bride say, come.... Reveaaltion 22:17

And the Spirit & the bride say, come.... Reveaaltion 22:17
And the Spirit & the bride say, come...Revelation 22:17 - May We One Day Bow Down In The DUST At HIS FEET ...... {click on blog TITLE at top to refresh page}---QUESTION: ...when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? LUKE 18:8

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Has the "Erelong" arrived?

--From the Covid-19 to a possible global economic collapse as a result to the violence of the modern version of Bolsheviks (Antifa, BLM, Occupy Movement, SJW, Climate Justice Warriors, Code
Pink, ELF, etc.) manipulated like puppets on a string into burning the cities of America and rising up overseas now.....lit by the tinder of Race Baiting Politics by picking at the scabs of the past among certain ethnic groups so as to keep them living in the mindset of the past---walking around thinking they live in 1870 Mississippi? A wrathful man stirreth up strife: but he that is slow to anger appeaseth strife. Proverbs 15:18
--Will other Calamities, natural or otherwise, soon come upon us?...such as we see in the cities in India overrun by monkeys like in a weird movie of somekind?
--And WHAT was the Missing Prophecy all other times in recent
History that (such as the Depression and WW2 or during WW1 and the Spanish Flu)?....that Missing Prophecy was that it would be like the days of Lot (Lot was known for Sodom) and can anyone not argue that has arrived when western democracies sacrifice freedom of
religion and speech upon the Altar of LGBT?
--And let's not forget we have the Jesuit inspired Laudato si' for a carrot stick calling for Sunday to be set aside to let the earth rest so as to reduce our so-called carbon footprint.
*Christ in neither with white supremacist of the Klan NOR with black supremacist of Black Lives Matter....
Q: Why?
A: Because to Christ ALL LIVES MATTER. Period.

"Erelong there will be such strife and confusion in the cities, that those who wish to leave them will not be able..."
This Moment May or May Not be it...but it's getting close

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Puritan Corner - Love for Christ

“Love for Christ because he went to the cross, and hate for sin that sent him there, is a solid foundation....”
by John Owen (1616-1683)

For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
1 Corinthians 1:18

Principalities of Darkness SERIES: Counterfeit Latter Rain

The opponent of God has a Counterfeit Latter began in

1900 in Overland Park, Kansas then exploded into it's modern form of Gibberish Tongues at the Azusa Street Revival between 1906 & 1915.
It was also accompanied by a similar movement in Wales at the same time for good measure in
case the one at Azusa Street failed.
The one in Wales Faded away with WW 1 but the one at Azusa Street spread the Counterfeit Latter Rain, known as the Charismatic Movement, Globally.

Therefore the showers have been withholden, and there hath been no latter rain; and thou hadst a whore's forehead, thou refusedst to be ashamed.
Jeremiah 3:3

IN the NEWS - Monkeys Illustrate Eerie Times

We looked for peace, but no good came;
and for a time of health, and behold trouble!
Jeremiah 8:15

"A troop of monkeys reportedly attacked a lab assistant and escaped with coronavirus blood test samples in Delhi, the capital of India. The primates attacked the assistant near Meerut Medical
College, Sky News reported, citing local Indian outlets.

The monkeys snatched COVID-19 blood test samples that had been taken from three patients and fled the scene with their prize. Locals spotted one of the monkeys sitting in a tree chewing one of the sample collection kits, the Times of India reported.
The researchers took more blood samples from patients.

According to Sky News, “the highly intelligent, red-faced rhesus macaques” have taken advantage of India’s nationwide lockdown in many ways.

--While the monkeys have proved an increasing problem in urban
areas in recent years, the two months of lockdown in the world’s second-most populous country have only emboldened the monkeys further.
--Reports have shown the primates congregating in parts of Delhi normally crowded with humans.
--The macaques have snatched food and mobile phones, broken
into homes, and terrorized people in various ways in and around India’s capital.
--Monkeys have even colonized areas around the city’s parliament and key government offices, from the prime minister’s office to the finance and defense ministries.

People have been warned not to feed the monkeys, lest the coronavirus mutate and infect the primates as well.
A senior biologist from the Tail Nadu Forest Department warned that if the monkeys catch the coronavirus, the contagion could devastate other wildlife that preys on the primates.
The point is, we have very little understanding of the virus, and it is better to limit our interactions with wildlife till there is more research done on its effects on non-human primates and other animal species,” the biologist told The Hindu."

Papal Notes - Papal "algor-ethics"

"Pope Francis wants to see facial recognition, artificial
intelligence, and other powerful new technologies follow a doctrine of ethical and moral principles.

The Vatican's "Rome Calls for AI Ethics" said that AI tools should be built "with a focus not on technology, but rather for the good of humanity and of the environment" and consider the
"needs of those who are most vulnerable."

Environment—of course—includes the Pope’s prominent Climate Change agenda, and his increasing references to comprehensive human ‘rest’ to help the earth ‘heal.’

The "algor-ethics" outlined in the document included transparency, inclusion, responsibility, impartiality, reliability, security, and privacy, alluding to debates that have emerged around topics like algorithmic bias and data privacy."
Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. Revelation 13:17-18

Creation Moment 5/31/2020 - Clothesline and Pigeon Analogy

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
Psalm 139:14
Clothesline and Pigeon Analogy
"Under-researched mechanism in fast-moving field of epigenetics focus of new study (University of New South Wales, Australia).
The old picture of DNA as the master, directing the synthesis of proteins, is being replaced by a new picturesque analogy:
Think of DNA as a clothesline, epigenetic chemical marks as pegs, and regulatory proteins – that bind to specific DNA sequences and control which genes turn on or off – as pigeons that want to sit on the clothesline,” Prof Crossley says.
“If the line is covered with pegs, pigeons won’t be able to land. We used mice to look at a key gene in blood and changed it so it either had or did not have a peg, and found this determined whether a gene regulatory protein could bind and turn off the gene. The gene stayed on until the peg was removed.
Q: What are these pegs?
A: They are chemical tags made of methyl groups, acetyl groups and others that attach to DNA.

In addition, the pegs attach to histone proteins within chromatin, the balls of material around which DNA wraps to create its higher-order structure (i.e., above the double helix). Enzymes place these pegs on the ‘clothesline’ to determine what genes become accessible to the transcription machinery or not.
In a nutshell, our study demonstrates that methylation – the biological process that adds methyl groups like epigenetic chemical marks to DNA – can affect the binding and activity of that protein in gene expression. It had long been suspected this would be the case but having a solid foundation, with one mark and one DNA-binding protein gives you the components with which to build.”
*We begin to see that DNA is covered with portable switches that a process places on genes to regulate them.
This sheds light on how different types of cells in the body express different genes.
--It also illuminates how environmental signals can alter the expression of genes.
--Scientists are finding that some of those altered epigenetic markers are heritable, and can affect future generations.

Q: But what controls the arrangement of these epigenetic switches? --This article doesn’t say.
A: It must be some kind of upstream code that is responsive to outside signals.
Scientists have been considering a “histone code” for years, but
little has been written about what process decides what coded messages (e.g., methyl groups) are to be placed onto the histones or nucleotides.
For those interested in the details, the paper behind the press release is open-access. published in Nature Communications, 22 May 2020, by Lu Yang et al., “Methylation of a CGATA element inhibits binding and regulation by GATA-1.” The authors make it clear that “the mechanisms by which the DNA methylation influences gene expression and differentiation are still not fully understood.”

Friday, May 29, 2020

Principalities of Darkness SERIES: Counterfeit "Father" God

The opponent of God has replaced the "Father" God with a Counterfeit--the "Mother" Earth. As many turn from worship of Father God to worship of Mother Earth they have set up their own Religion:

They have their own-
Soteriology/Justification: Go Green
Soteriology/Sanctification: Car Pool, Recycle, etc.
Tithing System: Carbon Tax
Eschatology: The Coming Ice Age replaced now with Global Warming
Polity: Green Nazi-like state
State of the Dead: Either "this is it" -OR- Reincarnation through/with the Cosmos
High Priest: Al Gore
Prophets: AOC, Paul Ehrlich, Sting, etc.
TV Evangelist: Greta Thunberg
Denominations: Green Peace, Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, etc.
Cults: The Voluntary Human Extinction Project, Extinction Rebellion, etc.
Jihadists: Environmental Liberation Front
Holy Writ: Laudato si'
Dietary Laws: Eat Bugs, Cannibalism to Reduce amount of Animals Polluting, etc.
Gnostic Offshoot: New Age
Sabbath: Green Sabbath (to Reduce our so-called Carbon Footprint)
Great Controversy Prism: Climate Change
Religious Holidays: Earth Day, Arbor Day

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel.. Galatians 1:6

Creation Moment 5/30/2020 - Unanswerable Questions for Darwinists

In the beginning God created.... Genesis 1:1

"Cellular life gets more complicated the closer molecular biologists look.

Darwinians had their work cut out for them trying to explain the origin of the genetic code.
Q: How will they fare with epi-genetic (“above” the gene) codes that regulate DNA?
Q: How would any “primitive” cell ever survive without these additional controls that make sure the right genes are turned on and off?"

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Principalities of Darkness SERIES: Counterfeit "Image" of God

The opponent of God also has a Counterfeit "Image" of God for mankind....rather than being made in the "Image" of God---man has been deluded into convincing himself that he is no more than a common beast of the field with a little more "evolved" intelligence.

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness....Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.
Genesis 1:26/Matthew 10:29-31

IN the NEWS - More EVIL than SODOM

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13

"In the largest sex abuse payout in Quebec's history, a court in the province is ordering a $30-million settlement for clergy sex abuse victims.

A class action settlement between the Clerics of Saint Viator (CSV), or the Viatorians, and a Montreal rehabilitation center for the deaf, reached last week before a September trial was scheduled to begin, will distribute the money among 150 victims of clerical sex abuse. According to Robert Kugler, lawyer for the victims, "Quebec is the largest amount ever obtained under such a class action."
The abuses in question took place over the course of more than two decades, from 1940 to 1982. Including the then-director general of the Montreal Institute for the Deaf, there are 38 confirmed clerics responsible for the molestation of the 150 male victims."

Creation Moment 5/29/2020 - Let me Answer that Question for ya......

The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.
Proverbs 15:2

"A headteacher has explained the reasons as to why a controversial question about Charles Darwin appeared in a GCSE exam paper this week.....Students were asked to suggest one reason why cartoons were drawn of Charles Darwin as a monkey, they were also asked why his theories took so long to be accepted."

Well let me take a stab at an answer as to why Darwin's theory took so long to be accepted----
A: IF you Repeat a LIE enough times--some people will begin to believe. So his theory had to be Repeated multiple times....

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Principalities of Darkness SERIES: Counterfeit Sabbath

The opponent of God has a Counterfeit for many things of God--including a Counterfeit Sabbath by getting men to transfer the Solemnity of the 7th Day Sabbath (which identifies God as Creator - therefore solidifies His claim as God) to the first day of the week. By doing so the opponent of God sets himself up as a Counterfeit "god" of this world....

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, .....For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
Exodus 20:8-11

Papal Notes - Francis Flubs Jonah 101

"In the first reading we heard the story of Jonah, in a style of the
time," preaches Pope Francis, in his sermon on the "Religious Paella Day of Prayer."   

Francis conspiratorially claims "there was 'some pandemic,' we do not know, in the city of Nineveh, a 'moral pandemic' perhaps, the city was about to be destroyed."

--The pope doesn't tell us who was about to destroy the city.
--Can't be God, because Francis' God doesn't punish.
--Can't be nature, because the Ninevites weren't capitalist-populist-nationalists driving around in SUVs and belching forth carbon monoxide. 

Francis' sermon picks up steam: "And God sends Jonah to preach to them.. prayer and fasting" (3: 7-8). Correct! Jonah doesn't go to Iraq (Nineveh's location) and sign a Human Fraternity covenant with Assyria. He doesn't call for an interfaith "you kiss my idol and I'll kiss yours" schmoozefest, swapping figurines of Ishtar with Nineveh's High Priestess in a gender inclusive globalized pantheon. 

Pope Francis blanks this out in his homily. "In the face of that
pandemic, Jonah was frightened and ran away," he pontificates. Actually, no. What the Bible says is: "But Jonah rose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of Yahweh. He went down to Joppa and found a ship going to Tarshish." Jonah 1:3

Francis then commits a lapsus calami — a big boo-boo in his sermon. "Then the Lord called him for the second time, and he agreed to go and preach," he proclaims. Umm ... nope. That's not how it happens. God "hurls a great wind upon the sea causing a mighty tempest" and the cruise liner on which Jonah is sailing begins to go the way of the Titanic. 

The tempest isn't triggered by global warming and Jonah doesn't need
an "ecological conversion."

*It's only after Jonah gets heaved off the ship, slides down a whale's esophagus, spends three claustrophobic days marinating in digestive juices and gets vomited on to dry land does God call Jonah a second time. Only now does the recalcitrant prophet say: "I'll go and give the Ninevites an earful."

Francis' gives a wide berth to the Biblical text and jumps on his hobby horse: "And today all of us, brothers and sisters of every religious tradition, pray: a day of prayer and fasting, of penance, called by the Higher Committee for Human Fraternity." ....That's the end of poor Jonah. From prophet, he's been turned into the pope's spin-doctor for a religious cafeteria that validates all religions as paths to God.

In reality, the novella of Jonah from start to finish contradicts the pontiff's fake religious pluralism.
First, Israel's God sends a Jewish prophet to a pagan people to preach repentance.
Second, the sailors on Jonah's ship begin by praying each to "his god," but after Jonah has told them about Yahweh, they are converted and call out to Yahweh.

Let's help Pope Francis with his theological problem:

Q: is the Church supposed to relate to those around it? ....
A: ...not by fraternizing in a pan-religious bear-hug but by proclaiming the sovereignty of the Biblical God over creation and over all humanity and by calling all people everywhere to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ."

IN the NEWS - Disney's "heartwarming" LGBT Spiritualism for Kids

....inventors of evil things... Romans 1:30

"Pixar revealed its first gay main character on Friday from its new short film "Out.”

The Disney computer animation studio premiered “Out” on Disney+ over the weekend through its SparkShorts series. The new film follows the story of a man named Greg who struggles with coming out to his parents as gay before moving in with his boyfriend, Manuel. He switches bodies with his magical pet and gets to hear what his family really thinks about his love interest.

“Holding Jim’s (his dog’s) collar, Greg casually wishes aloud that he were a dog, and the minds of Greg and Jim magically switch bodies. ‘Greg’ runs outside to play in the yard, where his stoic father is lighting the grill. ‘Jim’ tries to get to him, while also frantically trying to prevent his eagerly helpful mother from finding the photo [of him and Manuel],” the film’s synopsis reads. "'Jim' suddenly realizes that [his mom] not only already knows that he is gay, but she also accepts it.”
Disney+ announced the film on Twitter, calling it "heartwarming."

The tweet also features a clip of Greg in his bedroom, practicing how he'll tell his parents that he’s gay. His dog, Jim, is also seen rushing around the house hiding evidence of Greg's same-sex relationship.

"Out" is the first Pixar and animated Disney release to have a gay main character. The film, geared toward children, was directed by Steven Clay Hunter." CP

IN the NEWS - This is what happens when Churches don't Preach the Word

Below is a story from the Christian Post (Red Letters) and my Response (Tan Letters).
What happened to this Canadian "Christian Rock" singer is an example when Churches Preach Fluff over the Word....all this man's questions should have been answered, clear and succinct, from Pulpits over the Years....Where are the Shepherds of the Flock?

"Jon Steingard, the Canadian Christian rock band Hawk
Nelson’s lead vocalist, has declared on social media that I no longer believe in God,” explaining “it didn’t happen overnight.”

The list of things that didn't make sense to him kept growing throughout the years, he noted, including the commonly posed question: "If God is all loving, and all powerful, why is there evil in the world? Can he not do anything about it? Does he choose not to?"
How does a Christian of many years NOT know the answer?
There is SIN in the world - started by the opponent of God.
Man has Free Will...that's why we're in this mess in the first place.
For Example, who told the people of Germany to elect Nazi's to their governing body putting Hitler in a position to rise to power? Not God.
He didn't tell them to support a Socialistic Political Party rooted in both Spiritualism (the "Geist"/Ghost of their ancestors) and Darwinism....specifically Eugenics (attempt to create the perfect race)......God tells you not to covet what others have (opposite of Socialist demagogues), not to dabble in Spiritualism and that you ARE NOT related to Common Beasts of the field. You are made in the Image of a Holy God...Now what IF the German people had followed God instead of Hitler?....extrapolate that to everything around you in life---and every aspect of history.

He also struggled with: "Why does he (God) say not to kill, but then instruct Israel to turn around and kill men women and children to take the promised land?" and "Why does Jesus have to die for our sins (more killing again)?"
Sounds like he's been imbibing on atheist website talking points.
First, the Canaanites were not just evil in the sense that they held orgies, were Sodomites or worshiped idols of sticks and stones.
They engaged in child sacrifice which made the land stained in the blood of their own children--which God considered their worst sin.
Second, IF God doesn't exist---why does it matter? Jon's bristling at violence is just a matter of Opinion at this given moment. Opinions change....get a time machine and ask the German people their opinion of Hitler back in 1938 and then ask the German people today. Opinions change. At one time in Athens it was o.k. for 50 year old men to have sex with male minors. Today in Athens you would go to jail. Opinions change all the time. Jon's could change tomorrow when he gets up.,,,on the other hand, IF God exists--then He is Absolute, His Word is Absolute.
Why Question it as a Mortal Man?..........
Third, as for the death of Christ---He came and lived the Life that we should Live--and Died the Death that we should Die. Jon
complains about all this suffering in the world (that stems from a carnal heart of sin) but then doesn't think it requires anything Serious to make amends....the Death of Christ illustrates just how serious God takes Sin...precisely because it has led to all this suffering for several thousand years of the human
Q: how does Jon not know this as a "Christian"?
 Q: Where has he been going to Church?
Q: What has his "Christian" lyrics been about of his music he has made a living off of?

The artist came to the conclusion that the Bible can't be trusted because he felt in the end it is "human, flawed and imperfect."
So he held it up to the Mirror of his own imagination and saw the
Reflection he chose to see in it. He decided to sit in Judgment of God...that's fine. God will have His turn to sit in Judgment to.
Like Jon acknowledged, someone named Christ died in all this.
Sounds pretty serious from the perspective of God.

While he feels some loss in walking away from the faith, he also feels freedom. He admitted that he and his wife didn't enjoy going to church, reading the Bible, praying or worshipping. "It all felt like obligation." He realizes it was because they simply didn't believe."
First, there it is. Freedom---Freedom from what?...
...the so-called restraints of God in his life.
Second, "his wife"?..did she have anything to do with encouraging his slide?.....He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Mark 10:7...the same is applicable to wife......................................................

Creation Moment 5/28/2020 - The 1% Claim Shattered

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
Genesis 1:26

"Recently, Business Insider repeated another Darwin myth in bold letters, saying, “Our DNA is 99.9% the same as the person next to us — and we’re surprisingly similar to a lot of other living things.” The article begins with a photo of primate scientist Jane Goodall kissing a chimpanzee. It goes on to push Darwinism with a list of similarities, using animated illustrations and bold print:
  • The genetic similarity between a human and a human is 99.9%
  • The genetic similarity between a human and a chimpanzee is 96%
  • The genetic similarity between a human and a cat is 90%
  • The genetic similarity between a human and a mouse is 85%
  • The genetic similarity between a human and a cow is 80%
  • The genetic similarity between a human and a fruit fly is 61%
  • The genetic similarity between a human and a chicken is 60%
  • The genetic similarity between a human and a banana is 60%
This is a blatant attempt to promote an assumed evolutionary progression from our closest to our most distant evolutionary relatives.
---On examination, is it not the absurd to conclude that we are as evolutionary distant from a chicken as from a banana?
---And yet, when one reads the fine print, the article admits problems such as the mice-to-humans 85%-similar comparison is for protein-encoding genes only.

For non-protein coding genes, the number is only about 50%. This qualification was not noted, but should have been, for the human-to-chimp comparison which was highlighted. Readers seeing the bold headline and scanning the list will probably miss that important fact.

The 1% Claim Shattered
This claim has long been shattered by research. An article in the American’s leading science magazine Science proclaimed “Relative Differences: The Myth of 1%.”
The article was not published this year, after the books and articles repeated the myth, but in 2007, thirteen years ago! The author explained the one percent claim was known to be problematic from the beginning of its life:
When King and the rest of the researchers in the Chimpanzee Sequencing and Analysis Consortium first
detailed the genome of our closest relative in 2005, they simultaneously provided … the most dramatic evidence of its limitations. The consortium researchers aligned 2.4 billion bases from each species and came up with a 1.23% difference. However, as the chimpanzee consortium noted, the figure reflects only base substitutions, not the many stretches of DNA that have been inserted or deleted in the genomes. The chimp consortium [only] calculated … these “indels.”
Further research revealed many more differences: “the December 2006 issue of PLoS ONE, Hahn and co-workers reported that human and chimpanzee gene copy numbers differ by a whopping 6.4%.”
Then it was systematically determined “by applying systems biology to quantifying and analyzing genetic differences between human and chimpanzee brains. … [Working with] UCLA biostatistician Steve Horvath, Geschwind compared which of 4000 genes were turned on at the same time, or “coexpressed,” in specific regions of the dissected brains. With these data, they built gene networks for each species.” They concluded that “A gene’s position in a network has huge implications [rendering the percent similarity very limited].”
Genes that are coexpressed most frequently with other genes were found to have the most functional relevance.
Then it was revealed in a 2006 article that “Comparisons of the map of each cluster’s network in each species plainly showed that certain connections exist in humans but not chimps. In the cortex, for example, 17.4% of the connections were specific to humans.”

......quote the 2007 article which correctly asked:
Could researchers combine all of what’s known and come up with a precise percentage difference between humans and chimpanzees? “I don’t think there’s any way to calculate a number,” says geneticist Svante Pääbo, a chimp consortium member based at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany. “In the end, it’s a political and social and cultural thing about how we see our differences.
This was well put and should have been listened to thirteen years ago. Svante Pääbo is correct:  “In the end, it’s a political and social and cultural thing about how we see our differences.” The one percent claim is not science, but a gross distortion of science for political purposes. As a result the article added “today we take as a given that the two species are genetically 99% the same.”  They added, “the 1% truism should be retired.” For the last thirteen years, Darwinists have ignored this sage advice.

Here’s another fallacy: one cannot glean meaningful comparisons between the common occurrence of DNA sequences existing only in humans, but not in chimps.
Thus, the comparisons made are largely within the genic regions DNA, such as those that code for blood cell proteins like
hemoglobin. One would expect they would have very similar genes because, for hemoglobin to function, the protein must be a very specific shape. Consequently, a good deal of sequence similarity exists between species that need the same functional similarity. But non-coding regions—which are just as important—show more variations, thus skewing the claimed similarities.

*Another thing to beware of is that protein-coding genes can produce many different individual messenger RNA variants due to alternative splicing. For example, over a million protein varieties can be made from only 30,000 or fewer genes, which is close to the number of genes estimated to exist in humans. Many of these variants are produced through epigenetic mechanisms.
So in spite of their similarities, human genes and chimpanzee genes can produce major differences in proteins.
The epigenetic differences between humans and chimps is likely far greater than gene differences. These few points illustrate the fact that a chasm exists between human and chimp genotypes, which helps to explain the chasm existing between humans and chimp phenotypes."
CEH/Jerry Bergman, PhD

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Principalities of Darkness SERIES: "Prince of Persia"

The opponent of God, known in Daniel as the "Prince of
Persia" (this world) interferes from behind the veil of the seen & unseen, to try & thwart God's plans--and sometimes has momentary success...

Therefore I was left alone, and saw this great vision....
And he said unto me, O Daniel, a man greatly beloved,
understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright
But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days:
but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me;
and I remained there with the kings of Persia.
Then said he, Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee?
and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia...
Daniel 10:8,11,13,20


Seems the GREEN RELIGION also has it's own Dietary Laws - Eating Bugs....
I have seen the foolish taking root... Job 5:3

"The European Commission announced the Farm to Fork (F2F) Strategy, touting it as a “fair, healthy and environmentally-
friendly” program that will focus on “increasing the availability and source of alternative proteins such as ......insect-based proteins and meat substitutes.”
EU centric news site EURACTIV, noted that the policy is calling for eating bugs, and spoke to Constantin Muraru from the international platform of insects for food and feed (IPIFF), an EU non-profit organisation which represents the interests of the insect production sector.
Muraru lauded the idea of both humans and animals eating more bugs, saying that there is “enormous potential.”
The EU continues to push the idea of eating bugs, with its Food Safety Authority having approved the sale of bugs as “novel food” earlier this year, meaning that they are likely to be mass produced for human consumption throughout the continent by the end of the year.
These have a good chance of being given the green light in the coming few weeks,” the secretary-general of the International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed, Christophe Derrien, told The Guardian."

Papal Notes - Covid-19 Laying Groundwork?

"On Thursday, May 14, 2020 in Lima, Peru, the nation’s leading religious leaders responded to Pope Francis’ call and met in the Plaza Mayor.

The Plaza Mayor is the political and religious heart of Peru and is surrounded by the Government Palace, the Catholic Cathedral, the Municipal Palace and the Archbishop’s Palace.
Pope Francis invited all the world’s religions to join together in a large ecumenical gathering to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The list of participating churches was published by three news sources that offered different accounts of the ecumenical meeting. The first was the Vatican in Rome, the second was the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Lima and the third was an independent Christian media outlet. The three news sources published the names of the attendees:
  • Amazon Spirituality – Apu Richard Rubio
  • Hindu Spirituality – Nonie Reaño
  • Baháʼí Faith – David Cerpa
  • Islamic Community – Shej Ahmed Kassen
  • Jewish Community – Rabbi Guillermo Bronstein
  • Latter-day Saints – Elder Guillermo Estrugo
  • Seventh-day Adventist Church – Edgardo Muguerza
  • Union of Evangelical Churches of Peru – Cristian Sheelje
  • National Evangelical Council of Peru – Eduardo Concha
  • Roman Catholic Church – Archbishop of Lima Carlos Castillo

The Pope’s interfaith meeting on May 14, 2020 in Lima, Peru was more than just praying for the COVID-19 pandemic.
This gathering was designed to eliminate centuries-old divisions between Protestants, Catholics, Jews, Muslims and Pagans. In addition to calls for unity and reconciliation, they were promoting pantheism.
There was also a call to respect “Mother Earth” and the ecosystems of our planet.

An Amazonian Shaman (guide to the spirit world) participated in this event during a moment of silence for those who died from the coronavirus. The Shaman blew his ceremonial instrument as an offering on behalf of the dead! He blew it 4 times in the 4 directions of Mother Earth: north, south, east and west. This is divination and communication with the spirits. The Vatican also stated:

The Interreligious Prayer of this Thursday, May 14, had a
moment of silence in memory of all those who died in Peru by the COVID-19, while listening to the sound of pututu, an Andean wind instrument. Images of the solidarity actions of religious communities were also projected.”
Pope Francis is exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic by uniting the different faiths during this crisis."
And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together (unity) to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.Revelation 9:19