For the Church of Sardis, AGE OF THE REFORMATION Heralded the way of the Outer Court, as the Truth of JUSTIFICATION by Faith was discovered and the fires of it lit, led by Martin Luther.

law or merit. Therefore, it is clear and certain
that this faith alone justifies us."
Martin Luther, "The Smalcald Articles" in Concordia
For the Church of Philadelphia, AGE OF REVIVALISM, prepared the way for the Inner Court, as the Truth of SANCTIFICATION that leads to Obedience was discovered and the fires of it lit, led by John Wesley and his Methodist movement.
sanctification] is the grand depositum which God has lodged with the
people called Methodists; and for the sake of propagating this chiefly
God appeared to have raised us up.”
Letter to Robert Carr Brackenbury, September 15th, 1790
These two opened the way for the 7th Church, Laodicea, to then put the focus on and meaning of the the Most Holy Place,
the Judgment.
for the hour of His judgment is come:
Revelation 14:7