Hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son, whom He hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also He made the worlds; Hebrews 1:2
"One of Jupiter’s most important jobs is to act as a cosmic shield. Because of its massive size and strong gravity, Jupiter can pull in or deflect many asteroids and comets that might otherwise collide with Earth. Imagine Jupiter as a giant vacuum cleaner sucking up debris that could cause catastrophic effects on our planet. Without Jupiter, the frequency and magnitude of impacts on Earth would be much higher, potentially making our planet a much more hazardous place to live.
Jupiter also plays a crucial role in influencing the asteroid belt located between Mars and Jupiter. This region contains numerous rocky bodies that could potentially be a danger to Earth. Jupiter's strong gravitational field helps to keep many of these asteroids in their place, preventing them from drifting into the inner solar system where they could pose a threat to Earth. By maintaining the stability of the asteroid belt, Jupiter reduces the chances of large asteroid impacts that could be devastating to life on our planet.
Jupiter’s gravity doesn’t just protect us from space debris; it also helps keep the solar system stable. The giant planet’s gravitational pull affects the orbits of other planets, including Earth’s. This gravitational influence helps maintain the relatively stable orbits that we observe, which is essential for a stable climate on our planet. Accordingly, a stable climate means Earth can support diverse ecosystems and, thus, life.
From protecting us from dangerous space debris to helping maintain stable orbits, Jupiter’s influence is essential for life on our planet." ICR