Come out of her, My people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4
There seems to be " Glitter Ash" thrown around on the Streets of Babylon....
"Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago in Chicago, Illinois, is one of the main seminaries of the decrepit and apostate Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
Yesterday, the seminary held a Glitter + Ash worship service, linking to a primer on Queer Virtue, which states: "Glitter is an inextricable element of queer history. It is how we have always displayed our gritty, scandalous hope. We make ourselves fabulously conspicuous, giving offense to the arbiters of respectability that allow coercive power to flourish.
Glitter+Ash is an inherently queer sign of Christian belief, blending symbols of mortality and hope, of penance and celebration." Protestia
Revelation 14:8/18:4
There seems to be " Glitter Ash" thrown around on the Streets of Babylon....
"Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago in Chicago, Illinois, is one of the main seminaries of the decrepit and apostate Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
Yesterday, the seminary held a Glitter + Ash worship service, linking to a primer on Queer Virtue, which states: "Glitter is an inextricable element of queer history. It is how we have always displayed our gritty, scandalous hope. We make ourselves fabulously conspicuous, giving offense to the arbiters of respectability that allow coercive power to flourish.
Glitter+Ash is an inherently queer sign of Christian belief, blending symbols of mortality and hope, of penance and celebration." Protestia