In giving the list of signs of the end near, our Savior says: Matthew 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
The apostle Paul, in his list of characteristics of the last days, speaks of: 2 Timothy 3:4,5…lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.
Martin Luther, just before his death, writing on the prophetic periods of Daniel, in his German Bible, says: "About the consummation of these periods, this gospel will be shut out of all the churches and confined to private houses."
Martin Luther, just before his death, writing on the prophetic periods of Daniel, in his German Bible, says: "About the consummation of these periods, this gospel will be shut out of all the churches and confined to private houses."
When one of Martin Luther’s guests remarked that the world might continue fifty years, he replied: "Pray God it may not exist so long; matters would be even worse than they have been. There would rise up infinite sects and schisms, which are at present hidden in men’s hearts not mature. No; may the Lord come at once, for there is no amendment to be expected."
Matthew Henry, on Luke 18:8, remarks: "Now when He comes will He find faith on the earth? The question implies a strong negative; no, He shall not; He himself fore sees it. In general He will find but few good people, few that are really and truly good; many that have the form and fashion of godliness, but few that have faith."
Mr. Harthy, a learned and sensible churchman, has remarked as follows: "There are many prophecies which declare the fall of the ecclesi astical powers of the Christian world; and though each church seems to flatter itself with the hope of being exempted, yet it is very plain that the prophetical characters belong to all. They all have left the true, pure, simple religion, and teach for doctrines the commandments of men."
Matthew Henry, on Luke 18:8, remarks: "Now when He comes will He find faith on the earth? The question implies a strong negative; no, He shall not; He himself fore sees it. In general He will find but few good people, few that are really and truly good; many that have the form and fashion of godliness, but few that have faith."
Mr. Harthy, a learned and sensible churchman, has remarked as follows: "There are many prophecies which declare the fall of the ecclesi astical powers of the Christian world; and though each church seems to flatter itself with the hope of being exempted, yet it is very plain that the prophetical characters belong to all. They all have left the true, pure, simple religion, and teach for doctrines the commandments of men."
M.E. Cornell