Thank You for making me so wonderfully complex!
Psalm 139:14 NLT
"Information is closely associated with life, both in an organism’s internal processes and also in how organisms communicate..... such as how information is stored, searched for, and processed in brains; how information is stored and represented in biological cells; and how novel information can be generated from artificial intelligence systems.
Cells are the core unit of living organisms. Thousands of protein complexes have been identified, used in cellular processes such as gene expression, manufacture and recycling of biochemicals, assembly of molecular machines, cell differentiation, embryology, etc. Guidance to ensure the correct outcomes is often referred to as information.
Information is used to communicate instructions or understanding between a sender and receiver. This requires the use of a jointly pre-agreed-upon code. Codes are composed of an alphabet of symbols that are abstract, in the sense that they need bear no relationship to the message being conveyed. And a message is composed of a sequence of these symbols.
After examining countless cellular processes, an important observation pointing to the existence of information is that virtually everything is regulated.
A key principle is that hundreds of cellular programs are rerun repeatedly, relying on processing logic encoded in DNA, RNA, proteins, lipids, and sugars.
Each program relies on distinct coding languages. This is reminiscent of human-designed computer programs that can be reused many times." AIG