In self-surrender, the only thing that can be employed is love.
In self-preservation, by self-defense, through the employment of force, force meets force, and this means only war.
In self-sacrifice, by self-surrender, thru love, force is met by love, and this means only peace.
Self-preservation, then, means only war;
while self-sacrifice means only peace.
But war means only death.
Self-preservation, then, meaning only war, means only death; while self-sacrifice, meaning only peace, means only life.
Self-preservation being the first law of nature, nature then means only death; while self-sacrifice being the first law of grace, grace means only life.
But death only is the wages of sin; nature, then, meaning only death, it is so only because nature means sin; while life, being only the reward of righteousness; grace, meaning only life, it is so only because grace means righteousness.
Sin and righteousness, nature and grace, are directly opposite and antagonistic elements."
A.T. Jones