And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth His hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, I will; be thou clean. And as soon as He had spoken, immediately the leprosy departed from him, and he was cleansed. Mark 1:40-42
"Beloved, we saw in the reading, that our Lord had been engaged in special prayer.
"Beloved, we saw in the reading, that our Lord had been engaged in special prayer.
He had gone alone on the mountain-side to have communion with God.
Simon and the rest search for Him, and He comes away in the earlymorning with the burrs from the hill-side upon His garments, the smell of the field upon Him, even of a field that the Lord God had blessed; He comes forth among the people, charged with power which He had received in communion with the Father; and now we may expect to see wonders.
And we do see them; for devils fear and fly when He speaks the word; and by-and-by, there comes to Him one, an extraordinary being, condemned to live apart from the rest of men, lest he should spread defilement all around. A leper comes to Him, and kneels before Him, and expresses his confident faith in Him, that he can make him whole. Now is the Son of Man glorious in His power to save.
The Lord Jesus Christ at this day has all power in heaven and in earth. He is charged with a divine energy to bless all who come to Him for healing.
The Lord Jesus Christ at this day has all power in heaven and in earth. He is charged with a divine energy to bless all who come to Him for healing.
Oh, that we may see today some great wonder of His power and grace! Oh, for one of the days of the Son of Man here and now!
---But yonder are the men we seek for.
---But yonder are the men we seek for.
Forlorn, and lost,
full of evil,
and self-condemned,
you are the characters we seek.
You that feel as if you were possessed with evil spirits, and you that are leprous with sin, you are the persons in whom Jesus will find ample room and verge enough for the display of His holy skill." Charles Spurgeon