"God's wounds cure — sin's kisses kill!"by (William Gurnall) 1616-1679
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.---But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed.
Romans 6:23/Isaiah 53:5
And the Spirit & the bride say, come.... Reveaaltion 22:17

And the Spirit & the bride say, come...Revelation 22:17 - May We One Day Bow Down In The DUST At HIS FEET ...... {click on blog TITLE at top to refresh page}---QUESTION: ...when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? LUKE 18:8
Monday, October 30, 2023
Catholics Admit Halloween is Catholic Holiday
Abstain from all appearance of evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:22
"Is the holiday known as “Halloween” Catholic?
The first happy hint is in the word “holiday.” Holiday comes fromthe word “Holy Day”—that is, from the holy celebrations and feasts of the Church.
Yes, Halloween is Catholic.
As noted above, however, it is the “true and original substance” of Halloween that is Catholic.
The violence, gore, sensuality, occultism, and demonic aspects now associated with Halloween are not, in fact, true to its origins.
Christians and non-Christians now fail to realize that Halloween is a hijacked holy day. Both are convinced it has pagan origins.The result is that Catholics react in one of three ways. They either
The exact origins of [All Saints Day is] uncertain, although, after thelegalization of Christianity in 313, a common commemoration of Saints, especially the martyrs, appeared in various areas throughout the Church…
The primary reason for establishing a common feast day was because of the desire to honor the great number of martyrs, especially during the persecution of Emperor Diocletian (284-305), the worst and most extensive of the persecutions." GoodCatholic.com
"Is the holiday known as “Halloween” Catholic?
The first happy hint is in the word “holiday.” Holiday comes fromthe word “Holy Day”—that is, from the holy celebrations and feasts of the Church.
Yes, Halloween is Catholic.
As noted above, however, it is the “true and original substance” of Halloween that is Catholic.
The violence, gore, sensuality, occultism, and demonic aspects now associated with Halloween are not, in fact, true to its origins.
Christians and non-Christians now fail to realize that Halloween is a hijacked holy day. Both are convinced it has pagan origins.The result is that Catholics react in one of three ways. They either
1) go with the flow, celebrating Halloween in a secular way and not giving the holiday much thought or
2) insist that Halloween should not be celebrated at all or
3) insist that Halloween needs to be “baptized” and turned into a harmless holiday. The word “Halloween”—or “Hallowe’en”—comes from All Hallow’s Eve.
All Hallows Eve is the vigil celebration of All Saints Day—also known as All Hallows Day.
The word “hallow” means “holy.”
All Saints Day is a Holy Day of Obligation, and a major feast on the Church’s liturgical calendar.
All Saints Day honors not only the saints in heaven whom we know by name, but also the countless saints in heaven whose names are unknown to us.
All Hallows Eve is the vigil celebration of All Saints Day—also known as All Hallows Day.
The word “hallow” means “holy.”
All Saints Day is a Holy Day of Obligation, and a major feast on the Church’s liturgical calendar.
All Saints Day honors not only the saints in heaven whom we know by name, but also the countless saints in heaven whose names are unknown to us.
The exact origins of [All Saints Day is] uncertain, although, after thelegalization of Christianity in 313, a common commemoration of Saints, especially the martyrs, appeared in various areas throughout the Church…
The primary reason for establishing a common feast day was because of the desire to honor the great number of martyrs, especially during the persecution of Emperor Diocletian (284-305), the worst and most extensive of the persecutions." GoodCatholic.com
Forgotten 200 year Bitter Dispute of the Reformation
"There are many great doctrinal debates in the Reformation.
Perhaps the greatest one is what on earth Jesus meant when, at the Last Supper, he said, ‘This is My body,’ and then exhorted his disciples to ‘Do this in remembrance of Me’ (Luke 22:19).
It’s been semi-jokingly said that the Reformation is a bitter, 200-year-long dispute about the exact meaning of each of those four words: this, is, my, and body." PeterMarshall
Luther on a Component of a Christian
Be careful for nothing;
--but in every thing by prayer and supplication
--with thanksgiving
--let your requests be made known unto God.
Philppians 4:6
Philppians 4:6
"To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive
without breathing." Martin Luther
without breathing." Martin Luther
Calvin on Obedience
He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool:
Preverbs 28:26
Preverbs 28:26
"The surest source of destruction to men is to obey themselves."
Zwingli on Works
Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
James 2:17,18/Matthew 5:6
James 2:17,18/Matthew 5:6
"Christ is our justification, from which follows that our good works, if they are of Christ, are good; but if ours, they are neither right nor good." Zwingli
Tyndale on the Mother Tongues
Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language. Acts 2:6
"I perceived how it was impossible to establish the lay people in any truth, except that the Scripture was plainly laid before their eyes in their mother tongue." William Tyndale
"I perceived how it was impossible to establish the lay people in any truth, except that the Scripture was plainly laid before their eyes in their mother tongue." William Tyndale
Creation Moment 10/31/2023 - Slapping a "Made in Darwin's Image" sticker on the Cosmos
But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise;
1 Corinthians 1:27
"Scientists and philosophers have unveiled what they are referring to as a “missing law of nature.” The new law claims to describe the behaviors of complex systems across the universe, addressing a gap in the established physical laws.
Physical laws like gravity and thermodynamics are well-known, yet they have not been able to comprehensively explain the behavior of complex systems in the universe.It articulates that these systems naturallyevolve to states of increased diversity and complexity, marking a significant stride in our comprehension of natural processes and systems.
The Carnegie Institution for Science affirms that complex natural systems, whether living or nonliving, are formed from different components like atoms and molecules.
Their work builds upon Charles Darwin’s theory ....The newly introduced law, termed “the Law of Increasing Functional Information,” postulates that systemsevolve when diverse configurations undergo selection for one or more functions.
The team identified three distinct types of ‘selection for function’ in nature: stability, dynamic systems nurtured by ongoing energy supplies, and novelty.....stresses that the theory of selection for function isn’t restricted to biological systems but is applicable to stars, atoms, and minerals. Each is subject to selective pressures, leading to the evolution of myriad configurations across the natural world.
The introduction of this law opens doors to a deeper comprehension of the universe’s existence and the distinct characteristics of life compared to other complexevolving systems." Tipopedia
"Scientists and philosophers have unveiled what they are referring to as a “missing law of nature.” The new law claims to describe the behaviors of complex systems across the universe, addressing a gap in the established physical laws.
Physical laws like gravity and thermodynamics are well-known, yet they have not been able to comprehensively explain the behavior of complex systems in the universe.It articulates that these systems naturally
The Carnegie Institution for Science affirms that complex natural systems, whether living or nonliving, are formed from different components like atoms and molecules.
Their work builds upon Charles Darwin’s theory ....The newly introduced law, termed “the Law of Increasing Functional Information,” postulates that systems
The team identified three distinct types of ‘selection for function’ in nature: stability, dynamic systems nurtured by ongoing energy supplies, and novelty.....stresses that the theory of selection for function isn’t restricted to biological systems but is applicable to stars, atoms, and minerals. Each is subject to selective pressures, leading to the evolution of myriad configurations across the natural world.
The introduction of this law opens doors to a deeper comprehension of the universe’s existence and the distinct characteristics of life compared to other complex
SO since they can't explain the diversity they see across the cosmos---they decide it's Darwinian evolution that they should apply to space
too.....basically life--and the cosmos--has too much complexity and diversity for them so they give up and slap a "Made in Darwin's Image" sticker on it.
too.....basically life--and the cosmos--has too much complexity and diversity for them so they give up and slap a "Made in Darwin's Image" sticker on it.
1) Nature is clearly DESIGNED by hence, a DESIGNER
2) Some of life has built in VARIATION within a kind--preprogrammed data for some variation--like different shapes, sizes and colors of plants, animals and humans.
Sunday, October 29, 2023
4 Vesta & the Flood
Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? Job 38:33
"Naturalistic planetary scientists assert that achondritic (i.e. basaltic) meteorites found on Earth were derived from the third largest asteroid in the asteroid belt—4 Vesta.
"Naturalistic planetary scientists assert that achondritic (i.e. basaltic) meteorites found on Earth were derived from the third largest asteroid in the asteroid belt—4 Vesta.
However, two new studies of several purported 4 Vesta meteorites suggest that they were derived from Vesta-like bodies in the inner asteroid belt. The asteroid belt continues to eject materials, some with Earth-crossing orbits, and it remains the most logical source for materials that impacted Earth with the onset of the Flood.....beginning with the onset of the Flood and diminishing thereafter, was derived from the asteroid belt (as evidenced by Kirkwood Gaps and ongoing meteor falls), located between Mars and Jupiter.
Two recent articles provide additional evidence for this proposal, suggesting that the asteroid belt may be ejecting basaltic objects into Earth-crossing orbits from areas previously unidentified.
Naturalistic planetary scientists have long recognized that achondritic meteorites are derived from the third largest asteroid in the asteroidbelt—4 Vesta.....Over time, it has been impacted by other objects in the asteroid belt creating smaller achondritic asteroids, some of which have Earth-crossing orbits. Meteorites derived from 4 Vesta are identified as howardites, eucrites, and diogenites (HEDs).
A recent fireball recorded on July 20, 2007, resulted in the discovery of the Bunburra Rockhole meteorite—a brecciated eucrite. An analysis of this meteorite revealed that it has an unusual oxygen isotope composition—different from other meteorites believed to have been derived from 4 Vesta. This was not the first basaltic meteorite to have this unique variation as six others collected around the world have a similar oxygen isotope composition.
It is important to note that meteorites that strike Earth today are derived from fragments from individual asteroids as well as from materials ejected from the asteroid belt. This new discovery of anomalous basaltic meteorites derived from the innermost main asteroid belt adds support to the idea that this region was the source for the materials that impacted Earth with the advent of the Flood." CMI
Naturalistic planetary scientists have long recognized that achondritic meteorites are derived from the third largest asteroid in the asteroidbelt—4 Vesta.....Over time, it has been impacted by other objects in the asteroid belt creating smaller achondritic asteroids, some of which have Earth-crossing orbits. Meteorites derived from 4 Vesta are identified as howardites, eucrites, and diogenites (HEDs).
A recent fireball recorded on July 20, 2007, resulted in the discovery of the Bunburra Rockhole meteorite—a brecciated eucrite. An analysis of this meteorite revealed that it has an unusual oxygen isotope composition—different from other meteorites believed to have been derived from 4 Vesta. This was not the first basaltic meteorite to have this unique variation as six others collected around the world have a similar oxygen isotope composition.
It is important to note that meteorites that strike Earth today are derived from fragments from individual asteroids as well as from materials ejected from the asteroid belt. This new discovery of anomalous basaltic meteorites derived from the innermost main asteroid belt adds support to the idea that this region was the source for the materials that impacted Earth with the advent of the Flood." CMI
Creation Moment 10/30/2023 - uh oh Big Bangers.....
And though I .... understand all mysteries, and all knowledge...and have not love, I am nothing.
1 Corinthians 13:2
"According to a new study published in Physical Review Letter, such is the case in a baffling finding from researchers that suggests something is hampering our universe's growth. How the threads are pulled apart from here could undermine and unravel how we as humans understand the laws of physics.
Scientists have found that expanding gas and dark matter structures are being slowed, hampering universe growth.
Known as the cosmic web, the area that the scientists are studying is a massive piece of ever-sprawling structures formed by gas and dark matter that are connected to one another at intersectional points dubbed nodes.
1 Corinthians 13:2
Q: Could it be that the Universe expands and contracts---sort of like breathing? Maybe we just haven't had the technology long enough to pick this up the last time it happened. (just a thought)
Q: So how does this new info bode for those who preach and teach Big Bang nonsense by using expansion as evidence?
Scientists have found that expanding gas and dark matter structures are being slowed, hampering universe growth.
Known as the cosmic web, the area that the scientists are studying is a massive piece of ever-sprawling structures formed by gas and dark matter that are connected to one another at intersectional points dubbed nodes.
The new study suggests that this web is advancing at a much slower pace than originally suggested, meaning that, in turn, the universe's growth is also affected.
This knowledge will better help those researching the sigma-8 tension phenomenon, which is a term scientists use to explain how matter is distributed throughout the universe.......their goal was to learn more about the "history of the cosmic background expansion" rather than what has been happening for it in recent years.
But, the universe had other plans, with the research team soon stumbling upon a fantastic finding that others looking into similar mysteries had previously missed." MS
Saturday, October 28, 2023
IN the NEWS - Man's universal pause button vs. God's universal pause button
God's universal pause button: 7th Day
And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.....But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work...For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.Genesis 2:3/Exodus 20:10.11
Man's universal pause button: 1st Day
"Parade is a media and entertainment company that develops news stories and online content across several digital and video platforms. On October 21, 2023, Parade published an article in which Sunday
was promoted as the “universal” pause button, or day of rest for individuals to relax, unwind, and recharge. The article stated:
“What’s important is that your Sunday reset revitalizes your mind, body and spirit—leaving you feeling restored as you head into the new week.”
“Sundays are a designated day for resting, recovering and resetting for the new week ahead. Out of all of the days in the week, Sundays serve as a universal pause button, giving us the chance to slow down and set the tone for the week. The best part about a Sunday reset routine is that it is the antithesis of hustle and bustle—the perfect end-of-week schedule encourages slowness and self-care.”
Unfortunately, Sunday rest—as this article explains—has historically been connected to religious observances, especially in Christianity, where Sunday is mistakenly observed as a day of worship and rest.
was promoted as the “universal” pause button, or day of rest for individuals to relax, unwind, and recharge. The article stated:
“What’s important is that your Sunday reset revitalizes your mind, body and spirit—leaving you feeling restored as you head into the new week.”
“Sundays are a designated day for resting, recovering and resetting for the new week ahead. Out of all of the days in the week, Sundays serve as a universal pause button, giving us the chance to slow down and set the tone for the week. The best part about a Sunday reset routine is that it is the antithesis of hustle and bustle—the perfect end-of-week schedule encourages slowness and self-care.”
Unfortunately, Sunday rest—as this article explains—has historically been connected to religious observances, especially in Christianity, where Sunday is mistakenly observed as a day of worship and rest.
*In contrast to the true Biblical Sabbath, which is observed from Friday evening to Saturday evening, Christians in the Third Century chose Sunday as the day of worship and rest, signifying the fulfillment of Daniel 7:25, when apostate Christianity would attempt to change God’s law.
The concept of a day of rest, typically referred to as the Sabbath orthe seventh day (Saturday), is rooted in the Biblical account of God resting on the seventh day after creating the world, as described in the Book of Genesis 2:1–3, Exodus 20:8–11, and Hebrews 4:4. Saturday is the true day of rest for people to recharge and take a break from their regular work and daily responsibilities, contributing to their spiritual, physical, and mental well-being.
We are witnessing how the secular media, instead of reporting news, is choosing to spread false religious propaganda in order to become the spokesperson for the beast and its image. Both the secular and religious worlds are pushing the same message: that Sunday is the universal day of rest for all people." AdventMessenger
The concept of a day of rest, typically referred to as the Sabbath orthe seventh day (Saturday), is rooted in the Biblical account of God resting on the seventh day after creating the world, as described in the Book of Genesis 2:1–3, Exodus 20:8–11, and Hebrews 4:4. Saturday is the true day of rest for people to recharge and take a break from their regular work and daily responsibilities, contributing to their spiritual, physical, and mental well-being.
We are witnessing how the secular media, instead of reporting news, is choosing to spread false religious propaganda in order to become the spokesperson for the beast and its image. Both the secular and religious worlds are pushing the same message: that Sunday is the universal day of rest for all people." AdventMessenger
Creation Moment 10/29/2023 - Mercury's Evidence fits a Recent Creation
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God.... Hebrews 11:3
"In fact, it is because of this presumed rapid heat loss thatmainstream scientists were surprised when data from the Mariner 10 spacecraft revealed that Mercury still has a magnetic field.
"In fact, it is because of this presumed rapid heat loss thatmainstream scientists were surprised when data from the Mariner 10 spacecraft revealed that Mercury still has a magnetic field.
This is because ‘planetary dynamo’ theories attempting to explain how a planet can maintain a magnetic field over eons of time require a molten liquid core within the planet.
But because of Mercury’s small size, Mercury’s core should have cooled off long ago, making it impossible for such dynamo behavior to continue.
The survival of Mercury’s magnetic field and ongoing contraction are much easier to explain if Mercury was created recently.
The survival of Mercury’s magnetic field and ongoing contraction are much easier to explain if Mercury was created recently.
Indeed, indications of relative youth are abundant throughout our solar system.
This should not be surprising since Scripture affirms that the Lord Jesus Christ created the entire universe recently, just 6,000 years ago." ICR
Friday, October 27, 2023
The Assault on the Image of God
"People are created in the image of God.
People who hate God can’t attack him directly, so they do the closest thing they can—they attack the image of God in humans.....as soon as gay “marriage” was passed, the LGBT lobby began pushing transgender issues into public center stage.
Suddenly, who could use which bathroom, or who could play on which sports teams, or who could win “woman of the year” were open questions!
In the letter to the Ephesians, Paul wrote,
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret. Ephesians 5:11–12." AIG
In the letter to the Ephesians, Paul wrote,
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret. Ephesians 5:11–12." AIG
Creation Moment 10/28/2023 - Internal Context
Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things... Isaiah 40:26
"The internal context for the Creation account is comprised of
2) sequence, that is, there were enumerated created items on each of the days; and
3) duration, that is, the whole Creation event took a specified time—six days.
In like manner the global Flood may be also analyzed from within by the very same terms of
1) chronology, the age of Noah at the beginning of the Flood,
2) sequence, the waters rise, prevail, subside, etc., and
3) duration, given by the age of Noah at the end of the Flood." CMI
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Lessons from the Rivers
All the rivers run into the sea;
yet the sea is not full;
unto the place from whence the rivers come,
thither they return again.
Ecclesiastes 1:7L
"Everything sublunary is on the move,
time knows nothing of rest.
The solid earth is a rolling ball,
and the great sun himself a star obediently fulfilling its course around some greater luminary.
Tides move the sea,
winds stir the airy ocean,
friction wears the rock:
change and death rule everywhere.
Men are born but to die:
everything is hurry, worry, and vexation of spirit.
*Friend of the unchanging Jesus, what a joy it is to reflect upon thy changeless heritage; thy sea of bliss which will be for ever full, since God Himself shall pour eternal rivers of pleasure into it.
*Friend of the unchanging Jesus, what a joy it is to reflect upon thy changeless heritage; thy sea of bliss which will be for ever full, since God Himself shall pour eternal rivers of pleasure into it.
*We seek an abiding city beyond the skies, and we shall not be disappointed. The passage before us may well teach us gratitude. Father Ocean is a great receiver, but he is a generous distributor. What the rivers bring him he returns to the earth in the form of clouds and rain.
That man is out of joint with the universe who takes all but makes no return."
That man is out of joint with the universe who takes all but makes no return."
Charles Spurgeon
Creation Moment 10/27/2023 - The Mathematician
So where does this leave the philosophers, the scholars, and the world’s brilliant debaters? God has made the wisdom of this world look foolish. 1 Corinthians 1:20 NLT
"The interpretation of a physical theory partakes of a dark art, one inwhich mathematical concepts are ceded dominion over the physical world. In practicing this art, the mathematician, like the necromancer that he is, is always liable to the temptation of confusing the structures over which he presides with things in the real world."
David Berlinski, Was There a Big Bang? 1998
"The interpretation of a physical theory partakes of a dark art, one inwhich mathematical concepts are ceded dominion over the physical world. In practicing this art, the mathematician, like the necromancer that he is, is always liable to the temptation of confusing the structures over which he presides with things in the real world."
David Berlinski, Was There a Big Bang? 1998
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
The Flood in Job
"Job’s friend, Eliphaz, said: “Hast thou marked the old way which wicked men have trodden? Which were cut down out of time, whose foundation was overflown with a flood” (Job 22:15,16). Referring to God’s promise after the flood, Job said: “He hath compassed the waters with bounds, until the day and night come to an end” (Job 26:10).
The general atmosphere of the entire book of Job seems to reflect theconditions shortly after the flood.
The general atmosphere of the entire book of Job seems to reflect theconditions shortly after the flood.
Modern skeptics deny that such a flood ever occurred, but it was a real and terrible event to those whose immediate ancestors had gone through it!
Today, its testimony is preserved not only in the Bible
--and ancient traditions,
but also
--in the flood sediments themselves, now seen everywhere as the fossil-bearing rocks of the earth’s crust." HMM
Creation Moment 10/26/2023 - That's NICE
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God....And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. Hebrews 11:3/Genesis 1:16
"Using the Nice model, scientists previously found that the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn regulate the orbits of the small inner planets(Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars), and have prevented them from becoming unstable and falling closer to the Sun.
Secular scientists believe that the structure and evolution of the solar system have been shaped by stellar flybys—the nearby passage of another star.
Secular scientists believe that the structure and evolution of the solar system have been shaped by stellar flybys—the nearby passage of another star.
Yet mathematical modelling by a team of scientists has suggested that one of these flybys could destabilize the whole system, as the perturbation to one outer planet would have a knock-on effect to all others. E.g., if Neptune’s semimajor axis3 were disturbed by only 0.1 %, then the probability of destabilizing the whole system would increase tenfold over 5 billion years (the naturalistic age assigned to the solar system). This is a major problem for naturalistic scenarios." CMI
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
IN the NEWS - Our Goose Stepping Youth to Hamas & LGBT
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Lesson here: the same social media and Education System that tellsyour youth that it's okay to be LGBT and Trans---and then 25% become "gay" and a third claim they are not sure what gender they are...are the same groups that brainwash your children to HATE Jews and Israel.
If you ever wonder how we could raise a generation that would symptomize with EVIL---well here it is... how the world can end up with a holocaust 2.0 against Jews and our youth GOOSE STEP to Hamas....also this same social media gave rise to their atheistic worldview the last 2 decades.....the same social media rise that correlates with the rise of school shootings in America...
"Polling shows that a majority of those aged 18-24 believe that Hamas’s massacre of 1,200 Israeli civilians in Israel was “justified.”
Buy guns, America…In the immortal words of Keanu Reeves: Lots and lots of guns.
This Harvard Caps Harris Poll was taken before the death toll increased to 1,400.
Does anyone have any more questions about how something like the Holocaust could happen?
The poll asked, “Do you think the Hamas killing of 1200 Israeli civilians [in] Israel can be justified by the grievances of Palestinians or is it not justified?” And…
A slim majority of those aged 18-24 said it was “justified.” Only 49 percent said the massacre was “not justified.”
The news is not much better among those aged 25-34. Only a slim majority of 52 percent said the massacre of innocent civilians was unjustified, while 48 percent said it was.
Ages 35 to 44 — 39 percent said justified, while 61 percent said not justified.
Ages 45 to 54 — 23 percent said justified, while 77 percent said not justified.
Ages 55-64 — 11 percent said justified, while 89 percent said not justified.
Age 65 and up — nine percent said justified, while 91 percent said not justified.
In other words… A shocking 51 percent of young people saw what Hamas did — the savages did live-stream it, after all — and living among us in what is supposed to be an enlightened age are millions and millions of young people who believe it is justified to commit mass murder, rape, and corpse desecration against innocent civilians.
Q: Why?
The answer to this question is as frightening as the poll results.
A: These idiots believe Israel is the oppressor and Gaza is the oppressed. That’s not even true. Israel has nothing to do with running Gaza." Breitbart
"Polling shows that a majority of those aged 18-24 believe that Hamas’s massacre of 1,200 Israeli civilians in Israel was “justified.”
Buy guns, America…In the immortal words of Keanu Reeves: Lots and lots of guns.
This Harvard Caps Harris Poll was taken before the death toll increased to 1,400.
Does anyone have any more questions about how something like the Holocaust could happen?
The poll asked, “Do you think the Hamas killing of 1200 Israeli civilians [in] Israel can be justified by the grievances of Palestinians or is it not justified?” And…
A slim majority of those aged 18-24 said it was “justified.” Only 49 percent said the massacre was “not justified.”
The news is not much better among those aged 25-34. Only a slim majority of 52 percent said the massacre of innocent civilians was unjustified, while 48 percent said it was.
Ages 35 to 44 — 39 percent said justified, while 61 percent said not justified.
Ages 45 to 54 — 23 percent said justified, while 77 percent said not justified.
Ages 55-64 — 11 percent said justified, while 89 percent said not justified.
Age 65 and up — nine percent said justified, while 91 percent said not justified.
In other words… A shocking 51 percent of young people saw what Hamas did — the savages did live-stream it, after all — and living among us in what is supposed to be an enlightened age are millions and millions of young people who believe it is justified to commit mass murder, rape, and corpse desecration against innocent civilians.
Q: Why?
The answer to this question is as frightening as the poll results.
A: These idiots believe Israel is the oppressor and Gaza is the oppressed. That’s not even true. Israel has nothing to do with running Gaza." Breitbart
And the flood was forty days upon the earth; and the waters increased, and bare up the ark, and it was lift up above the earth. Genesis 7:17
"The fossil-bearing sedimentary rocks of the earth can be divided into six megasequences, or discrete packages of sediment.
"The fossil-bearing sedimentary rocks of the earth can be divided into six megasequences, or discrete packages of sediment.
Megasequences can be thought of as massive pulses of waves that pushed across the continents during the Flood year.
Each major pulse was followed by a minor withdrawal.
The advance and withdrawal of each megasequence caused erosion at both the top and bottom of the cycle.
Individual megasequences reveal the exact step-by-step progression of the floodwaters.
Individual megasequences reveal the exact step-by-step progression of the floodwaters.
---The rocks on every continent exhibit similar patterns of water-based deposition at about the same time, with even the fossils deposited in a very similar order.
The rock data show only limited flooding of the continents during the earliest three megasequences (Sauk, Tippecanoe, and Kaskaskia). The later three megasequences (Absaroka, Zuni, and Tejas) show much more surface coverage and volume of sediment deposited across each continent, indicating greater flooding. These data support that the Flood was progressive, peaking in the Zuni (exhibiting the most volume and surface extent) and receding in the Tejas.....maximum flood level falls near the end of the Cretaceous. This global high-water level is interpreted as Day 150 in the Flood year.
We interpret the Tejas Megasequence as the rocks of the receding phase of the Flood, with much of this volume deposited along the continental margins. It includes the rocks formerly known as Tertiary (Paleogene and Neogene).
All of the continents exhibit limited amounts of flooding in the early Flood stages and then show progressively more and more deposition. The waters peak at nearly the same time and finally recede simultaneously.
There is no other reasonable way to explain these data.
The rock data show only limited flooding of the continents during the earliest three megasequences (Sauk, Tippecanoe, and Kaskaskia). The later three megasequences (Absaroka, Zuni, and Tejas) show much more surface coverage and volume of sediment deposited across each continent, indicating greater flooding. These data support that the Flood was progressive, peaking in the Zuni (exhibiting the most volume and surface extent) and receding in the Tejas.....maximum flood level falls near the end of the Cretaceous. This global high-water level is interpreted as Day 150 in the Flood year.
We interpret the Tejas Megasequence as the rocks of the receding phase of the Flood, with much of this volume deposited along the continental margins. It includes the rocks formerly known as Tertiary (Paleogene and Neogene).
The consistency of the rock data across five continents confirms God’s Word.
All of the continents exhibit limited amounts of flooding in the early Flood stages and then show progressively more and more deposition. The waters peak at nearly the same time and finally recede simultaneously.
There is no other reasonable way to explain these data.
Simultaneous sedimentary patterns across five continents are strong evidence of the global Flood recorded in Genesis."
Creation Moment 10/25/2023 - Moon Theories
"There have been four proposed mechanisms for the formation of the moon. Three are considered disproven:
(2) the capture theory, in which the earth captured a wandering moon, and
(3) the condensation theory, in which the earth and moon formed from the condensation of the same dust cloud during the formation of the solar system.
Another proposed mechanism is that the moon formed after a collision between the earth and a Mars-sized object that ejected debris out to the current orbit of the moon. The debris coalesced forming the moon and the earth. This mechanism was accepted in the late 20th century, not because of the merits of the theory but because of the shortcomings of the other three theories. The ‘giant impact hypothesis’ has now dominated for over 30 years, but not without major problems for which revised models have been suggested.
Since the geochemical properties of the moon are so similar to those of the earth, the giant impact hypothesis has run into problems. The moon should have a similar composition to the impactor, which should be much different than that of the earth. Numerous computer models have been applied to figure out why the earth and moon are so similar.
This has created a modern crisis in the giant impact concept: if more than half of the moon’s material came from the impactor, how can the moon’s isotopes be nearly identical to the earth’s?
After numerous computer simulations, some scientists now think they have solved the crisis by postulating the Mars-sized object hit a ‘magma ocean’ on the early Earth. In this way, more of the earth material would end up forming the moon. Most models of Earth’s formation postulate a mantle magma ocean caused by the gravitational potential energy of numerous planetesimals transformed into heat. And because a magma ocean is supposed to have more liquid FeO, which accounts for the enrichment of FeO on the moon by a factor of two, it ‘solves’ the problem of higher FeO content on the moon.
In the new simulation with a magma ocean, 70% of the moon would be Earth material, instead of the 40% from previous models. Melosh thinks that the greater proportion of Earth material ejected to form the moon may still not be good enough to explain nearly identical isotopes:
“Although the work of Hosono et al. is an important step towards understanding why the earth and moon are so isotopically similar, it does not wholly resolve the problem. The large changes they report from modifying the SPH code appear to be at odds with the previous validation of the SPH method. The thermodynamic description of the melt used by Hosono et al. must also be improved in future work, to incorporate better thermodynamic models that are valid over the entire range of pressures and temperatures involved in the impact.”
The SPH (Smooth-Particle Hydrodynamic) code includes a “complex necessarily 3D geometry of self-gravitating fluids flowing at supersonic speeds.” And Hosono et al. modified it. It would be very difficult to get such a process correct, which is one reason why Melosh is skeptical.
Hosono et al. state that the many models to explain the problems for the naturalistic origin of the moon are ad hoc, with several glaring problems remaining:
Further, the planetary scientists say that the moon lacks an iron-rich core, which may present a problem in explaining the ancient magnetic field of the moon.
The numerous computer gyrations are really showing that a naturalistic origin of the moon is extremely difficult, if not impossible. The best explanation is given by the Word of God: And God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars. Genesis 1:16." CMI
Since the geochemical properties of the moon are so similar to those of the earth, the giant impact hypothesis has run into problems. The moon should have a similar composition to the impactor, which should be much different than that of the earth. Numerous computer models have been applied to figure out why the earth and moon are so similar.
This has created a modern crisis in the giant impact concept: if more than half of the moon’s material came from the impactor, how can the moon’s isotopes be nearly identical to the earth’s?
After numerous computer simulations, some scientists now think they have solved the crisis by postulating the Mars-sized object hit a ‘magma ocean’ on the early Earth. In this way, more of the earth material would end up forming the moon. Most models of Earth’s formation postulate a mantle magma ocean caused by the gravitational potential energy of numerous planetesimals transformed into heat. And because a magma ocean is supposed to have more liquid FeO, which accounts for the enrichment of FeO on the moon by a factor of two, it ‘solves’ the problem of higher FeO content on the moon.
In the new simulation with a magma ocean, 70% of the moon would be Earth material, instead of the 40% from previous models. Melosh thinks that the greater proportion of Earth material ejected to form the moon may still not be good enough to explain nearly identical isotopes:
“Although the work of Hosono et al. is an important step towards understanding why the earth and moon are so isotopically similar, it does not wholly resolve the problem. The large changes they report from modifying the SPH code appear to be at odds with the previous validation of the SPH method. The thermodynamic description of the melt used by Hosono et al. must also be improved in future work, to incorporate better thermodynamic models that are valid over the entire range of pressures and temperatures involved in the impact.”
The SPH (Smooth-Particle Hydrodynamic) code includes a “complex necessarily 3D geometry of self-gravitating fluids flowing at supersonic speeds.” And Hosono et al. modified it. It would be very difficult to get such a process correct, which is one reason why Melosh is skeptical.
Hosono et al. state that the many models to explain the problems for the naturalistic origin of the moon are ad hoc, with several glaring problems remaining:
“It should be noted that in all of these models rather ad hoc assumptions are made about the mechanics of GI [giant impact] to explain the chemical similarities between the moon and Earth. It is therefore difficult to explain the angular momentum of the Earth-Moon system in these models.”
Further, the planetary scientists say that the moon lacks an iron-rich core, which may present a problem in explaining the ancient magnetic field of the moon.
The numerous computer gyrations are really showing that a naturalistic origin of the moon is extremely difficult, if not impossible. The best explanation is given by the Word of God: And God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars. Genesis 1:16." CMI
Monday, October 23, 2023
IN the NEWS - Sad Story: Satan is Really Laughing
This is a SAD story. And yes, satan is REALLY Laughing at this gu, for we know satan doesn't look like this. But this gentleman thinks he does and as a result has ruined, mutilated and disfigured his body. Yes, satan is truly LAUGHING.
"A man known as the “Human Satan” has amputated three of hisfingers to turn his hands into claws, news.com.au reports.
Michel “Diabao” Praddo received a procedure removing his pinky and ring fingers on his right hand and the ring finger on his left hand, ...He said he was hesitant to disfigure his hands because he feared it would impact his work as a tattoo artist. Praddo has received 33 horn implants on his head, earning him the Guinness World Record for having the most subdermal “horn” implants....Praddo plans to receive the same procedure to turn his left hand into a claw, which he calls “Las Garras,” having already removed his ears, nose, nipples and the ring finger of his left hand." DC
Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering,....the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Ezekiel 28:13/2 Corinthians 11:14
"A man known as the “Human Satan” has amputated three of hisfingers to turn his hands into claws, news.com.au reports.
Michel “Diabao” Praddo received a procedure removing his pinky and ring fingers on his right hand and the ring finger on his left hand, ...He said he was hesitant to disfigure his hands because he feared it would impact his work as a tattoo artist. Praddo has received 33 horn implants on his head, earning him the Guinness World Record for having the most subdermal “horn” implants....Praddo plans to receive the same procedure to turn his left hand into a claw, which he calls “Las Garras,” having already removed his ears, nose, nipples and the ring finger of his left hand." DC
Creation Moment 10/24/2023 - Plant Calculus
"A simple shoot emerging from the soil can add, subtract, and integrate multiple dynamic signals over time.
Plants sum and subtract stimuli over different timescales (Mathieu Rivière and Yasmine Meroz, PNAS, 10 Oct 2023). A glance through this Darwin-free scientific paper shows differential equations, integrals and derivations.
The title of the paper mentions addition and subtraction, but the ability to integrate multiple input signals in a time-varying manner is the work of calculus. Here’s what the authors say about their measurements and experiments with wheat seed sprouts:
A humble little seedling without a brain can add, subtract, compare values over time, and navigate with active sensing?
Plants are sessile decentralized systems with no brain or neural system, and very little is known regarding how they quantify external stimuli. We experimentally probe the dependence of gravitropicresponses of wheat coleoptiles on the presence of previous stimuli, revealing how coleoptiles integrate multiple stimuli over time. We report quantitative evidence that plants effectively respond not only to sums of stimuli but also to differences between stimuli, over different timescales. This finding advances our understanding of how plants negotiate their environment since the ability of organisms to subtract stimuli over time is crucial in order to compare signals and is at the basis of navigation and active sensing.
A humble little seedling without a brain can add, subtract, compare values over time, and navigate with active sensing?
Q: Who taught it to do such things?" CEH
A: And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:12
A: And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:12
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Creation Moment 10/23/2023 - Boyle Nailed It
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Romans 1:20
"The vastness, beauty, orderliness, of the heavenly bodies, theexcellent structure of animals and plants; and the other phenomena of nature justly induce an intelligent and unprejudiced observer to conclude a supremely powerful, just, and good author."
Robert Boyle (1627 - 1691), father of experimental chemisty
Saturday, October 21, 2023
Lord's Prayer SIMPLIFIED
"When Jesus’ disciples asked Him how they should pray, He gavethem—and us—a model prayer often called the Lord’s Prayer. Sometimes we can pray exactly this prayer, but it also serves as a model for the elements we should regularly incorporate in our own prayers.
Exaltation—Jesus began His prayer with “Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name” (Matthew 6:9). We should always view prayer as an act of worship where our goal is God’s glory, not just presenting a ‘wish list’ for God to fulfill.
Part of this is looking forward to the day when God manifests His rule on earth, “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven” (6:10).
Supplication— “Give us this day our daily bread” (6:11). As Christians, we know that God cares for us and provides for our needs. Jesus often pointed out that God is a good Father who provides for His children. Yet notice the basic nature of the request. It isn’t asking God for a Porsche or even a steak dinner—it’s asking God to fulfill a need, not a want.
Repentance— “Forgive us our debts, as we have forgiven ourdebtors” (6:12). Even though God has forgiven us, we still sin, and we need to come to God and confess these sins so that we can continue to enjoy unbroken fellowship with Him (1 John 1:9). And as forgiven believers, we also must forgive others. This isn’t so we can continue to be saved, but a sign that we are forgiven in the first place.
Guidance— “Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil” (6:13). We know that God does not tempt anyone. Interestingly, we are told that the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness where He was tempted by the devil—the evil one. He was able to withstand this temptation because He is God Incarnate. We know that God always provides us a way of escape from temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13), and we should pray for God to guard our hearts." LitaSamders
Exaltation—Jesus began His prayer with “Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name” (Matthew 6:9). We should always view prayer as an act of worship where our goal is God’s glory, not just presenting a ‘wish list’ for God to fulfill.
Part of this is looking forward to the day when God manifests His rule on earth, “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven” (6:10).
Supplication— “Give us this day our daily bread” (6:11). As Christians, we know that God cares for us and provides for our needs. Jesus often pointed out that God is a good Father who provides for His children. Yet notice the basic nature of the request. It isn’t asking God for a Porsche or even a steak dinner—it’s asking God to fulfill a need, not a want.
Repentance— “Forgive us our debts, as we have forgiven ourdebtors” (6:12). Even though God has forgiven us, we still sin, and we need to come to God and confess these sins so that we can continue to enjoy unbroken fellowship with Him (1 John 1:9). And as forgiven believers, we also must forgive others. This isn’t so we can continue to be saved, but a sign that we are forgiven in the first place.
Guidance— “Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil” (6:13). We know that God does not tempt anyone. Interestingly, we are told that the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness where He was tempted by the devil—the evil one. He was able to withstand this temptation because He is God Incarnate. We know that God always provides us a way of escape from temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13), and we should pray for God to guard our hearts." LitaSamders
Wesley was Right
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
"John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist church, wrote, " What one generation tolerates, the next generation will embrace." R.M.W.
"John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist church, wrote, " What one generation tolerates, the next generation will embrace." R.M.W.
Romans 1:18 Simplified
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against
all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, (Sin)
who hold the truth in unrighteousness; (Rejection of His Truth)
Romans 1:18
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