1 Corinthians 1:27
"Darwin was famous for his theory of natural selection (NS) as the primary mechanism for evolution, but NS seems to have been artificially unselected in a paper by American and Chinese scientists published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Their paper is still evolutionary, but portrays the Darwinists as the opposing team –
Poor Charlie is having a hard time. The evolutionists think they have something better now: universal self-organizing principles – things just spontaneously self-organize into complex systems." CEH
"Darwin was famous for his theory of natural selection (NS) as the primary mechanism for evolution, but NS seems to have been artificially unselected in a paper by American and Chinese scientists published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Their paper is still evolutionary, but portrays the Darwinists as the opposing team –
The key disagreement between the Darwinian view and theuniversality view on the evolution of biological complexity is the role of historical contingency. Undoubtedly, efforts to search for universal rules benefit our understanding on biological complexity. However, by using the yeast protein interaction network as an example, we observed a correlation between network evolution and the universal tree of life. This observation strongly argues that network evolution is not ahistorical, but is, in essence, a string of historical events.
Poor Charlie is having a hard time. The evolutionists think they have something better now: universal self-organizing principles – things just spontaneously self-organize into complex systems." CEH