"Apparently Ahn Sahng-hong claimed the mission of the SDA Church was ended when he left it in 1962 and thereby started the another Church in South Korea in 1964 for the next phase of truth to be uncovered.
This led to his GENUINE CULT of the World Mission Societal Church of God, considered the fastest growing CULT today.

@ Born a Buddhist in 1918 in Korea. @ Baptized an SDA in 1954. (He claimed to have been baptized in 1948 but Church records show 1954)
@ Kicked out of the SDA Church in 1962 for strange teachings.
@ Started the Church of God Jesus Witnesses Church in 1964.
@ Beliefs include keeping the Sabbath, reading of his books of "truth" that he wrote, insinuated he was the next Elijah, stressed that Passover HAS to be kept at twilight each year in order to be saved, that the world would end in 1988 and that women in church wear head coverings. Also, he gave lip service to the triune Godhead but appears to have been of the mindset that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit shift between each other.
@ In today's Church members have to not only tithe their income butalso on gifts they receive. It is reported the Church arranges marriages within.
@ He died in 1985 of a stroke the day after he had a heart attack.
@ He was married and had 3 children but also took a mistress named Zahng Gil-jah (born 1943) who is now proclaimed the "mother god".
@ After his death his Church split into two: One group claimed to be his true followers and stayed in South Korea. His wife and 3 children aligned with that group at the time.
The other group split off under a male leader and Ahn Sahng-hong's mistress Zahng Gil-jah which by 1997 began using the name World Mission Societal Church of God.
@ They declared Zahng Gil-jah to be the "mother god" and that Ahn Sahng-hong was actually Christ.
@ They now declare that Ahn sahng-hong was the 2nd coming of Christ by supposedly restoring what they call "the Passover of the New Covenant" by grossly twisting Hebrews 9:28 . . . (so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him) OUT OF CONTEXT.
@ This is the group that has gone globally and has become the fastest growing CULT in the world. It is said that they encourage abortion (so as not to be tied down with a child for Ahn Sahng-hong is soon to lead his return among his angelic host) and shun recruiting the elderly.
@ They target affluent areas mostly (but not exclusively) by standing around shopping malls, stores and colleges looking for people to approach.
@ The Church members are advised to only read the Church website online because they claim the internet is the Tree of The Knowledge of Good And Evil.
@ It seems that in America they make contact by asking if you know there's a "mother god". There line is something along the lines that "everyone has a mother" and that if God is the "Father" there to obviously is a "mother" then proceed to string verses out of context together. They try and get you into a Bible study at the Church where eventually you are love bombed that week and usually a call for your baptism in that same week.
@ People are baptized in the name of the Father, "Christ Ahn Sahng-hong", and the Holy Spirit. It is said that the first time they hear Ahn Sahng-hong's name is at baptism.
@ They apparently oppose celebrating all holidays, including Thanksgiving.
@ They also hold "Talk Concerts" about so-called "climate change".
@ If you are wondering how this CULT is growing fast, part of it, at least in the following news story, seems to be the appeal to some of a "mother god" whom they apparently associate as the Holy Spirit.
"LOUISVILLE, KY (WAVE) - Walking through
downtown Thursday, you may have passed signs and people sharing a
message that’s a bit unusual to the standard ear. Members of the World Mission Society Church of God stood at Jefferson Square Park to share their belief that God is a woman. The church believes in the second coming of Christ and said its members
learn from facts and proof and not from what's previously learned. Madelyn Brown, 23, became a member of the
church about four years ago. Previously Baptist and Catholic, Brown
joined her church's campaign to share the message about its heavenly
mother. The campaign is happening in 35 countries. "It's
actually really moving to see times change according to Bible prophecy
and be more accepting women in power and women in large roles,” said
Brown." WAVE TV
So that's how they do it.....sort of a Woke-edged Pseudo-Christianity for the ITCHING EARS
of the world of today
For the time will come when they will not endure the sound doctrine; but,
having itching ears, will heap to themselves teachers after their own
lusts... 2 Timothy 4:3