....then I also will walk contrary to you, and I myself will smite you sevenfold for your sins.
Leviticus 26:24 RSV
"The expression ‘seven times’ in Leviticus 26 is a mistranslation.
The number seven in Scripture clearly represents completeness, totality or fullness.
--Naaman was totally cured when he dipped in the Jordan seven times, creation was completed in seven days,
--seven drops of blood were sprinkled on mercy seat for total cleansing,
--Israel marched around Jericho seven times and it was totally destroyed,
--Nebuchadnezzar heated the furnace seven times to its maximum heat).
--God warned Israel that if they did not repent, God’s wrath in its fullness would fall upon them.
*In other words the word ‘seven’ in Leviticus 26 does not denote a time period
*but rather the emphasis falls on the intensity of the punishment."
Stephen Bohr