And the Spirit & the bride say, come.... Reveaaltion 22:17

And the Spirit & the bride say, come...Revelation 22:17 - May We One Day Bow Down In The DUST At HIS FEET ...... {click on blog TITLE at top to refresh page}---QUESTION: ...when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? LUKE 18:8
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Puritan Corner - "devil's logic"
What does Matt. 5:21,22 Actually Mean?
A man who goes so far as to think of another that he is a fool and decides the question that he is a fool and then passes the sentence in words, "Thou fool," has committed murder, and the only thing that waits for him is hell fire.
Q: But what is the Savior talking about?
Creation Moment 9/30/2020 - Design of Emotional Equilibrium
SDA News- The Glass Fire
Monday, September 28, 2020
Why Confusion on the Covenants?
The everlasting covenant is the same as the new covenant. It is the good news of the gospel. Christ crucified is the sinner's representative, Substitute, and Surety. The sinner is unable in his own power to fulfill his obligations regarding the law. Christ, the Surety of the covenant, fulfilled the righteousness of the law on behalf of the sinner, as his representative Substitute. as his representative Substitute.
--The restoration of what man lost is complete, is sure, already in Christ.
Papal Notes - Francis "Desire"
Creation Moment 9/29/2020 - Hey Charles......
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Plate Tectonics
And their model also fails to explain how the subduction process—when one tectonic plate is pulled under another—began and even how plate motion was initiated. Tang and his colleagues wrote:
It all comes down to worldview.
In contrast, God has told us that the Flood began with the bursting of the fountains of the great deep in Genesis 7:11.
Questions on Your Death & the Sabbath
Papal Notes - Francis to U.N.
Creation Moment 9/28/2020 - Baartman Saga
Saturday, September 26, 2020
A Spiritual Lesson from the Book of Nature
SDA Issues: Adventist Health Lodi Memorial Hospital
“This Scripture pictures the work of those who manufacture and who sell intoxicating liquor. Their business means robbery. For the money they receive no useful equivalent is returned. Every dollar they add to their gains has brought a curse to the spender. Every year millions upon millions of gallons of intoxicating liquors are consumed. Millions upon millions of dollars are spent in buying wretchedness, poverty, disease, degradation, lust, crime, and death. For the sake of gain, the liquor dealer deals out to his victims that which corrupts and destroys mind and body. He entails on the drunkard’s family poverty and wretchedness” (Temperance, p. 28).“What a terrible account liquor sellers will have to meet in the great day of God! In the books of heaven a record is kept of every tempting glass held out by man to his fellow-man, to forge the chains of an appetite which makes him mad” (Signs of the Times, July 4, 1900).
The sad reality is that we are now in partnership with the “manufacturers of intoxicating” drinks. We have some worthless leaders who are in bed with the alcohol industry while running our institutions. How is this even possible?" AdventMessenger
IN the NEWS - More than one kinda False Prophet
Creation Moment 9/27/2020 - You now have a "MAP" for it....
Friday, September 25, 2020
Health Note - Death by Licorice?
You Were - Built for Prayer?
Creation Moment 9/26/2020 - {Sabbath}

Thursday, September 24, 2020
IN the NEWS - Some Matt.13:22 in Siberia
"When cops busted Siberia’s answer to Christ this week, they discovered plenty of items unbecoming of a self-proclaimed ‘Son of God.’
Two other members of the sect were arrested alongside its founder on Tuesday, on suspicion of causing “serious harm” to their followers.
During Tuesday’s raid, police found a hoard of empty and full alcohol bottles, jewelry, weapons, adult toys, and a stash of money, held in rubles, dollars and euro.
Falling Away
(together with the celebration of the Lord's day) by the Christians of the East Church, above three hundred years after our Savior's death." "A Learned Treatise of the Sabbath," p. 77
Note: By the "Lord's day" here the writer means Sunday and not the true Sabbath," which the Bible says is the Sabbath. This quotation shows Sunday coming into use in the early centuries soon after the death of the Apostles. Paul the Apostle foretold a great "falling away" from the Truth that would take place soon after his death" BibleSabbath
IN the NEWS - Prince of Persia Rocking Louisville to the Post Office
Characteristics of the Law SERIES PAGE
Creation Moment 9/25/2020 - Hottentot
When their Neo-Marxist -- Race Based Critical Theory--- Inadvertently causes them to admit...well...he he
One critical example of the legacy of the “scientific racists” was museum exhibits, some of which remain to this day. One of many examples is found in London’s Natural History Museum. As one new report stated,
The Natural History Museum will become the latest institution to review it’s [sic (should be “its”)] collections after an audit warned its Charles Darwin exhibitions could be seen as “offensive.” An internal review, sanctioned in the
wake of the Black Lives Matter protests, has led to an audit into some rooms, statues, and collected items that could potentially cause offence [British spelling of “offense”]. It warns that collections which some may find “problematic” could include specimens gathered by Darwin.… "
In short, research
further argues that “museums were put in place to legitimize a racist ideology”, that “covert racism exists in the gaps between the displays.” The executive board of the museum is understood to be “very engaged with the many issues and questions it highlights”. The great naturalist Darwin also has a statue in the museum’s main hall, and a large wing named after him." CEH