Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
1 Timothy 4:1,2
"Nicolas Storch, a weaver, publicly declared that the angel Gabriel had appeared to him by night, and after revealing to him matters he was not allowed to divulge, had uttered the words, “You shall sit on my throne!” A senior student of Wittemberg, named Mark Stubner, joined Storch, and forthwith abandoned his studies,—for, according to his own statement, he had received immediately from God the ability to interpret holy Scripture.
Mark Thomas, also a weaver, associated himself with them; andanother of the initiated, by name Thomas Munzer, a man of fanatical turn of mind, gave to the new sect a regular organization.
Resolving to act according to the example of Christ, Storch chose from among his followers twelve apostles and seventy disciples.
But scarcely had this heresy, which had shown itself of old in the days of Montanism, and again in the middle ages, drawn together a handful of separatists, when it encountered in the Reformation a strong opposing power.
Nicholas Haussman, to whom Luther gave that noble testimony—“What we teach, he acts,” was at this time the pastor of Zwickau. This good man was not led away by the pretensions of the false prophets. Supported by his two deacons, he successfully resisted the innovations Storch and his followers were seeking to introduce.
The fanatics, repelled by the pastors of the church, fell into another extravagance; they formed meetings, in which doctrines subversive of order were publicly preached.
The people caught the infection, and disturbances were the consequence; the priest bearing the sacrament, was pelted with stones, and the civil authority interfering, committed the most violent of the party to prison.
Indignant at this treatment, and intent upon justifying themselves and obtaining redress, Storch, Mark Thomas, and Stubner, repaired to Wittemberg.
Making sure of co-operation, they waited upon the University Professors, to receive their sanction. “We,” said they, “are sent by God to teach the people. The Lord has favored us with special communications from himself; we have the knowledge of things which are coming upon the earth. In a word, we are apostles and prophets, and we appeal, for the truth of what we say, to Doctor Luther.”
The Professors were amazed. “Who commissioned you to preach?” inquired Melancthon of Stubner, who had formerly studied under him, and whom he now received at his table. “The Lord our God.” “Have you committed anything to writing?” “The Lord our God has forbidden me to do so.” Melancthon drew back, alarmed and astonished.
Men’s minds were diverted from the Gospel, or prejudiced against it: the school was almost broken up; the demoralized students burst the bands of discipline.
The most noted of the prophets were not at Wittemberg when Luther arrived there. Nicolas Storch was on a progress through the country.
Stubner exhorted them to stand firm. “Let him come forth,” interposed Cellarius; “let him give us the meeting; let him only afford us opportunity to declare our doctrine, and then we shall see…” Luther had but little wish to meet them. He knew them to be men of violent, hasty, and haughty temper, who would not endure even kind admonition.
Nevertheless, as an interview was requested, Luther could not decline it. Besides it might be doing service to the weak of the flock to unmask the imposture of the prophets.
Accordingly the meeting took place. Stubner opened the conversation.
He showed how he proposed to restore the Church and reform the world.
Luther listened to him with great calmness. “Of all you have been saying,” replied he, at last, gravely, “there is nothing that I see to be based upon Scripture. It is a mere tissue of fiction.”
At these words Cellarius lost all self-possession. Raising his voice like one out of his mind, he trembled from head to foot, and striking the table with his fist, in a violent passion, exclaimed against Luther’s speech as an insult offered to a man of God.
On this Luther remarked, “Paul declared that the signs of an apostle were wrought among the Corinthians, in signs and mighty deeds. Do you likewise prove your apostleship by miracles?” “We will do so,” rejoined the prophets. “The God whom I serve,” answered Luther, “will know how to bridle your gods.”
Stubner, who had hitherto preserved an imperturbable silence, now fixing his eyes on the Reformer, said, in a solemn tone, “Martin Luther, hear me while I declare what is passing at this moment in your soul. You are beginning to see that my doctrine is true.” Luther was silent for a few moments, and then replied, “The Lord rebuke you, Satan.” Instantly the prophets lost all self command. They shouted aloud, “The Spirit, the Spirit.”.
The result was, that the pretended prophets abandoned the field, and that very day they left Wittemberg.
The most noted of these enthusiasts was Thomas Munzer; he was notwithout talent; had read his Bible, was of a zealous temperament, and might have done good, if he had been able to gather up his agitated thoughts, and attain to settled peace of conscience. But with little knowledge of his own heart, and wanting in true humility, he was taken up with the desire of reforming the world, and, like the generality of enthusiasts, forgot that it was with himself he should begin.
Certain mystical writings, which he had read in his youth, had given a false direction to his thoughts. He made his first appearance in public at Zwickau;— quitted Wittemberg on Luther’s return thither, not satisfied to hold a secondary place in the general esteem, and became pastor of the small town of Alstadt, in Thuringia.
He considered himself as called of God to remedy this great evil. The Revelations of the Spirit, according to him, were the means by which the Reformation he was charged with should be effected. “He who has the Spirit,” said he, has true faith, although he should never once in all his life, see the Holy Scriptures.
The fanatics, unrestrained, ran into the greatest excesses;
revolt was encouraged,
blood was shed,
and towns were pillaged;
and the mercy of God alone preserved His cause.
But the firmness with which Luther, and those whom God had made foremost in the work, met and protested against those delusions, showed to the world that the Reformation was entirely distinct from the fanaticism of those spirits."
Sylvester Bliss