And the Spirit & the bride say, come.... Reveaaltion 22:17

And the Spirit & the bride say, come.... Reveaaltion 22:17
And the Spirit & the bride say, come...Revelation 22:17 - May We One Day Bow Down In The DUST At HIS FEET ...... {click on blog TITLE at top to refresh page}---QUESTION: ...when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? LUKE 18:8

Thursday, October 17, 2024

What did Christ think about the Flood?

For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.Matthew 24:38-39

"The Lord Jesus Christ not only believed in the special, recent creation of all things by God, but also in the worldwide Flood of Noah’s day, including the special preservation of life on the Ark. 
The Flood in which He believed was obviously not a “local flood,” for He compared it to the worldwide future impact of His Second Coming.

Neither was it a “tranquil flood,” nor a “selective flood,” for Jesus
said, “
The flood came, and destroyed them all” (Luke 17:27)
It is clear that He was referring to—and that He believed—the Genesis record of the great Flood! 

There it says that the whole earth was “filled with violence” (Genesis 6:13), having first been filled with people, and that the resulting world-cleansing deluge was so cataclysmic that “every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth” (Genesis 7:23). Indeed, “the flood came, and took [literally ‘lifted’] them all away.

This is what Jesus said, and what He believed, and therefore, those who are truly His disciples must also believe this. The destructive effects of the Flood can still be seen today not only in the biblical record, but also in the abundant evidences of cataclysmic destruction in the rocks and fossil graveyards all over the world. 
To refuse this evidence, as do many modern intellectuals, can only be because they “willingly are ignorant,” as Peter said in referring to this testimony (2 Peter 3:5)." 

IN the NEWS - Path to Freedomless Democracies

Q: What does the LEFT deem "
A: Anything that deviates or challenges their "narrative".
Q: How might these policies be used during the Mark of the Beast Controversy when it arises?
And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? Revelation 13:4
---The Western World is in the Path to Freedomless Democracies

"Religious groups and the human rights commissioner say Australia's Labor's proposed Bill to combat misinformation and disinformation would threaten freedom of expression and 'undermine democracy'. 
The Coalition has strongly opposed the Bill, which aims to protect online users from misinformation and disinformation, but which the Opposition says it is an attack on free speech.
The misinformation of today may be proven to be correct tomorrow, or new information may come to displace the incumbent orthodoxies of the day. This is the process of progress.
ACL chief executive Michelle Pearse said the Bill's provisions that would protect religious vilification were 'an over-reaction to censor contrary opinions'." 

SDA Issues - Lil Wayne

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived .. nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10

"Lil Wayne to Perform at Adventist Health Arena....
Adventist Health Arena proudly displays the name “Adventist,” which is an abbreviated form of Seventh-day Adventist. 
We hold this name in high regard because it was given to us by God and it describes the unique features of our faith.

Naming rights are part of a business model that allows corporations to purchase the right to have their name on arenas in exchange for large sums of money. The hope is that the company gets exposure to fans and event goers who attend concerts or sporting events. The downside to these business partnerships is that the company’s name becomes associated with the venues. In matters of spiritual faith, these naming rights contracts become a public scandal when the name “Adventist” becomes linked with the negative imagery of worldly concerts that openly serve alcohol, violate the Sabbath, and play the devil’s music—which are all inconsistent with the principles of our faith.

Tragically, what you see happening in the world’s bars and concert halls is being associated with our holy name, bringing it into
disrepute. Instead of pointing people to God’s Sabbath and the Second Coming of Jesus,
Adventist Health Arena has become the “entertainment destination” for “California’s Central Valley.” 
While claiming to be a “world-class entertainment venue,” Adventist Health Arena has become the gathering place for boxing, pro-wrestling, worldly concerts, and other sporting events that are even scheduled on the Lord’s Sabbath.

To further degrade the experience, Adventist Health Arena is proud to provide you with your choice of alcoholic beverages to accompany their live events, performances, concerts, and other leisure activities. Alcohol is usually served in order to attract a more diverse customer base, and when people are drunk, they tend to spend more money, which means more profits for Adventist Health Arena. All of this is taking place under the “Adventist” banner.

Notice the special instructions to all ticket holders who plan to attend Adventist Health Arena:
When you come to an event at Adventist Health Arena, please make sure to bring your ticket and a valid ID, especially if you want to purchase alcohol.”
Plenty of concessions are available at Adventist Health Arena. Non-alcoholic beverages are served as well as alcoholic beverages including but not limited to beer, wine and mixed drinks.” AdventMessenger

Creation Moment 10/18/2024 - Volcanic Glass Beads

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools....
Romans 1:22

volcanic glass beads suggest “surprisingly recent” lava flows on the moon that are “difficult to reconcile with the accepted history of lunar volcanism.”

These tiny glass beads were retrieved by the Chinese Chang’e 5 spacecraft. Their surprise is due to the fact that our moon is a relatively small body, and small planets and moons lose their thermal energy to space relatively quickly. 
---Hence, any internal heat necessary to drive recent volcanic or tectonic activity should have been lost to space eons ago. 
---So, evidence for recent (and possibly ongoing) lunar tectonic activity was a great surprise to them." 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

IN the NEWS - 1st Amendment Under Open Assault: Q: How might it Play Out in End Times?

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2

"The former secretary of the U.S. Department of State made the bold
declaration last Wednesday, during a session of the World Economic Forum focused on “green energy”. 
Kerry’s remarks came in response to an audience member who asked what the federal government can do to push back against those who call the legitimacy of climate change into question. His response:
“You know, there’s a lot of discussion now about how you curb those entities in order to guarantee that you’re going to have some accountability on facts, etcetera,” he said. “But look, if people only go to one source, and the source they go to is sick, and, you know, has an agenda, and they’re putting out disinformation, our First Amendment stands as a major block to be able to just, you know, hammer it out of existence.”

The problems posed by the freedom of speech (First Amendment) and freedom of the press, Kerry argued, are unique to democratic systems because there is no singular “truth arbiter.” He suggested that should be the role of the federal government, led by the Democratic Party.

But free speech is not a threat to the public good. Would-be tyrants like Kerry — who want to control everything we do and never face criticism— are a real threat. Listen to this,
By the decree enforcing the institution of the papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation [the United States] will disconnect herself fully from righteousness. When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near” (Testimonies for the Church 5:451).

These are the very people the founders gave us the First Amendment to protect us from." 

Creation Moment 10/17/2024 - Mutations

Thank You for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. 
Psalm 139:14 NLT

"A mutation is simply an inheritable error that occurs when DNA is copied. A long-standing assumption of biological evolution was that mutations are completely random. This is what most evolutionists
believed, and this is what most students have been taught.
This randomness is important for evolution theory because it allows for any and all possible mutational changes to happen. A series of discoveries have proven that assumption to be false.

A recent study found something previously unknown in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Also known as thale cress, A. thaliana is one of the ‘workhorses’ of modern molecular genetics.

Associated with the DNA in chromosomes is a group of proteins known as histones. Their usual role is to provide structural support to the coiled DNA that makes up the chromosome. By wrapping around and around histone proteins, DNA is also able to attain an incredibly compact conformation. The researchers discovered that certain portions of the plant’s genome are surrounded by specialized histones that have chemical markers which detect mutations and release chemical signals to bring in DNA repair proteins.

Copying errors (‘typos’ in the DNA, as it were) take place regularly in the complex process of DNA replication. But they will often be repaired by the cell’s machinery. 
As a result, the error is not passed on to succeeding generations as an inherited mutation. 
This study indicates that certain parts of the genome, particularly in areas essential to the organism’s functioning, are more likely to be repaired, and thus less likely to suffer mutational change, than other parts.

Monroe said he was shocked to find this indication of non-randomness in the process of mutation, as he had been taught the opposite as far back as high school.

The article, however, was quick to perform damage control for evolution with this throw-away line: “The new finding does not disprove or discredit the theory of evolution, and the researchers said randomness still plays a big role in mutations.”

However, there was no attempt to explain why this was not a problem for evolution, just a fact-free assurance that boils down to nothing more than: ‘Don’t worry, don’t doubt’.

Those processes would need to have morphed from one strategy to another over time, but the mutations required would affect reproduction, and successful reproduction is required for the supposed evolutionary process.

And the genes that control this process, the very ones that would have needed to be changed by mutation in the evolutionary scenario, are exactly the kind that these special histones would prevent from mutating.

The genome appears to be designed to resist the major evolutionary changes that are needed to create the extreme diversity seen among living things. These specialized histones are another example of this design." 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Liberty in Christ

"Christ came into the world to set men free, and to plant in their souls the genuine principle of liberty
liberty actuated by love, 
liberty too honorable to allow itself to be used as an occasion to the flesh or for a cloak of maliciousness, 
liberty led by a conscience enlightened by the Spirit of God, 
liberty in which man may be free from all men, yet made so gentle by love that he would willingly become the servant of all, in order to bring them to the enjoyment of this same liberty
This is freedom indeed. 
This is the freedom which Christ gave to man; for: 
John 8:36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed. In giving to men this freedom, such an infinite gift could have no other result than that which Christ intended; namely, to bind them." 
A.T. Jones

Creation Moment 10/16/2024 - Your Thinking in Multiple Dimensions

I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: Psalm 139:14

"The traditional view of the brain's visual system suggested that when you see an object, your brain breaks it down into basic features—such as color, shape, and texture—and then reassembles these features to help you recognize and categorize it.

According to this view, the ultimate aim is to assign an object to a
specific category, like recognizing that a dog is an animal. However, Martin Hebart, a group leader at the Max Planck Institute states, "Our results have shown that recognition and categorization are important goals of our vision, but by no means the only ones." Hebart adds that behaviorally relevant signals are found at all stages of visual processing, and these signals extend beyond mere recognition.

They identified 66 different dimensions based on behavioral data gathered from more than 12,000 participants.

These dimensions do more than just help categorize an object as, for
example, a dog or an animal. They also explain various attributes like color, shape, and the typicality of an object—such as how typical a dog is as a representative of the animal category.

This broader set of dimensions allows a deeper understanding of how the brain perceives and makes sense of the environment....... the brain does not only recognize and categorize objects; instead, it processes a wide array of characteristics, engaging all perceptual processing stages." 

Monday, October 14, 2024

La Brea Tar Pits

For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: 2 Peter 3:5

La Brea Tar Pits have fascinated visitors ever since Spanish explorer Gaspar de Portolá chronicled the site in 1769.

The oil for the tar comes from the Salt Lake oil field, about 1,000 feet below the park. Since oil is more buoyant than groundwater, it rises to the surface along fractures and faults near the crest of the oil field and then degrades over time. Bacterial action and surface evaporation remove the lightest components to leave a thick, sticky tar behind.

Tar-covered animal bones found in the nearly 100 pits include those from mammoths, mastodons, saber-toothed cats, dire wolves, sloths, camels, horses, smaller animals, insects, and even birds. Remains of plants and pollen have also been found. Overall, the bones come
from 600 species. About 3.5 million specimens have been extracted from the pits over the last 100-plus years. The pits preserve a time capsule of animal and plant life that existed most likely near the end of the Ice Age.

The conventional story is that near the end of the last Ice Age, many animals got stuck in the tar over thousands of years. Their struggles attracted predators, and they, too, were trapped in the tar. Over time, they sank and became fossils. Animals today avoid such pits, casting doubt on that story. But observations at
La Brea cause even more doubt.

Four odd observations call for the popular story to be revised. 
First, very few articulated or complete specimens have been found.1 Instead, the bones are separated. Most are mixed with many other species and are jumbled in tight masses in the pits.
Individual specimens on display in Hancock Park are composed of bones from many different individuals, making “composite skeletons.” Some conventional scientists have suggested that bubbles of methane moving through the tar stirred up the bones. But how such gentle bubbles could so thoroughly dismember and mix these animals is a mystery to them.

many of the bones show “pits and grooves” from bone rubbing against bone. This has been labeled “pit wear.” Exactly how the bones could rub against each other once embedded in sticky tar is also poorly explained.

third observation is the overwhelming number of carnivore
remains found in the pits compared to herbivores. About 4,000 dire wolves and 2,200 saber-toothed cats were excavated. Contrast that with 36 mammoths, 60 sloths, 220 horses, 300 bison, and 36 camels. Most of the bones were from predators, not prey! Conventional scientists claim this may be due to the biases of the early excavators who concentrated on the biggest bones. However, that claim is not a sufficient explanation because both the predators and prey have sizable bones.

the geology and paleontology of the site reflect massive flooding events. Excavators readily admit that some of the fossils were transported by moving water via stream channels and were deposited in the asphalt pits. A nearly complete adult Columbian mammoth named “Zed” was washed into the pits by stream flow where it became entombed in tar.

There are also reports of four to eight feet of clay in some of the pits, with gravel and sand beds mixed in. These were most likely from river flow, consistent with regional flooding. Furthermore, test cores revealed four distinct layers of floodplain (river) deposits surrounding the pits. The cores showed weathered and rounded gravels plus the sand and clay that typify today’s river deposits. Even water-saturated plants have been excavated, including part of a cypress tree from Pit 3. These, too, indicate a waterborne origin at
La Brea
Q: How else could water later enter the oily tar pits and saturate the wood?

The conventional story of animals becoming trapped and slowly sinking in tar was initially questioned when the size of the pits and the size of the animals became known. The entrapment theory only survives as myth, perpetuated by those not familiar with the geological evidence." 

Creation Moment 10/15/2024 - Who Made the Rules?

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: Psalm 139:14

"In a study published in the journal Nature, researchers from the Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG) and the Wellcome Sanger Institute have discovered that mutations affect protein stability following remarkably
simple rules.

Proteins are chains made up of twenty different types of smaller units
called amino acids. 
*A single mutation swaps one amino acid for another, changing the protein's shape. 
*This can mark the difference between health and disease
Many diseases, including cancer and neurodegenerative disorders, are caused by more than one mutation in a protein.

"Our discovery turns an old understanding on its head, showing that the endless possibilities of protein mutations boil down to straightforward rules. We don't need supercomputers to predict a protein's behavior—just good measurements and simple math will do," says Dr. Lehner."

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Why frogs?

And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophetRevelation 16:13

frogs, of all things?
The background of Revelation 16 is thoroughly grounded in the plagues against ancient Egypt just before the Exodus. One of those plagues consisted of an overabundance of frogs. But of all the plagues that fell on Egypt, why would frogs be mentioned at this point?

When Moses first came in to Pharaoh, his God-given authority was demonstrated when his brother, Aaron, threw down his walking stick and it became a snake (Ex. 7:8-10). But Pharaoh's magicians weren't worried. They threw down their walking sticks, and they became snakes also (verses 11, 12).

Then Moses and Aaron went out and turned the waters of the Nile into blood (verses 14-21). Again Pharaoh's magicians were able to counterfeit that miracle (verses 22, 23).

Next Moses and Aaron struck Egypt with a plague of frogs (Ex. 8:1-6). And again Pharaoh's magicians were able to duplicate the feat (Ex. 8:7).

But as it turned out, the plague of frogs was the last that Pharaoh's magicians were able to duplicate (Ex. 7:18, 19). 
The frogs, therefore, constituted the last deception of the Exodus.
---That is why there are frogs in Revelation 16:13
---They signal that the message of Revelation 16 has to do with the last deception of earth's history.

Revelation 16:14 says that these frogs are "spirits of demons." They are the demonic counterparts of the three good angels of Revelation 14:6-12. Both groups of angels have a mission to the whole world (Rev. 14:6; 16:14),one trio calling the world to worship God, and the other gathering the people of the world into the service of the unholy trinity. "They are the spirits of demons performing miraculous signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty" (Rev. 16:14)."

Creation Moment 10/14/2024 - Memory Glue that makes you Human

I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: Psalm 139:14

"1970s, scientists discovered long-term potentiation (LTP), which detailed how strengthening and weakening synapses helped form memory, but that’s only part of the story.

In order to pull off this wondrous feat, synapses rely on a variety of
molecules to form certain types of memories. One of these is
PKMzeta (protein kinase Mzeta), which, when inhibited in the brains of rats during a 2006 experiment, caused disruption in spatial memory in the hippocampus. So there you go. Problem solved, right? Well, as you might imagine, when it comes to understanding the inner workings of the human brain, things are bit more complicated.

One of the big drawbacks of relying on
PKMzeta to be the molecule responsible for memory formation is that it simply doesn’t last in the brain very long, sticking around for only a couple hours or days. 
----Humans likely wouldn’t have invented agriculture let alone launch rockets into space with such subpar recall. 
Also, with 10,000 synapses to every one neuron, scientists didn’t know exactly how PKMzeta strengthened some synapses and not others.

Now, a new study from scientists at the State University of New York (SUNY) Downstate Health Sciences University has an answer......During memory formation the synapses involved in the formation are activated.
PKMzeta then attaches to the KIBRA-synaptic-tag and keeps those synapses strong. This allows the synapses to stick to newly made KIBRA, attracting more newly made PKMzeta. The researchers call this KIBRA the “missing link” molecule that 
acts as a glue 
that allows memories to persist for years or even decades." 
Popular Mechanics

Saturday, October 12, 2024

It isn’t fair

"We want it to all be “fair” but it isn’t fair. 
Christianity is not about “fairness” or “justice.” 
Just the opposite. 
It isn’t fair that Adam’s sin pitched us into a sinful reality. 
It isn’t fair that because of his sin, his remote descendants, born thousands of years later, are liable to disease, suffering, and death. 
It isn’t fair that Adam’s sin is transmitted to his descendants in the form of a fallen nature that has an inborn desire to sin, a bent to sinning. It is not fair but it is a fact.

Q: You know what else is not “fair”? 
A: How we are saved. 
None of us is saved through his own merit. We can never earn it or deserve it. But Christ suffered and died for our sins so that we can be saved, through His merit alone, and none of our own:

But He was pierced for our transgressions,
He was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on Him,
and by His wounds we are healed.
All we like sheep have gone astray,
we have turned everyone to his own way;
and the Lord has laid on Him
the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:4-6." 
David Read

Human Appetite & God’s first prohibitory declaration

"THE history of the human appetite is indeed a sad one. 
*The Creator designed that the appetite should be man’s servant, not his master. 
*It was to be subordinate to the moral and intellectual faculties. 

This truth is seen in God’s first prohibitory declaration to man:  Genesis 2:16 Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat: 
17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat of it; for in the day that you eat thereof you shall surely die.

God made man upright, and endowed him with powers of mind far above those of any other creature living upon the earth.
He placed him upon probation, that he might form a character for the glory of the Creator, and for his own happiness. 

The first great moral lesson which the innocent pair of Eden were to learn, was self-control

God appeals to man’s nobler powers. He graciously gives him all he needs for the delights of taste, and for the support of life. 
And it was for man’s moral good, to say the least, that his eating from the tree of knowledge was prohibited. 
Of all the trees of the garden he might freely eat, save one. 
In this prohibition, the Creator places the appetite under the watchcare and guardianship of the moral and intellectual powers.

Man alone is responsible for the moral and physical wretchedness under which the race suffers. There was no necessity for Eve to yield to the tempter; and Adam is quite as inexcusable." 
James White

ARCHAEOLOGY: What DA's tell us......

"The period of the Ice Age, called the Pleistocene, presents many
puzzles for secular scientists. Plants and animals from widely different climates or environments are found together in Ice Age deposits. These are called ‘
disharmonious associations’ (DAs).

Probably the most striking example of a DA during the Ice Age is the association of hippopotamus fossils with reindeer, musk oxen, and woolly mammoths in England, France, and Germany. So far about 100 of these associations have been discovered in England and Wales. Hippos are intolerant of the cold. Sutcliffe states:
"Finding conditions so favorable, the hippopotamus (today an inhabitant of the equatorial regions) had been able to spread northwards throughout most of England and Wales, up to an altitude of 400 meters on the now bleak Yorkshire [northern England] moors."

---The wide variety of Ice Age animals found in England indicates that early in the Ice Age, there must have been an easy passage between what is now France and England. 
---This was likely a land bridge in the location of the Dover Strait.

Secular scientists attempt to dodge the implications of DAs. Since they believe in multiple ice ages, one strategy is placing the hippos and other warmth-adapted creatures into the ‘interglacial’ phases and the cold-tolerant animals into the ‘glacial’ phases. (We supposedly live in an interglacial called the Holocene.)

Much to secularists’ consternation, warm- and cold-loving animal types are often found together in Ice Age sediments, making it difficult to separate them into glacial and interglacial inhabitants.

Disharmonious associations were the ‘rule’ and not the exception during the Ice Age, and included a wide variety of flora and fauna:
"Late Pleistocene [Ice Age] communities were characterized by the coexistence of species that today are allopatric [live in different regions not climatically associated] and presumably ecologically incompatible. … Disharmonious associations have been documented for late Pleistocene floras … terrestrial invertebrates … lower vertebrates, birds, and mammals."

DAs can only occur in an equable climate, one with little seasonal contrast between winters and summers.

One reason DAs remain a mystery for uniformitarian scientists is that in their models, the ice ages would have been very cold. Many climate simulations have been run. They all give temperatures much colder than today, generally by 10°C (18°F) or more, and greater dryness south of the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets.

"One of the longest-running philosophical debates in paleoecological interpretations concerns the importance of mixed, or disharmonious, assemblages which represent past communities with no modern analog. These mixed assemblages challenge our world views. … Mixed assemblages are usually explained by invoking past climates more “equable” than that of today."

The Ice Age caused by the Genesis Flood explains the most striking DA—hippopotamuses associated with cold-tolerant animals in northwest Europe. Early in the Ice Age a warm, moist onshore air flow pushed by predominantly westerly winds off a warm North Atlantic Ocean would result in a warm, wet climate over northwest Europe. England may have averaged 25°C (77°F) in winter and summer. This mild climate would be congenial for hippos spreading from the “mountains of Ararat” (Genesis 8:4) in the Middle East.

But the post-Flood Ice Age climate was dynamic and ever-changing.
As the ocean cooled and volcanism decreased, the land temperatures cooled. In Northwest Europe late in the
Ice Age, the cooler and drier climate attracted cold-tolerant animals. Hippos likely could not migrate south, because the land bridge between England and France at the Dover Strait was destroyed by a catastrophic local flood.

he strange mix of plants and animals that lived together during the Ice Age is another of the many puzzles that have persisted for 150 years for scientists who ignore the Biblical Flood. But, once again, realistic analysis using a Genesis-based model of Earth history gives simple, solid answers to those puzzles." 

Creation Moment 10/13/2024 - DESIGNED SWEET SPOT that keeps you alive

I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: Psalm 139:14

"Our cells harness energy for essential functions such as division, wound healing, and our immune response to diseases including cancer. But until now, the mechanics of how that energy affects cell behavior—and how this relates to health outcomes—have remained elusive.

Scientists at the Yale Systems Biology Institute have discovered the thermodynamic principles underpinning energy use in our cells.
For the first time, the scholars measured how energy is arranged into different wave patterns formed in the cell's external membrane and its internal structure, or "cytoskeleton"—both components of the cell "cortex."

Before our cells divide, they generate protein "wave patterns" in two distinctive forms—one pulsing like a heartbeat and the other displaying seemingly jumbled spiral patterns.

Far from being jumbled, the scholars were surprised to reveal an organized energy system dependent on distance from thermodynamic equilibrium. They found that cells displayed an optimal advantageous state—a
sweet spot between the two wave types yielding maximum energy to drive cell functionality."

Friday, October 11, 2024

IN the NEWS - Helene & Milton

"News reports are filled with grief and horror at what Hurricane Helene did as it traveled north into Georgia, eastern Tennessee and North Carolina. Residents of North Carolina were especially hard hit,
with entire towns flooded and destroyed, all the debris carried off by rivers. Helene ranks with the worst hurricanes ever in terms of damage. Even today the death toll is not known but currently stands at 235. As they run out of body bags, rescue crews are desperately trying to find and help victims who have gotten little aid from the federal government.
Hurricane Milton is a record-setting storm aimed right at Tampa Bay, Florida, and will almost certainly cause catastrophic damage to much of the state.

Theologians wrestle with questions about whether, and how, directly God intervenes with nature. 
---Bible-believing theologians do not deny God can intervene, but debate whether He does intervene, and if so, how often and for what purposes. 
They call direct intervention primary causation, and call nature left to run on divinely ordained natural laws secondary causation. Given that the world has fallen into sin and is under a curse, we know not to expect a Garden of Eden any more in this age.

Genesis 8:22 (“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease”) and Matthew 5:45 (“For He makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust”). Indeed, it would be hard to conceive of a world without regularity. That’s what gives us science, and allows us to have some measure of confidence about what to expect in our daily lives.

Regularity offers a measure of fairness to people
If the trees crowded around a man to give him shade, as C.S. Lewis quipped, his neighbor would be left under the beating sun. Regularity is what makes miracles surprising.

The opposite view of determinism is more pernicious. 
Materialists and evolutionists have no other choices but (1) chance or (2) the determinism of natural law and genetics. Every event, some think, was determined at the big bang. This would include the track of Hurricane Milton.

Some theological views, particularly those of certain hyper-
calvinists, fall into this trap as well, asserting that every event, including every location of every raindrop that falls, was decreed by God at the foundation of the world. The well-meaning attempt to exalt God’s sovereignty, however, makes God the author of evil, which is clearly denied by Scriptures such as
Jeremiah 7:31. Sovereignty can refer to kingly authority instead of meticulous micromanagement of every event.

In the present age, it is appointed unto man once to die, and after that the judgment. Given that fact, we don’t know when or how we will meet our end: of so-called “natural causes” or at the hands of evildoers. 
The certainty of death keeps us alert to danger and should put the fear of God into everyone who ponders their own mortality. 
Natural disasters have been with us since Genesis 3."
David Coppedge/CEH

Papal Notes - Helene, Milton & Francis

"It is heartbreaking to see the devastation left behind by hurricanes Helene and Milton. Catholics are using these tragic events to promote Pope Francis’ climate encyclical, Laudato Si’. Rome cannot let a good crisis go to waste.

Catholic-run Religious Formation Conference published a warning
called “Catastrophic Storms Mean Climate Action More Important than Ever,” connecting
Laudato Si’ to the recent hurricanes and the complete devastation they have caused to our nation. They are also using this tragedy to renew their calls to petition policymakers to pass legislation to protect our environment.
The Religious Formation Conference expressed the following:
The world has witnessed the devastating effects of natural disasters on communities near and far. Most recently, Hurricane Helene and a tornado outbreak spawned by Hurricane Milton tore through coastal regions, leaving absolute destruction in their wake. Severe floods, landslides, and other climate-related events have ravaged countries around the globe, claiming lives, displacing families, and destroying homes.
Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ reminds us that the Earth is our common home, entrusted to us by God. The damage caused by these storms reminds us of our responsibility to protect the planet and live in harmony with nature. Human activities such as pollution, deforestation, and the burning of fossil fuels are key contributors to climate change that are feeding these catastrophic events.”
What You Can Do to Protect the Planet and Fight Climate Change: Advocate for Change – Support legislation and policies that promote environmental protection and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Engage with local leaders and policymakers.”

Q: What is Rome’s answer to the climate crisis? 
A: They want to bring the laws of the world into line with Catholic doctrines, traditions, and values. 

Catholic climate change activists were so eager and couldn’t wait to link these recent natural disasters to Laudato Si’. The widespread
desolations, the upheaval, and the unrest we are witnessing today—marked by increasing division, moral decay, and the breakdown of societal norms—can be seen as part of a larger, darker pattern preparing the way for the rise of the Antichrist—the Papal power. According to
Revelations 13, 17, and 18, the final universal world order will be characterized by chaos, confusion, lawlessness, and a global longing for peace and stability, making it the perfect environment for the man of sin to seize power with the help of the United States.

Be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.’ Matthew 24:44." 

SDA Issues - Loma Linda turns back on God

"The Laramie Project is a play written by Moisés Kaufman, a homosexual theater director and playwright. The live show was presented on the Loma Linda University campus last Sabbath and Sunday, and will also be presented next weekend." Fulcrum7

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. 
1 Corinthians 6:9-11

ARCHAEOLOGY: Roaming Pre-Flood Brazil

And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights. Genesis 7:12

"A new genus and species of silesaurid being named Gondwanax
paraisensis has been identified from the fossilized remains discovered in Southern Brazil. Most authors agree that silesaurids are the sister-group to Dinosauria, forming the clade Silesauridae. 
The newly-discovered silesaurid species lived in what is now Brazil. The animal’s skeletal remains were recovered from the Santa Maria Formation in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil." 

Creation Moment 10/12/2024 - DNA Clock Is Broken

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools....
Romans 1:22

Genomics Joins Geology in Search for Evolutionary Ancestors 10/05/2001
The Astrobiology Institute posted a popular-level article about how molecular biologists are piecing together evolutionary family trees by studying proteins, and how they expect to correlate their data with those of geologists and paleontologists who piece together evolutionary relationships with bones and rocks. Stephen Benner and colleagues are using a new search engine and database of proteins called DARWIN (Data Analysis and Retrieval With Indexed Nucleic-acid-peptide sequences) to compare proteins from distant organisms and find evidence of ancestry.

The article is mostly bluff, with a lot of positive-sounding claims about evolution being evident in the genes and proteins, when in fact we have been reporting frequently that it is not, and that the molecular evidence does not match the paleontological evidence. On October 1 [see below] for instance, we relayed a story about how 
-----the DNA clock method for dating evolutionary changes was
found unreliable. 
-----The same applies to any alleged protein clock, since proteins are encoded by genes. 
-----One cannot draw relationships between diverse animals without first believing evolution to be true, so it becomes a case of question-begging to get the data to fit preconceived notions. If you read this article with that in mind, you can find circular reasoning, extrapolation, and faith in evolution all built up on very little actual evidence. 

DNA Clock Is Broken 10/01/2001
or rather, never worked to begin with
Molecular biologists are unhappy to hear that a dating technique they have relied on for decades is unreliable
---Based on a claim in 1965, they have built their evolutionary trees on the assumption that mutations accumulate at a constant rate. 
---Now, according to a report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences summarized in a news report in Science, researchers at the University of California in Irvine have found “vastly different mutation rates, even for closely related species . . . Molecular clocks in general are much more ‘erratic’ than previously thought, and practically useless to keep accurate evolutionary time, the researchers conclude.”

---Molecular dating is flawed, and now evolutionists must cast away another worthless clock. Creationists believed all along that the DNA clock was built on circular reasoning and therefore unreliable

 This 1998 article shows that doubts about molecular clocks have been around for some time, but no matter what the fossils or the molecules show, the story will be adjusted to fit Darwinism:
"Is it then justified to test the accuracy of the fossil record using the molecular clock hypothesis, when this requires extrapolation between groups with scarce fossil data? Can we even use the rates calculated within a group of organisms to infer the origin of this group? Can we exclude the possibility that rates of evolution change over time? Specifically, what if the emergence of a group of organisms coincides with an initial acceleration of substitution rates followed by a slowdown or period of molecular stasis? . . . . Perhaps we should consider the possibility that there have been significant changes in the rates of nucleotide substitution in taxa with remote origins before sending palaeontologists out to fill perceived gaps in the fossil record."

Evolutionists will argue about which evidence supports Darwinism better, but Darwinism itself, like American foreign policy with the Taliban, is not open to negotiation or discussion."