By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.
Psalm 33:6
"Serpentinization is a process of converting olivine rock that
produces hydrogen and methane. Six planetary scientists in France figure
that it can only be sustained in the rocky core of Enceladus for less
than 100 million years, 1/45th the assumed age of the moon. To keep
Enceladus old, they propose that serpentinization started recently! What
At least 100 geysers erupt from the south polar terrain of Enceladus, a tiny moon that should not be active.
The annual global H2 production rate in all model cases (> 1 × 1012 mol yr−1) is several orders of magnitude greater than the minimum H2 release rate calculated from the observed H2 in Enceladus’ plume (1 × 109 mol yr−1), suggesting that any ongoing active serpentinization processes in the core are likely nearing completion. The longest timescales indicate the potential for olivine alteration and H2 production for up to ~75 Myr [million years], consistent with weathering rates of terrestrial peridotite massifs. If the H2 produced from Enceladus is sourced from primary mineral alteration, these results suggest that hydrothermal activity in the core of Enceladus may have developed only very recently – even as recent as within the past 100 Myr." CEH