Has the Omega Apostasy been made obvious now? Is it this Emergent church, modern Gnosticism, psycho-babel, which includes the cheap grace of forensic justification / New Theology pushed by Desmond Ford?
We see this in the nonsense of church leaders like Dwight Nelson claiming allah is God, the "God Encounters" & "One Project" organizations, "discipleship", Spectrum & Adventist Today magazines and other progressive organizations pushing these heresies. And knowing by their fruits, they divide the church by pushing evolution, women ordination, celebration services, mockingly downplaying the "mathematics" of the sanctuary & prophecy, pushing for LGBTQ inclusion in the church, the push for support of the GREEN Religion (modern spiritualism of the environmental movement for the sophisticated man of the 21st century) and of course, obsessed with calling Jesus or prayer "radical" all the time....basically the cheap grace wing of the church today in open rebellion-where nearly ALL Biblical doctrines are downplayed-or rejected under the guise of the word "Grace".
The Article Below is From
Ministry Magazine (1977)
by Church President Robert H. Pierson
1. Dr. Kellogg became infected with the liberal theological thought of his day. The apostasy was catalyzed by the subtle infiltration of doctrines foreign to the message God had given the Advent
2. His theological heresy was taught in the Battle Creek Sanitarium, the Battle Creek College, and the medical school. It crept into a few of the presentations at two General Conference sessions (1897 and 1899).
3. The new doctrine offered differing theological presuppositions that would have necessitated bypassing Adventism's message.
4. Basic Adventist theology would have been changed. This would have undermined the foundations of Adventist faith.
5. There were overt as well as subtle attacks on the Spirit of Prophecy in an effort to destroy or diminish faith in God's gift.
6. The methodology employed was to bring in the "new light" beside the old; but it was mingling error with truth.
7. Kellogg's new doctrine appealed especially to the intellectual elite, and some prominent physicians and ministers joined him in advocating his views.
8. There was an endeavor to rechannel denominational energies into humanitarian activities, to the detriment of the preaching of the last-warning message.
9. The leaders of the new "movement" were determined to take over the leadership of the sanitarium and perhaps of the church from the men who had been duly elected to bear these responsibilities.
10. Prompt action on the part of church leaders, guided by the counsel of the Spirit of Prophecy, spared the church the traumatic division that appeared almost inevitable. When the servant of the Lord said to meet it, the leaders courageously and successfully carried out the Lord's command.
Go back over those ten points one by one, carefully. As a leader you need to be well-acquainted with Satan's plans for the omega apostasy that will inevitably come—perhaps sooner than we have believed. Could the apostate "angel of light" even now be sowing seeds that will bear the awful harvest the church will experience before the end?
Get out your Bibles and the Spirit of Prophecy (especially Selected Messages, book 1, pp. 193-200). On your knees consider these startling facts faithfully chronicled by the Lord's servant. By following the warnings of the Spirit of Prophecy the church was saved some seven decades ago. Following the same inspired counsel may well save the church again before the work is finished.
Note well what Ellen White warns could mark the work of the omega:
1. "The principles of truth that God in His wisdom has given to the remnant church, would be discarded." —Ibid., p. 204.
2. "The truth will be criticized, scorned, and derided." —Ibid., p. 201.
4. "Our religion would be changed." —Ibid.
5. "The Sabbath, of course, would be lightly regarded, as also the God who created it." —Ibid., p. 205.
6. "The fundamental principles that have sustained the work for the last fifty years would be accounted as error." —Ibid., p. 204.
7. There would be a "supposition that a great reformation was to take place among Seventh-day Adventists, and that this reformation would consist in giving up the doctrines which stand as the pillars of our faith." —Ibid.
8. "A system of intellectual philosophy would be introduced." —Ibid.
9. The new philosophy would "rob the people of God of their past experience, giving them instead a false science." —Ibid.
10. It would seek to weaken the preaching of the Second Advent by teaching "that the scenes just before us are not of sufficient importance to be given special attention." —Ibid.
11. "Books of a new order would be written." —Ibid.
12. "A new organization would be established." —Ibid.
13. "Nothing would be allowed to stand in the way of the new movement." —Ibid., p. 205.
Now go back over those thirteen points. Study them carefully and prayerfully. You may have to meet them sooner than you expect."
We see this in the nonsense of church leaders like Dwight Nelson claiming allah is God, the "God Encounters" & "One Project" organizations, "discipleship", Spectrum & Adventist Today magazines and other progressive organizations pushing these heresies. And knowing by their fruits, they divide the church by pushing evolution, women ordination, celebration services, mockingly downplaying the "mathematics" of the sanctuary & prophecy, pushing for LGBTQ inclusion in the church, the push for support of the GREEN Religion (modern spiritualism of the environmental movement for the sophisticated man of the 21st century) and of course, obsessed with calling Jesus or prayer "radical" all the time....basically the cheap grace wing of the church today in open rebellion-where nearly ALL Biblical doctrines are downplayed-or rejected under the guise of the word "Grace".
The Article Below is From
Ministry Magazine (1977)
by Church President Robert H. Pierson
The Alpha of the APOSTASY
"There are certain identifying marks of the alpha on which the Spirit of Prophecy, some church historians, and interested researchers agree:1. Dr. Kellogg became infected with the liberal theological thought of his day. The apostasy was catalyzed by the subtle infiltration of doctrines foreign to the message God had given the Advent
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The Book that spawned the Alpha of the Apostasy by J.H. Kellogg |
2. His theological heresy was taught in the Battle Creek Sanitarium, the Battle Creek College, and the medical school. It crept into a few of the presentations at two General Conference sessions (1897 and 1899).
3. The new doctrine offered differing theological presuppositions that would have necessitated bypassing Adventism's message.
4. Basic Adventist theology would have been changed. This would have undermined the foundations of Adventist faith.
5. There were overt as well as subtle attacks on the Spirit of Prophecy in an effort to destroy or diminish faith in God's gift.
6. The methodology employed was to bring in the "new light" beside the old; but it was mingling error with truth.
7. Kellogg's new doctrine appealed especially to the intellectual elite, and some prominent physicians and ministers joined him in advocating his views.
8. There was an endeavor to rechannel denominational energies into humanitarian activities, to the detriment of the preaching of the last-warning message.
9. The leaders of the new "movement" were determined to take over the leadership of the sanitarium and perhaps of the church from the men who had been duly elected to bear these responsibilities.
10. Prompt action on the part of church leaders, guided by the counsel of the Spirit of Prophecy, spared the church the traumatic division that appeared almost inevitable. When the servant of the Lord said to meet it, the leaders courageously and successfully carried out the Lord's command.
Go back over those ten points one by one, carefully. As a leader you need to be well-acquainted with Satan's plans for the omega apostasy that will inevitably come—perhaps sooner than we have believed. Could the apostate "angel of light" even now be sowing seeds that will bear the awful harvest the church will experience before the end?
DURING THE first decade of this century, the Seventh-day Adventist Church experienced the Kellogg apostasy. It was described by Ellen White as "the alpha of deadly heresies." —Selected Messages, book 1, p. 200. Assessing not only the damage wrought by this subtle insurrection, but also an even more devastating one yet to come, the servant of the Lord wrote: "Be not deceived; many will depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. We have now before us the alpha of this danger. The omega will be of a most startling nature." —Ibid., p. 197.Get out your Bibles and the Spirit of Prophecy (especially Selected Messages, book 1, pp. 193-200). On your knees consider these startling facts faithfully chronicled by the Lord's servant. By following the warnings of the Spirit of Prophecy the church was saved some seven decades ago. Following the same inspired counsel may well save the church again before the work is finished.
Note well what Ellen White warns could mark the work of the omega:
1. "The principles of truth that God in His wisdom has given to the remnant church, would be discarded." —Ibid., p. 204.
2. "The truth will be criticized, scorned, and derided." —Ibid., p. 201.
4. "Our religion would be changed." —Ibid.
5. "The Sabbath, of course, would be lightly regarded, as also the God who created it." —Ibid., p. 205.
6. "The fundamental principles that have sustained the work for the last fifty years would be accounted as error." —Ibid., p. 204.
7. There would be a "supposition that a great reformation was to take place among Seventh-day Adventists, and that this reformation would consist in giving up the doctrines which stand as the pillars of our faith." —Ibid.
8. "A system of intellectual philosophy would be introduced." —Ibid.
9. The new philosophy would "rob the people of God of their past experience, giving them instead a false science." —Ibid.
10. It would seek to weaken the preaching of the Second Advent by teaching "that the scenes just before us are not of sufficient importance to be given special attention." —Ibid.
11. "Books of a new order would be written." —Ibid.
12. "A new organization would be established." —Ibid.
13. "Nothing would be allowed to stand in the way of the new movement." —Ibid., p. 205.
Now go back over those thirteen points. Study them carefully and prayerfully. You may have to meet them sooner than you expect."
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