HERE WE GO.....THIS has been the real goal of gay marriage advocates all along. It has never been about gay is about shutting down the Churches of America. We knew this day was coming...& here it is. One day soon...there will be a liberal judge that will mandate a church perform a gay wedding in the Holy Sanctuary-or face being padlocked by the sheriff. This case may not result in that...but the day is coming soon...
"Two homosexual men in North Carolina have filed a complaint against their United Methodist minister for refusing to “marry” them, stating that he has failed “to perform the work of the ministry.”
Scott Chappell and Kenneth Barner, who attend Green Street United Methodist Church in Winson-Salem, filed the complaint with the Western North Carolina Office of the United Methodist Church late last month, charging their leader, Kelly Carpenter (male), with discrimination.
“On October 26, 2014, we asked Carpenter to officiate at our wedding and he has refused to do so, citing church rules from the United Methodist Book of Discipline that forbids pastors from celebrating homosexual unions or performing same-sex wedding ceremonies,” the complaint reads. “Carpenter’s refusal to perform our wedding violates our rights as members of his church and my fiance and I wish to charge him for this offense.”" ChristianNewsNetwork
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness
through the lusts of their own hearts,
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The day is coming in AmeriKa, when a church is going to be padlocked over gay marriage--& could be a catalyst for helping to form the coalition known as spiritual Babylon-the joining of the churches. |
Scott Chappell and Kenneth Barner, who attend Green Street United Methodist Church in Winson-Salem, filed the complaint with the Western North Carolina Office of the United Methodist Church late last month, charging their leader, Kelly Carpenter (male), with discrimination.
“On October 26, 2014, we asked Carpenter to officiate at our wedding and he has refused to do so, citing church rules from the United Methodist Book of Discipline that forbids pastors from celebrating homosexual unions or performing same-sex wedding ceremonies,” the complaint reads. “Carpenter’s refusal to perform our wedding violates our rights as members of his church and my fiance and I wish to charge him for this offense.”" ChristianNewsNetwork
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness
through the lusts of their own hearts,
to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman,
burned in their lust one toward another;
men with men working that which is unseemly,
and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Romans 1:24,27