acquaintance in heaven by being often with God, will be the most likely to prevail with God in the most pressing and difficult cases.
And the Spirit & the bride say, come.... Reveaaltion 22:17

And the Spirit & the bride say, come...Revelation 22:17 - May We One Day Bow Down In The DUST At HIS FEET ...... {click on blog TITLE at top to refresh page}---QUESTION: ...when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? LUKE 18:8
Sunday, May 30, 2021
Puritan Corner - Untrod Prayer Closet
acquaintance in heaven by being often with God, will be the most likely to prevail with God in the most pressing and difficult cases.
And Joab came into the house to the king, and said, Thou hast shamed this day the faces of all thy servants,
which this day have saved thy life,
and the lives of thy sons and of thy daughters,
and the lives of thy wives,
In that thou lovest thine enemies,
God 10 / Egyptian deities 0 - SERIES: 2nd Plague
Wonder if they had Watermelon at that b-day party?
Simple Lesson from His Life
IN the NEWS - Fingerprints of the Prince of Persia Everywhere
Creation Moment 5/31/2021 - Titan’s South Belet Region Regolith
"Geomorphological map of the South Belet Region of Titan (Icarus). This paper describes varieties of terrain on Saturn’s largest moon,
Titan, focusing on the South Belet Region that stretches “from longitude 60°E to 120°E and from latitude 60°S to 0°, encompassing both equatorial and southern mid-latitude regions.” The last bullet point says, “Only one crater has been identified with confidence.” Over billions of years, this massive moon should have the most craters, but it does not. Why?
They make up a story that buries the evidence: “Complete burial of craters, especially in and around the Belet Sand Sea, may explain the dramatic lack of craters in this region.” They can’t even find secondary craters with confidence. “The general lack of a large primary impactor is likewise problematic.” They offer five possibilities for what might have buried the craters. Perhaps some crescent-shaped features are scars of impacts, they suggest. Whatever happened, their explanation is a story requiring evidence, not founded on evidence.
Regardless of origin, the preponderance of pseudo-circular features, whether as pits or crescents, on the surface of Titan suggest a complex erosional process that necessitates a more developed understanding of atmosphere/surface interactions, of the role of fluids in Titan’s icy substrate and organic regolith, ....
— They also admit, “Evidence for impact processes have also been identified, but their relative scarcity attest to a geologically young surface.”
Bingo. That’s the science. They refer to earlier papers saying the same
thing going back to 2007 when Cassini took its first images of Titan.
Scientists were baffled then; they are baffled now." CEH
Saturday, May 29, 2021
IN the NEWS - Trying to Escape Death
Kurzweil thinks we’ll follow a similar path to the Singularity, the hypothetical time (around 2029, by his estimate) when the great blurring between humans and computers will occur. If he’s right, questions about what to do with the body at death will then become largely irrelevant.
“We can create bodies with nanotechnology, we can create virtual bodies in virtual reality,” Kurzweil says. “I think we’ll have a choice of bodies; we’ll certainly be routinely changing our parent body in virtual reality.”
Many scoff at Kurzweil’s vision, questioning not only its technological feasibility but also its philosophical desirability. Fantasizing about immortality keeps people from living their best lives right now, Rosenbloom argues. “It feeds into death denial. When there's no longer a deadline on your life, it takes away a lot of the motivations that we have in our life.”
Like it or not, some forms of digital afterlife are here already, and more elaborate ones are on the way. Just as today’s kids have never laid hands on a VHS cassette, so they may soon find it strange that anyone ever traveled to a distant graveyard rather than activating a virtual memorial experience they can call up anywhere, anytime.
God 10 / Egyptian deities 0 - SERIES: 1st Plague
The Scripture that Disposes of the idea that man is Immortal by nature
Creation Moment 5/30/2021 - Serpentinization on Enceladus undermines Long Age Chronology
At least 100 geysers erupt from the south polar terrain of Enceladus, a tiny moon that should not be active.
The annual global H2 production rate in all model cases (> 1 × 1012 mol yr−1) is several orders of magnitude greater than the minimum H2 release rate calculated from the observed H2 in Enceladus’ plume (1 × 109 mol yr−1), suggesting that any ongoing active serpentinization processes in the core are likely nearing completion. The longest timescales indicate the potential for olivine alteration and H2 production for up to ~75 Myr [million years], consistent with weathering rates of terrestrial peridotite massifs. If the H2 produced from Enceladus is sourced from primary mineral alteration, these results suggest that hydrothermal activity in the core of Enceladus may have developed only very recently – even as recent as within the past 100 Myr." CEH
Friday, May 28, 2021
The word "Immortal"
---I will therefore follow the leading of the text and at once call upon the glorious Lord who had made so large a promise.
SDA History: Mr. & Mrs. A&B and sisters C&D's visit
"We are all well this morning. Last night, Mr. and Mrs. A called. We had a good visit. The conversation ran on bank stock, how many were getting rich from investing their means. Some also were meeting with loss. Thus losses and gains were discussed by Mr.
and Mrs. A and Sister B and C.
“Well,” said I, slowly, “I have been many years investing in bank stock, and met with no loss. It has yielded me back all the principal and heavy interest.”
All looked up with surprise. C smiled. Mr. A asked, “Where have you invested?”
Creation Moment 5/29/2021 - Blurk
I went by the field of the slothful, and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding; Proverbs 24:30
"Make up a nonsense word. It conveys just as much understanding as saying, “It evolved.”
“Blurk” is a new word, just made up. Let us substitute it into sentences typically found in papers about evolution:
- Scientists determine how the hippopotamus blurked a thick skin.
- Blurky medicine finds reasons for human diseases like diabetes.
- Unrelated species arrived at similar leaf shapes by convergent blurkification.
- The new research sheds light on how the process was orchestrated by blurk to its present optimum.
- The investigators feel their work brings us closer to understanding how life originally blurked.
Now, teach this word to students K through 12 and on into college and grad school.
Tell them all scientists believe in blurk. Those minority anti-blurkers are a stain on science and an embarrassment to their country. Unless students learn how blurk works, their country will fall behind in scientific leadership.
What is blurk? Whatever it means, it
implies change over time, which can be up, down, or sideways, and it comes about by the Stuff Happens Law. The goal for all science majors is to shloop their way to becoming reputable blurkists. Then they will gain “understanding.”CEH
Thursday, May 27, 2021
The symbolism of the Foreheads
foreheads. Some translations say signed.
1 Samuel 17 SERIES Page
SDA News - "The Crowning Act" to be released Summer 2021
“As the crowning act in the great drama of deception, Satan himself will personate Christ. The church has long professed to look to the Savior’s advent as the consummation of her hopes. Now the great deceiver will make it appear that Christ has come. In different parts of the earth, Satan will manifest himself among men as a majestic being of dazzling brightness, resembling the description of the Son of God given by John in the Revelation. Revelation 1:13-15” (The Great Controversy, p. 624).
“The Crowning Act” is a short film, produced and directed by Art Humphrey, dramatizing a discussion between a husband and wife about the manner of Christ’s coming. As the husband watches
television, suddenly the news cuts to a story of the appearance of Christ in Jerusalem. The husband looks up as the camera moves in slowly to his startled face. The images on the TV screen show in an indirect way the brightness and manner of the false “Christ.” The news is repeating, “Christ has come, Christ has come!” The expression on the husband’s face changes as he is drawn into admiration of this dazzling being.As suddenly as it started the TV is turned off. The wife has come in from the other room, picked up the controller and switched off the TV. The husband turns around and says, “Hey, I was watching that!”
This is the beginning of an in-depth Bible study. The subject is Matthew 24 and the return of Christ. The wife insists that the Bible and only the Bible must be our support behind everything that we see, hear, and do. The husband says that the Protestant reformation has long been over, and that his church leaders have proved it to be so. The husband offers non-biblical arguments that what he has seen on television is truly Christ. The wife patiently turns from text to text and explains in detail the manner of Christ’s coming. After much debate and seemingly hours of study, a ray of light breaks through the husband’s insistent presentation. His manner, his attitude, his character soften and he recognizes that the Bible is God’s Word and must be used as the only standard of faith and practice.
This short film will inform, teach, and warn the world of the last great deception before the Second Coming of Jesus. As Seventh-day Adventists we have the most coherent, compelling message to deliver to the world. The means to deliver this story to the whole planet are available to us. We must use the Internet to warn far and wide of the approaching storm.
Creation Moment 5/27/2021 - Extrapolations from the Creation
"The Lord is Creator (For by him were all things created, that arein heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible,....Colossians 1:16), and as Creator He is the rightful owner of His creation. He created all things, and everything belongs to Him.
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Goliath was filled with amazement and anger. "Am I a dog," he exclaimed, "that thou comest to me with staves?" He cried in derision, "Come to me, and I will give thy flesh unto the fowls of the air, and to the beasts of the field."