"Pope Francis has been pushing his globalist agenda of a united

--The theory that the whole world is on God’s side and that no one will be lost (called universalism) originated in the Garden of Eden when Satan contradicted God’s warning and assured Eve: “Ye shall not surely die” (Genesis 3:4). Here Satan declared that faith and obedience to God’s word are irrelevant because, according to him, no one will be lost.
--Later, at the Tower of Babel, mankind dreamed of a single world government and a single world religion. This was done in disobedience to God’s instruction to spread throughout the earth. Instead, they chose to stay together in defiance. God intervened and scattered the human race across the earth by dividing the languages of man (Genesis 11:1-9).
--Bible prophecy predicts that in the last days the world will be under the control of a single political-religious government that will encompass the entire world.
The whole world will be united, including Catholics, Protestants, pagans, spiritualists and agnostics. Biblical prophecy also tells us that this end-time world power will dominate world trade, international politics and military might, and bring humanity to the brink of total self-destruction during the implementation of the mark of the beast.
If we embrace the true gospel of Christ, we will not fall into the deadly error of universalism. If we really believed in the Holy Scriptures, we would denounce the apostate corporate solidarity of the Antichrist that teaches that the whole world is on God’s side." AdventMessenger