And the Spirit & the bride say, come.... Reveaaltion 22:17

And the Spirit & the bride say, come...Revelation 22:17 - May We One Day Bow Down In The DUST At HIS FEET ...... {click on blog TITLE at top to refresh page}---QUESTION: ...when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? LUKE 18:8
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Linguistic Path from Babel to Siberia & North America
Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language,
that they may not understand one another's speech.
Genesis 11:7
"A new study concludes that two language families from central Siberia and North America come from the same ancestral language, implying that they share a common and recent origin—just as the Bible relates.
UCLA's Jared Diamond wrote an article in Nature titled "Linguistics: Deep relationships between languages," in which he summarized the work of Edward Vajda.
Vajda, whose works appear in the 2010 issue of the Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska, found a very significant statistical link between the grammatical construction of the Yeniseian language family—represented by Ket, which is spoken by about 200 people in Siberia—and the North American Na-Dene language family, represented by Navajo and similar languages.
It is clear that all the languages within these two families were once one language. But one of the "questions that most trouble linguists," wrote Diamond, is "why do Yeniseian and Na-Dene languages still show such a strong relationship if they diverged 12,000 years ago, when other languages diverge beyond recognition after 5,000–10,000 years ago?"
That question should actually be separated into several questions:
--Why do these languages appear so similar if they diverged 12,000 years ago?
--Did they actually diverge 12,000 years ago?
--Did all languages begin from one language that diverged over eons of evolution, or were they created as distinct languages from their very beginnings?
First, "other languages" never did "diverge beyond recognition." Instead, they were created so that they were "beyond recognition" right from the start at Babel. It was probably this inability to communicate between the various family groups that led to their dispersal.
More significantly, the reason these languages "still show such a strong relationship" could be that the ancestors of its modern speakers were part of the same family group only 4,000 or fewer years
ago. Where are all the differences that should have arisen over the course of 12,000 years of supposed Na-Dene and Yeniseian linguistic evolution? Changes have occurred, but apparently not 12,000 years' worth.
These two languages are separated by a distance that was certainly traversable by foot within one or two generations during the post-Flood Ice Age, when sea level was 100 meters lower and a land bridge spanned today's Bering Strait.
However, the languages within the two language families under consideration could not be separated by as much time as evolution insists, because they are still so similar. The evidence from the languages points to a recent, common origin, a scenario that perfectly fits the biblical model of a young earth."
that they may not understand one another's speech.
Genesis 11:7
"A new study concludes that two language families from central Siberia and North America come from the same ancestral language, implying that they share a common and recent origin—just as the Bible relates.
UCLA's Jared Diamond wrote an article in Nature titled "Linguistics: Deep relationships between languages," in which he summarized the work of Edward Vajda.
Vajda, whose works appear in the 2010 issue of the Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska, found a very significant statistical link between the grammatical construction of the Yeniseian language family—represented by Ket, which is spoken by about 200 people in Siberia—and the North American Na-Dene language family, represented by Navajo and similar languages.
It is clear that all the languages within these two families were once one language. But one of the "questions that most trouble linguists," wrote Diamond, is "why do Yeniseian and Na-Dene languages still show such a strong relationship if they diverged 12,000 years ago, when other languages diverge beyond recognition after 5,000–10,000 years ago?"
That question should actually be separated into several questions:
--Why do these languages appear so similar if they diverged 12,000 years ago?
--Did they actually diverge 12,000 years ago?
--Did all languages begin from one language that diverged over eons of evolution, or were they created as distinct languages from their very beginnings?
First, "other languages" never did "diverge beyond recognition." Instead, they were created so that they were "beyond recognition" right from the start at Babel. It was probably this inability to communicate between the various family groups that led to their dispersal.
More significantly, the reason these languages "still show such a strong relationship" could be that the ancestors of its modern speakers were part of the same family group only 4,000 or fewer years
ago. Where are all the differences that should have arisen over the course of 12,000 years of supposed Na-Dene and Yeniseian linguistic evolution? Changes have occurred, but apparently not 12,000 years' worth.
These two languages are separated by a distance that was certainly traversable by foot within one or two generations during the post-Flood Ice Age, when sea level was 100 meters lower and a land bridge spanned today's Bering Strait.
However, the languages within the two language families under consideration could not be separated by as much time as evolution insists, because they are still so similar. The evidence from the languages points to a recent, common origin, a scenario that perfectly fits the biblical model of a young earth."
Australia: Mapping the Global Flood
Vertical exaggeration, v/h = 8. The layers are labelled with letters indicating their names: e.g. the symbol Jlh stands for Jurassic, lower, Hutton sandstone. The first letter refers to the geological system: C means Carboniferous, P = Permian, T = Triassic, J = Jurassic and K = Cretaceous.
"In Australia a comprehensive series of geological maps was prepared in the 1960s and 70s as part of a government program, and this has been published as the 1:250,000 scale series. These maps can now be downloaded free from the website of Geoscience Australia. can be seen that the sedimentary layers dip down to the west. (The dip looks steep on the section due to the vertical exaggeration but in the field it dip is quite gentle.) Note the strata sit on a ‘basement’ (consisting of sedimentary and volcanic deposits) that is described as “intensely deformed”.
In other words, there is a clear geological demarcation between the sedimentary strata and the geological unit underneath. The total thickness of all the sedimentary layers is more than 2 km at the western end of the section.
A detailed analysis of the geological characteristics of these strata using the classification criteria within the biblical geological model concluded that they were deposited during the first part of Noah’s Flood—the Zenithic phase.
That is, these sediments were deposited as the waters of the Flood were rising and just before they reached their peak. This conclusion was based on the expectation that the movement of water during the global Flood would have spread the sediment over vast geographical areas (the scale criterion). Another factor was the presence of footprints and trackways. Certain strata in these layers contain footprints of dinosaurs, temporarily stranded as they tried to escape, which means the layers were deposited before the waters had reached their peak and all air-breathing animal life had perished.
Concerning the deformed sediments and volcanics beneath the strata, ...these strata contain fossils, which is why they have been classified on the map as Carboniferous (labelled with a C). Fossils mean that these sediments were also deposited in the Flood during an earlier phase. It also indicates that significant tectonic activity occurred during the first part of the Flood deforming the sediments after they were deposited.
Another feature that helps synchronize the geological section to the biblical Flood is the location of the existing land surface. As the floodwaters drained into the ocean they initially flowed in vast sheets which, as the water level reduced, eventually developed into huge channels. This period was primarily an erosional event on the continents, and it is expected that the present landscape was mostly formed at this time: “During the Recessive stage the waters moved off the continents into the present ocean basins. This was a highly erosive process.” Holt called this period the “Erodozoic”.
When we examine the horizontal land surface that runs across the section we can assume that it was mainly carved during the Recessive stage of the Flood."
And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark;
Genesis 7:1
GOD: From Eden to Calvary
I have considered the days of old, the years of ancient times.
Psalm 77:5
"The Bible provides for us a fascinating perspective on the passage of time. Three thousand years ago, the psalmist was seeking to understand God’s ways in HIS time, and each new generation seems to think that it is the “new wave,” leading the world out of its past darkness into a new age of
enlightenment. We are merely the children of the ancient patriarchs, and our moral natures are the same as theirs, all contaminated by inherent sinfulness and the need for divine salvation. God dealt with them as He does with us, so that every later generation needs to study and learn from the generations of ancient times and from God’s inspired histories of them in the earliest books of the Bible—especially Genesis, as well as Exodus, Job, and other ancient books. “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope” (Romans 15:4). God is the same today as He was
--in Eden,
--on Mount Ararat,
--in Babel,
--and Sinai,
--and Calvary.
“LORD, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God” (Psalm 90:1,2)."
Psalm 77:5
"The Bible provides for us a fascinating perspective on the passage of time. Three thousand years ago, the psalmist was seeking to understand God’s ways in HIS time, and each new generation seems to think that it is the “new wave,” leading the world out of its past darkness into a new age of
enlightenment. We are merely the children of the ancient patriarchs, and our moral natures are the same as theirs, all contaminated by inherent sinfulness and the need for divine salvation. God dealt with them as He does with us, so that every later generation needs to study and learn from the generations of ancient times and from God’s inspired histories of them in the earliest books of the Bible—especially Genesis, as well as Exodus, Job, and other ancient books. “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope” (Romans 15:4). God is the same today as He was
--in Eden,
--on Mount Ararat,
--in Babel,
--and Sinai,
--and Calvary.
“LORD, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God” (Psalm 90:1,2)."
Pomp & Pride vs. the CROSS
I found him whom my soul loveth:
I held him, and would not let him go.Song of Solomon 3:4
"Does Christ receive us when we come to him, notwithstanding all our past sinfulness?
Does he never chide us for having tried all other refuges first?
And is there none on earth like him?
Is he the best of all the good, the fairest of all the fair?
Oh, then let us praise him!
Daughters of Jerusalem, extol him with timbrel and harp!
Down with your idols, up with the Lord Jesus.
Now let the standards of pomp and pride be trampled under foot, but let the cross of Jesus,
which the world frowns and scoffs at,
be lifted on high.
How can it be that I have thought so little of him?
Bid him set thee as a signet upon his finger, and as a bracelet upon his arm. Ask him to bind thee about him, as the bride decketh herself with ornaments, and as the bridegroom putteth on his jewels."
Charles Spurgeon
"New" "Old" Commandment
Brethren, I write no new commandment unto you,
but an old commandment. . . . Again, a new commandment I write unto you.
1 John 2:7-8
"On the surface, this passage appears to be a real problem. The easily seen focus of the “commandment” is love for the brethren (vv. 9-11). The difficult wording lies in the “old” and the “new” side of the same thought.
The “old” sense of the command to love is as eternal as the very nature of God Himself. Whatever love we express in our human nature derives its source from God who is love (1 John 4:16).
Even “from the beginning” (1 John 2:7) humanity was charged with the commitment of marital love (Genesis 2:24), which is the earthly example of God’s love for His church (Ephesians 5:25).
Then as God codified His “rules” for those who would submit to His authority, God insisted that we were to “love thy neighbor as thyself” (Leviticus 19:18). Centuries later as the apostle Paul commented on the Mosiac Law, it was noted that “love worketh no ill to his neighbor: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law” (Romans 13:10).
The “new” side of the commandment has its “beginning” with the institution of the new covenant (Hebrews 8:13) and the commissioning of the apostolic leadership (John 13:34).
The new focus would be on the spiritual kingdom rather than the earthly nation, and the “brethren” would not merely be genetically related but have a spiritual “new birth.
This new command goes beyond marriage and nation to the entire family of God." HMM III
but an old commandment. . . . Again, a new commandment I write unto you.
1 John 2:7-8
"On the surface, this passage appears to be a real problem. The easily seen focus of the “commandment” is love for the brethren (vv. 9-11). The difficult wording lies in the “old” and the “new” side of the same thought.
The “old” sense of the command to love is as eternal as the very nature of God Himself. Whatever love we express in our human nature derives its source from God who is love (1 John 4:16).
Even “from the beginning” (1 John 2:7) humanity was charged with the commitment of marital love (Genesis 2:24), which is the earthly example of God’s love for His church (Ephesians 5:25).
Then as God codified His “rules” for those who would submit to His authority, God insisted that we were to “love thy neighbor as thyself” (Leviticus 19:18). Centuries later as the apostle Paul commented on the Mosiac Law, it was noted that “love worketh no ill to his neighbor: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law” (Romans 13:10).
The “new” side of the commandment has its “beginning” with the institution of the new covenant (Hebrews 8:13) and the commissioning of the apostolic leadership (John 13:34).
The new focus would be on the spiritual kingdom rather than the earthly nation, and the “brethren” would not merely be genetically related but have a spiritual “new birth.
This new command goes beyond marriage and nation to the entire family of God." HMM III
Papal Notes - Viganò back in the News
But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13
"Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has issued a new letter addressing his allegation that senior prelates have been complicit in covering up alleged sex abuse by Archbishop Theodore McCarrick.
Headed with Archbishop Viganò’s episcopal motto, Scio Cui credidi (I know whom I have believed), the letter, dated Sept. 29, was released Sept. 27.
He noted it has been a month since he released his testimony, “solely for the good of the Church,” alleging that Pope Francis and other high-ranking prelates knew of grave sexual sins committed by Archbishop McCarrick.
“Neither the pope, nor any of the cardinals in Rome have denied the facts I asserted in my testimony,” the archbishop noted; referring to the proverb “silence is consent”, he said that “if they deny my testimony, they have only to say so, and provide documentation to support that denial.”
Archbishop Viganò noted that Pope Francis’ response to his testimony was, “I will not say a word,” though “he has compared his silence to that of Jesus in Nazareth and before Pilate, and compared
me to the great accuser, Satan, who sows scandal and division in the Church — though without ever uttering my name.”
The former nuncio charged that rather than simply saying, “Viganò lied”, the pope has “put in place a subtle slander against me — slander being an offense he has often compared to the gravity of murder.”
Genesis 13:13
"Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has issued a new letter addressing his allegation that senior prelates have been complicit in covering up alleged sex abuse by Archbishop Theodore McCarrick.
Headed with Archbishop Viganò’s episcopal motto, Scio Cui credidi (I know whom I have believed), the letter, dated Sept. 29, was released Sept. 27.
![]() |
Viganò |
“Neither the pope, nor any of the cardinals in Rome have denied the facts I asserted in my testimony,” the archbishop noted; referring to the proverb “silence is consent”, he said that “if they deny my testimony, they have only to say so, and provide documentation to support that denial.”
Archbishop Viganò noted that Pope Francis’ response to his testimony was, “I will not say a word,” though “he has compared his silence to that of Jesus in Nazareth and before Pilate, and compared
me to the great accuser, Satan, who sows scandal and division in the Church — though without ever uttering my name.”
The former nuncio charged that rather than simply saying, “Viganò lied”, the pope has “put in place a subtle slander against me — slander being an offense he has often compared to the gravity of murder.”
IN the NEWS - Pennsylvania acting out 2 Peter 2:13,14
Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution,
whether it be to the emperor as supreme,
or to governors as sent by him
to punish those who do evil.....
1 Peter 2:13,14
"Pennsylvania state Rep. Mark Rozzi declared that "judgment day is upon us" as he spoke about the victims of clergy child sex abuse.
On Tuesday night, the statehouse voted 173–21 on a proposal to
give victims of child sex abuse in Pennsylvania more time to file lawsuits against clergy they say have abused them.... the bill is now going to be put up for a Senate vote, which will determine whether a two-year window for litigation is going to be created.
The push for reform comes following revelations that hundreds of Roman Catholic priests abused children in the state going back to the 1940s. Similar revelations in other states and around the world have rocked the Vatican to its core.
Pope Francis, who himself has been accused of covering up for a church leader suspected of committing abuse, meanwhile admitted in a visit to Estonia that the sex abuse scandal is driving away young people from the Catholic Church."
Creation Moment 9/30/2018 - Man's Relation to the Creation
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. Genesis 1:28
"The material creation is neither divine nor eternal.
ancestry is not animal but divine through adoption. And that God made the earth for man, not vice-versa.
"The material creation is neither divine nor eternal.
1) It is not sacred.
2) Not of intrinsic value – nor in unity with mankind in any spiritual sense. Science gives no support for such ideas. Christ and the Bible teach that fallen man is a creature of God whose
ancestry is not animal but divine through adoption. And that God made the earth for man, not vice-versa.
3) Creation will not collapse due to civilization, in spite of current Climate Change paranoia. It will be destroyed by God Himself at His Second Coming, to make way for its recreation as the Earth made new.
4) The Earth was not created for our kinship. God has called us to a relationship with Himself, and other people. Let us share the Everlasting Gospel with as many people as possible."
Friday, September 28, 2018
What was the "New" Commandment?
"The commandment to love one another summarizes the Second Table of the Moral Law (the last six
Commandments) generally speaking and is applied here by Christ to believers for one another specifically speaking.
Jesus summarizes the Moral Law in TWO Commandments, loving God (the First Table) and loving neighbor (the Second Table) in Matthew 22:36-40.
What is actually “new” about the “new commandment?” Well, it was not new in its substance. Loving others is the foundation of the last 6 of the Ten Commandments. The command to “love your neighbor as yourself” was first given in Leviticus 19:18. There was nothing new whatsoever about the command to love our neighbors.
So then, what did Jesus mean? What was new?
Their motivation for fulfilling the Law’s command was new. Jesus emphasized, “As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”
Ellicott’s Commentary says, “There is no reference in the context to the Ten Commandments, and we are not therefore to seek the meaning of the ‘new commandment’ in any more or less full contrast with them.”
The Cambridge Bible for Colleges and Schools says, “The commandment to love was not new, for ‘thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself’ (Leviticus 19:18) was part of the Mosaic Law. But the motive is new; to love our neighbor because Christ has loved us.”
Commandments) generally speaking and is applied here by Christ to believers for one another specifically speaking.
Jesus summarizes the Moral Law in TWO Commandments, loving God (the First Table) and loving neighbor (the Second Table) in Matthew 22:36-40.
What is actually “new” about the “new commandment?” Well, it was not new in its substance. Loving others is the foundation of the last 6 of the Ten Commandments. The command to “love your neighbor as yourself” was first given in Leviticus 19:18. There was nothing new whatsoever about the command to love our neighbors.
So then, what did Jesus mean? What was new?
Their motivation for fulfilling the Law’s command was new. Jesus emphasized, “As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”
Ellicott’s Commentary says, “There is no reference in the context to the Ten Commandments, and we are not therefore to seek the meaning of the ‘new commandment’ in any more or less full contrast with them.”
The Cambridge Bible for Colleges and Schools says, “The commandment to love was not new, for ‘thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself’ (Leviticus 19:18) was part of the Mosaic Law. But the motive is new; to love our neighbor because Christ has loved us.”
What should Engross Our Mind & Attention?
And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image,... Revelation 14:9
"...the third angel [Rev. 14:9-11].
Fearful is his work.
Awful is his mission.
He is the angel that is to select the wheat from the tares and seal,
or bind, the wheat for the heavenly garner.
These things should engross the whole mind, the whole attention."
E.G.W. 118 (1854)
"...the third angel [Rev. 14:9-11].
Fearful is his work.
Awful is his mission.
He is the angel that is to select the wheat from the tares and seal,
or bind, the wheat for the heavenly garner.
These things should engross the whole mind, the whole attention."
E.G.W. 118 (1854)
IN the NEWS - Yeti coming to a School near You?
Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
2 Timothy 3:7
In using the captive minds of a classroom they seek to indoctrinate with Evolution nonsense, Mother Earth nonsense, then LGBT nonsense and now with eastern mysticism nonsense...
"Have you heard of Mind Yeti, CFC's mindfulness program with its Yeti cartoon-like character who will help clear hubbubbles from kids and their adults' minds with its daily meditation practices both in the classroom and at home?
Touting its exciting possibilities in an almost half-hour webinar "Get Your Mind Ready with Mind Yeti for Schools" introduces a third grade classroom video where kids "take a moment to find their yeti bodies." Its teacher too, along side of her pupils, leads the meditation.
Yeti is an ice-blue colored Sesame Street-like character that will help teach kids mindfulness. And what is a yeti? Well, a yeti is an ape-like creature said to reside in the Himalayan mountains. Yes, the Mind Yeti creators have very cleverly used the yeti which some Buddhists worship, and whose costumes Buddhist monks use for religious ceremonies to lure youngsters into mindfulness meditation.
Mind Yeti and MindUP are sort of "mindfulness cousins" for both programs have the very same advisors. Who then are these experts that have shaped both programs? You can meet one of them along with MindUP's Goldie Hawn at the 2013 Heart-Mind Conference at the Dalai Lama Center. Known as a "renowned expert in the field of social and emotion learning (SEL)" that advisor is Dr. Kimberly Schonert-Reichl who is a professor at the University of British Columbia, Ca. who has advised both MindUP and Mind Yeti among many other organizations. A second lesser contributor of both programs from the same university is Dr. Molly Stewart Lawlor.
Dr. Candy Gunther Brown in "Mindfulness Meditation in Public Schools: Side-Stepping Supreme Court Religion Rulings" discusses MindUP in depth and notes that the "core practice" of deep belly breathing and attentive listening (mindfulness meditation) is part of "... Goldie Hawn's agenda of getting Buddhist religious contemplative practice into the classroom by another name."
Goldie Hawn, with advisor Schonert-Reichl right beside her, at the Dalai Lama Center asserted she was going to get "the show on the road" for she had its "script written." Of the script Gunther Brown says, "The MindUP 'script' tells the story that Buddhist mindfulness is really 'secular' neuroscience."
....the attractiveness of the Yeti itself with its swirl of thought hubbubbles circling about it makes this program even more alluring to kids. Such is the cuteness of it that kids are saying: "Let's Yeti!"
Hoping to lure you into signing on to the Premium sessions Mind Yeti gives you just a taste of different kinds of sessions for free. Then, you must pay for more. Most assuredly, mindfulness is a money making business for Mind Yeti.
Last April on the "Mind Yeti Blog", Butler wrote an article titled: "Mindful Leadership: Tips for Transforming Your School District Culture with Mind Yeti." In his article Butler begins by saying that his vision is to see Mind Yeti to spread across the entire school district. Therefore to get ready for Mind Yeti they must "Cast a Wide Net." To do this Butler suggests one make mindfulness accessible, share the research, make it personal, and bring it to the community. Introduce it, e.g., by using a Mind Yeti session such as "Hello Breath."
In short, Butler, with missionary-like fervor, encourages everyone in AISD to seize every opportunity to spread Mind Yeti. Imagine if this was a Christian practice, and folks were spreading it with like passion. What outrage would occur. Public Schools though have thrown out all connected with the God of the Bible, and now in need of something moral to grab hold of, they have replaced it with Buddhist-related mindfulness. With recent school happenings there is even more reason why school districts just like Austin, Texas will turn to mindfulness."
2 Timothy 3:7
In using the captive minds of a classroom they seek to indoctrinate with Evolution nonsense, Mother Earth nonsense, then LGBT nonsense and now with eastern mysticism nonsense...
"Have you heard of Mind Yeti, CFC's mindfulness program with its Yeti cartoon-like character who will help clear hubbubbles from kids and their adults' minds with its daily meditation practices both in the classroom and at home?
Touting its exciting possibilities in an almost half-hour webinar "Get Your Mind Ready with Mind Yeti for Schools" introduces a third grade classroom video where kids "take a moment to find their yeti bodies." Its teacher too, along side of her pupils, leads the meditation.
Yeti is an ice-blue colored Sesame Street-like character that will help teach kids mindfulness. And what is a yeti? Well, a yeti is an ape-like creature said to reside in the Himalayan mountains. Yes, the Mind Yeti creators have very cleverly used the yeti which some Buddhists worship, and whose costumes Buddhist monks use for religious ceremonies to lure youngsters into mindfulness meditation.
Mind Yeti and MindUP are sort of "mindfulness cousins" for both programs have the very same advisors. Who then are these experts that have shaped both programs? You can meet one of them along with MindUP's Goldie Hawn at the 2013 Heart-Mind Conference at the Dalai Lama Center. Known as a "renowned expert in the field of social and emotion learning (SEL)" that advisor is Dr. Kimberly Schonert-Reichl who is a professor at the University of British Columbia, Ca. who has advised both MindUP and Mind Yeti among many other organizations. A second lesser contributor of both programs from the same university is Dr. Molly Stewart Lawlor.
Dr. Candy Gunther Brown in "Mindfulness Meditation in Public Schools: Side-Stepping Supreme Court Religion Rulings" discusses MindUP in depth and notes that the "core practice" of deep belly breathing and attentive listening (mindfulness meditation) is part of "... Goldie Hawn's agenda of getting Buddhist religious contemplative practice into the classroom by another name."
Goldie Hawn, with advisor Schonert-Reichl right beside her, at the Dalai Lama Center asserted she was going to get "the show on the road" for she had its "script written." Of the script Gunther Brown says, "The MindUP 'script' tells the story that Buddhist mindfulness is really 'secular' neuroscience."
....the attractiveness of the Yeti itself with its swirl of thought hubbubbles circling about it makes this program even more alluring to kids. Such is the cuteness of it that kids are saying: "Let's Yeti!"
Hoping to lure you into signing on to the Premium sessions Mind Yeti gives you just a taste of different kinds of sessions for free. Then, you must pay for more. Most assuredly, mindfulness is a money making business for Mind Yeti.
Last April on the "Mind Yeti Blog", Butler wrote an article titled: "Mindful Leadership: Tips for Transforming Your School District Culture with Mind Yeti." In his article Butler begins by saying that his vision is to see Mind Yeti to spread across the entire school district. Therefore to get ready for Mind Yeti they must "Cast a Wide Net." To do this Butler suggests one make mindfulness accessible, share the research, make it personal, and bring it to the community. Introduce it, e.g., by using a Mind Yeti session such as "Hello Breath."
In short, Butler, with missionary-like fervor, encourages everyone in AISD to seize every opportunity to spread Mind Yeti. Imagine if this was a Christian practice, and folks were spreading it with like passion. What outrage would occur. Public Schools though have thrown out all connected with the God of the Bible, and now in need of something moral to grab hold of, they have replaced it with Buddhist-related mindfulness. With recent school happenings there is even more reason why school districts just like Austin, Texas will turn to mindfulness."
From the "Really" File - (Outstanding Video Game?)
...inventors of evil things,... Romans 1:30
"From film to television to comic books, homosexual advocacy has crept into multiple types of media people originally turned to for escapism...and now the pro-LGBT group GLAAD has set its sights on video games.
The GLAAD Media Awards have created a new “Outstanding Video Game” category, meant to recognize games that feature “authentic and impactful LGBTQ characters or storylines” and incorporate “LGBTQ-inclusive content” into gameplay, player choices, or the game’s setting. To qualify, games must have either been released in 2018 or received LGBT-related downloadable content (DLC) this year.
“The very baseline of it is a matter of numbers,” GLAAD Vice President of Programs Zeke Stokes told The Hollywood Reporter on Wednesday. “If we’re working to make sure LGBTQ people are included in media, we can’t ignore the video gaming space, and it's super evident the gaming industry is willing to make this step.”
By promoting and rewarding games that contain positive depictions of homosexuality, Stokes says that GLAAD hopes to reach a “wide swath of young people,” who can use virtual worlds and interactive stories to “try on their authentic self in an environment that is not threatening.”
Several popular games have featured homosexual content over the past decade. The sci-fi Mass Effect and fantasy-based Dragon Age series allow players to pursue sexual relationships with both men and women over the course of their stories. The Sims, a comedic series about managing virtual households, lets Sims of the same sex “marry” each other.
This summer, a trailer for the upcoming dystopian adventure game The Last of Us Part II drew headlines for featuring a kiss between two female characters, a scene Stokes singled out as part of a “turning point in the industry.”
While LGBT “representation” is steadily rising on American television, GLAAD has been complaining for the past several years about the lack of gay characters or themes in major movies. Last month, it joined with the group Time’s Up to organize a coalition of more than 45 groups, talent agencies, and production companies demanding more frequent and favorable depictions of transgender characters in media.
Yet GLAAD’s own research, as well as comic book retailers’ revolt last year against the Disney-owned entertainment giant Marvel, suggests an unavoidable conflict between activists’ increasing demands for identity politics and mainstream audiences’ decreasing willingness to be lectured in their entertainment."
"From film to television to comic books, homosexual advocacy has crept into multiple types of media people originally turned to for escapism...and now the pro-LGBT group GLAAD has set its sights on video games.
The GLAAD Media Awards have created a new “Outstanding Video Game” category, meant to recognize games that feature “authentic and impactful LGBTQ characters or storylines” and incorporate “LGBTQ-inclusive content” into gameplay, player choices, or the game’s setting. To qualify, games must have either been released in 2018 or received LGBT-related downloadable content (DLC) this year.
“The very baseline of it is a matter of numbers,” GLAAD Vice President of Programs Zeke Stokes told The Hollywood Reporter on Wednesday. “If we’re working to make sure LGBTQ people are included in media, we can’t ignore the video gaming space, and it's super evident the gaming industry is willing to make this step.”
By promoting and rewarding games that contain positive depictions of homosexuality, Stokes says that GLAAD hopes to reach a “wide swath of young people,” who can use virtual worlds and interactive stories to “try on their authentic self in an environment that is not threatening.”
Several popular games have featured homosexual content over the past decade. The sci-fi Mass Effect and fantasy-based Dragon Age series allow players to pursue sexual relationships with both men and women over the course of their stories. The Sims, a comedic series about managing virtual households, lets Sims of the same sex “marry” each other.
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From the "Really" File |
This summer, a trailer for the upcoming dystopian adventure game The Last of Us Part II drew headlines for featuring a kiss between two female characters, a scene Stokes singled out as part of a “turning point in the industry.”
While LGBT “representation” is steadily rising on American television, GLAAD has been complaining for the past several years about the lack of gay characters or themes in major movies. Last month, it joined with the group Time’s Up to organize a coalition of more than 45 groups, talent agencies, and production companies demanding more frequent and favorable depictions of transgender characters in media.
Yet GLAAD’s own research, as well as comic book retailers’ revolt last year against the Disney-owned entertainment giant Marvel, suggests an unavoidable conflict between activists’ increasing demands for identity politics and mainstream audiences’ decreasing willingness to be lectured in their entertainment."
Creation Moment 9/29/2018 - Daughters of Missing Parents = Creation by Fiat
Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth;...For he spake, and it was done;
Hebrews 1:10/Psalm 33:9 "Robert Gentry is acknowledged to be the foremost expert in the field of radio-halos. By the use of the ion microprobe, he has been able to analyze the microscopic inclusions at the center of the concentric circles. This modern device...enables the identification of individual atoms, and also permits them to be counted in order to establish the relative abundance of each element present. Gentry's investigation of the commonly found polonium 218 halos by microprobe analysis has shown that the inclusion at the center consists mostly of the final product, lead 206. The startling thing is that there are no elements above polonium in the inclusion; in other words, the daughter elements are present but no parents.When it is recalled that the half-life of the parent uranium 238 is said to be 4.5 billion years, then a little more than half the original quantity of uranium would be expected to be present. In fact, not one atom of uranium or thorium can be found, nor are there any traces of the characteristic halos for these elements.
There is no doubt that the halo "signatures" are genuinely those of part of the uranium 238 decay series. Even if the velocity of light and the related speed of particle emission had been radically different in the past, this would not, it has been pointed out by Setterfield, affect the halo diameters. This is because the electron rest mass was lower in the past and the specific electron charge was higher; the differences thus cancel out and leave the penetration distance unchanged. The simple evidence of the "daughter" elements without a trace of the "parent" leaves one little choice but to conclude that the decay process began with polonium 218. However, since the half-life of this element, even measured today, is only 3.05 minutes, it could not have begun in the liquid state.
The reason for this is that all the alpha particles were emitted from the decaying polonium in the first hour or so and if emitted within a liquid medium, would leave no permanent record. This forces the conclusion that the polonium decay began in the solid state; we are faced here with evidence of the original Creation. If this is true, and no other rational explanation is yet forthcoming, then it means that all the basement rocks were supernaturally created in the solid form and never passed through the liquid to solid change by slow cooling. Gentry put the matter this way: "Is it conceivable that one of the oldest cosmological theories known to man [biblical Creation] is correct after all? Could the earth have been created by fiat?" (Gentry p.78)."
There is no doubt that the halo "signatures" are genuinely those of part of the uranium 238 decay series. Even if the velocity of light and the related speed of particle emission had been radically different in the past, this would not, it has been pointed out by Setterfield, affect the halo diameters. This is because the electron rest mass was lower in the past and the specific electron charge was higher; the differences thus cancel out and leave the penetration distance unchanged. The simple evidence of the "daughter" elements without a trace of the "parent" leaves one little choice but to conclude that the decay process began with polonium 218. However, since the half-life of this element, even measured today, is only 3.05 minutes, it could not have begun in the liquid state.
The reason for this is that all the alpha particles were emitted from the decaying polonium in the first hour or so and if emitted within a liquid medium, would leave no permanent record. This forces the conclusion that the polonium decay began in the solid state; we are faced here with evidence of the original Creation. If this is true, and no other rational explanation is yet forthcoming, then it means that all the basement rocks were supernaturally created in the solid form and never passed through the liquid to solid change by slow cooling. Gentry put the matter this way: "Is it conceivable that one of the oldest cosmological theories known to man [biblical Creation] is correct after all? Could the earth have been created by fiat?" (Gentry p.78)."
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Creation Moment 9/28/2018 - Early Roots of Darwinism & Green Religion
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
Romans 1:22,23
"Darwin had lost no time in quoting from Kingsley, since the second edition appeared only two months after the first (January 1860), while there is little doubt that this confession from a notable member of the clergy was extremely helpful in overcoming the
major source of opposition to the theory.
Kingsley's expression "self development into other needful forms" soon found its outworkings in his book for small children written about two years later, in 1863, while on a fishing holiday. Entitled The Water Babies, this work is fairly typical of Victorian literature of its genre.
Whereas most paid respect to Father God from evidence of design, however, Kingsley modified this to Mother Nature, with allusions to evolution (F. Kingsley 1904, 245).
The story has the child, Tom, approach Mother Carey (a synonym for Mother Nature), expecting to find her "making new beasts out of old". She explains to him that she has no need to go to that much trouble but simply has to sit and "make them make themselves" (C. Kingsley 1979, 232)."
Romans 1:22,23
"Darwin had lost no time in quoting from Kingsley, since the second edition appeared only two months after the first (January 1860), while there is little doubt that this confession from a notable member of the clergy was extremely helpful in overcoming the
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Kinglsey, who betrayed his God by introducing nonsense that led to Diseased Imaginations |
Kingsley's expression "self development into other needful forms" soon found its outworkings in his book for small children written about two years later, in 1863, while on a fishing holiday. Entitled The Water Babies, this work is fairly typical of Victorian literature of its genre.
Whereas most paid respect to Father God from evidence of design, however, Kingsley modified this to Mother Nature, with allusions to evolution (F. Kingsley 1904, 245).
The story has the child, Tom, approach Mother Carey (a synonym for Mother Nature), expecting to find her "making new beasts out of old". She explains to him that she has no need to go to that much trouble but simply has to sit and "make them make themselves" (C. Kingsley 1979, 232)."
Sexual Sin: Ellen White doesn't Mince Words
"O, how disgusted is God with the tame, lifeless, Christless efforts made by some of those who profess to be his servants.
*Not one particle of Sodomitish impurity will escape the wrath of God at the execution of the judgment.
*Those who do not repent of and forsake all uncleanness will fall with the wicked. Those who become members of the royal family and form God's kingdom in the earth made new will be saints, not sinners. Isaiah 30:1-3, 8-16.
Those who anciently committed these sins were taken without the camp and stoned to death.
Indulgence in unlawful things has become a power to
--deprave mankind,
--to dwarf the mind,
--and to pervert the faculties.
Just such a state of things as exists today existed before the flood and before the destruction of Sodom."
Woe to the rebellious children, saith the LORD, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin:
Manuscript Releases vol.8,p.1168,169 E.G.W./Isaiah 30:1
*Not one particle of Sodomitish impurity will escape the wrath of God at the execution of the judgment.
*Those who do not repent of and forsake all uncleanness will fall with the wicked. Those who become members of the royal family and form God's kingdom in the earth made new will be saints, not sinners. Isaiah 30:1-3, 8-16.
Those who anciently committed these sins were taken without the camp and stoned to death.
--Temporal and
--eternal death
was their doom;
and because the penalty of stoning to death is abolished, this sin is indulged in beyond measure, and is thought to be a small offense.Indulgence in unlawful things has become a power to
--deprave mankind,
--to dwarf the mind,
--and to pervert the faculties.
Just such a state of things as exists today existed before the flood and before the destruction of Sodom."
Woe to the rebellious children, saith the LORD, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin:
Manuscript Releases vol.8,p.1168,169 E.G.W./Isaiah 30:1
The "Revelations"
"Historically speaking there have been two different types of revelation.
General (or natural) revelation designates the revelation that God has provided of Himself in nature.
Special (or supernatural) revelation is the name that designates the revelation God has provided within the Bible.
General Revelation comes to man through nature.
The first six verses of Psalm 19 declare that God has given a revelation of Himself in nature that constantly testifies of the Creator.
In Romans 1:20, Paul stated that "the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity; that they may be without excuse."
--The Scriptures teach that general revelation is universal.
--At no time in history has God left Himself without a witness of Himself.
--General revelation is universal in both scope and territory.
Now we must ask the question: Is there any evidence that mankind has been given such a revelation? Yes, there is.
--The evidence clearly establishes that God has given mankind a permanent revelation in written form in the book known as the Bible.
--The Bible shows a unity that—on purely human terms—is impossible to explain."
IN the NEWS - Corruption in Chicago?
But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13
"Cupich sent Lyle and Thomas to harangue Fr. Kalchik after Resurrection parishioners burned an LGBT flag featuring a
rainbow superimposed over the cross that once hung in the sanctuary at the parish's first Mass.
Fr. Paul Kalchik, pastor of Resurrection Parish in Chicago, has fled his parish and gone into hiding, one day after two chancery priests threatened him that if he did not get psychiatric treatment, Cdl. Blase Cupich would ensure he'd be taken away by police.
Monsignor Dennis Lyle and Fr. Jeremy Thomas made clear they were acting on Cupich's orders; according to lay witnesses, the pair used "crude and threatening language" against Fr. Kalchik and went so far as to suggest the faithful priest's life is in danger.
Kalchik has gone into hiding, just before he was scheduled to preside over a 2 p.m. wedding at Resurrection Parish.
"Cardinal Cupich just sent an ultimatum — go, or the police will come. We could not stand for him to be taken away in handcuffs like a criminal," said one parish staff member. "So he's gone."
Resurrection Parish has suffered break-ins and Kalchik has received death threats ever since parishioners burned the rainbow flag on parish property.
"This was no regular rainbow flag, but a banner merging the Cross with the rainbow," a parishioner explained. "It was not innocent. It was a signal that this parish would be the new 'gay' parish, as Fr. Daniel Montalbano's previous church, St. Sebastian, home to gay Masses, had burned down."
Montalbano was a known homosexual, holding gay parties in the parish basement. He died an untimely death at age 50, his body found in his rectory bedroom hooked up to a sex machine.
After Montalbano failed to respond to knocking on his bedroom door, staff broke down the door to find Montalbano naked and still attached to the contraption. The archdiocese covered up the incident, reporting that Montalbano had died from a "heart attack," offering him a priest's funeral shortly afterward.
The priest installed after Montalbano, Fr. Juan Sanchez-Espinosa, came through the notorious Casa Jesus, a house of formation set up under Bernardin explicitly to recruit gay seminarians from Latin America. Sanchez was suspended in 2006 after a 26-year-old man accused him of drugging him and sexually assaulting him.
According to a man who thinks he's a so-called transgender woman, the archbishop of Chicago is listening to him instead of his faithful priest, Fr. Paul Kalchik, the pastor of Resurrection Parish.
The biological man, who goes by the name Alexandra Whitney, started a Twitter storm over the weekend claiming to have the cardinal's ear in having Fr. Kalchik ousted:
Genesis 13:13
"Cupich sent Lyle and Thomas to harangue Fr. Kalchik after Resurrection parishioners burned an LGBT flag featuring a
rainbow superimposed over the cross that once hung in the sanctuary at the parish's first Mass.
Fr. Paul Kalchik, pastor of Resurrection Parish in Chicago, has fled his parish and gone into hiding, one day after two chancery priests threatened him that if he did not get psychiatric treatment, Cdl. Blase Cupich would ensure he'd be taken away by police.
Monsignor Dennis Lyle and Fr. Jeremy Thomas made clear they were acting on Cupich's orders; according to lay witnesses, the pair used "crude and threatening language" against Fr. Kalchik and went so far as to suggest the faithful priest's life is in danger.
Kalchik has gone into hiding, just before he was scheduled to preside over a 2 p.m. wedding at Resurrection Parish.
"Cardinal Cupich just sent an ultimatum — go, or the police will come. We could not stand for him to be taken away in handcuffs like a criminal," said one parish staff member. "So he's gone."
Resurrection Parish has suffered break-ins and Kalchik has received death threats ever since parishioners burned the rainbow flag on parish property.
"This was no regular rainbow flag, but a banner merging the Cross with the rainbow," a parishioner explained. "It was not innocent. It was a signal that this parish would be the new 'gay' parish, as Fr. Daniel Montalbano's previous church, St. Sebastian, home to gay Masses, had burned down."
Montalbano was a known homosexual, holding gay parties in the parish basement. He died an untimely death at age 50, his body found in his rectory bedroom hooked up to a sex machine.
After Montalbano failed to respond to knocking on his bedroom door, staff broke down the door to find Montalbano naked and still attached to the contraption. The archdiocese covered up the incident, reporting that Montalbano had died from a "heart attack," offering him a priest's funeral shortly afterward.
The priest installed after Montalbano, Fr. Juan Sanchez-Espinosa, came through the notorious Casa Jesus, a house of formation set up under Bernardin explicitly to recruit gay seminarians from Latin America. Sanchez was suspended in 2006 after a 26-year-old man accused him of drugging him and sexually assaulting him.
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Corrupt Cardinal Cupich |
The biological man, who goes by the name Alexandra Whitney, started a Twitter storm over the weekend claiming to have the cardinal's ear in having Fr. Kalchik ousted:
"I called and spoke to Cardinal Blase Cupich, Archbishop of the Diocese of Chicago. I shared my concerns with Cardinal Cupich about Fr. Kalchik's attacks on LGBTQ Catholics and how this priest is harming the Body of Christ."
Whitney added, "Cardinal Cupich shared my concerns and advised me that the Diocese takes Fr. Kalchik's recent activities very seriously and that Cupich was weighing his decision on how to move forward very carefully." a priest is on the run from his church for burning a gay flag used to hang over the mass in the church...on the run from a Cardinal (Cupich) who oversees this immoral cesspool ring that stretches down from Chicago to Latin America....So shouldn't Cupich be on the run? Why is he still in power?...Just asking......In the AGE of ERROR...

Let us strive to be able to say with the apostle, "We have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ" [2 Peter 1:16]."
Manuscript Releases vol.14,p.58 E.G.W.
WOW!....he really doesn't get it does he?.....he thinks it's about shifting "attitudes" toward child abuse and hermeneutics....UNBELIVABLE
But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13
"The pope explained that there was now a greater moral awareness of the seriousness of child sexual abuse, but that to understand the
mistakes of the past it was necessary to consider the historical and cultural context.
“It is a principle that helps me to interpret history a lot,” he said. “A historic event is interpreted with the hermeneutic of the time period in which it took place, not with a hermeneutic of today.”
Offering the example of the history of different “indigenous people,” the pope noted that to modern eyes there were “so many injustices, so much brutality, but it cannot be interpreted through the hermeneutic of today [now] that we have another conscience.”
Francis also compared the Church’s shifting attitude towards
covering up sexual abuse with changed perceptions of the death penalty, noting that the Church went from having its own civil executioner to eventually progress beyond recognizing a need for capital punishment at all."
But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13
"The pope explained that there was now a greater moral awareness of the seriousness of child sexual abuse, but that to understand the
mistakes of the past it was necessary to consider the historical and cultural context.
“It is a principle that helps me to interpret history a lot,” he said. “A historic event is interpreted with the hermeneutic of the time period in which it took place, not with a hermeneutic of today.”
Offering the example of the history of different “indigenous people,” the pope noted that to modern eyes there were “so many injustices, so much brutality, but it cannot be interpreted through the hermeneutic of today [now] that we have another conscience.”
Francis also compared the Church’s shifting attitude towards
covering up sexual abuse with changed perceptions of the death penalty, noting that the Church went from having its own civil executioner to eventually progress beyond recognizing a need for capital punishment at all."
Atheists & Islam: Desire of Strange Bedfellows
"Atheists and Islamic extremists have something in common – they want a world without Christianity. These strange bedfellows believe that the world would be a better place if it was devoid of this religion started by Jesus Christ two millennia ago.
There is nothing new about the 'New Atheism'. ... They are going to take us back to a pre-Christian, pagan, racist world of inequality because without God there is no humanity. Without God there are no morals.
Today's atheists and nihilists do not know that they are playing with fire, a fire that could destroy our civilization.
What ended the prevalent practice of slavery during the Greco-Roman era was the revolutionary Christian message about equality among humankind as declared by Apostle Paul in Galatians 3:28, "There is neither Jew nor Gentle, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." This radical Christian idea took hold of the Roman world and the West, and for the next millennium, no influential philosopher advocated slavery, infanticide or eugenics.
But during the 18th and 19th centuries there was the rise of anti-Christian philosophy among influential thinkers who again promoted racism, including the famous Scottish philosopher and atheist David Hume who asserted in "Essay XXI. Of National Characters": "Negroes, and in general all the other species of man (for there are four or five different kinds), [are] naturally inferior to the whites," and "You may obtain anything of the Negroes by offering them strong drink; and may easily prevail with them to sell, not only their children, but their wives and mistresses, for a cask of brandy."
Nietzsche's Superman – a madman determined to destroy most of humanity to benefit a 'superior' race.
Hitler was the end-product of the West's determination to move away from its Christian heritage. In rejecting Christianity, the radical atheism of the twentieth century did not take humanity forward into some enlightened post-Christian utopia; it took humanity back into pre-Christian barbarism."
There is nothing new about the 'New Atheism'. ... They are going to take us back to a pre-Christian, pagan, racist world of inequality because without God there is no humanity. Without God there are no morals.
Today's atheists and nihilists do not know that they are playing with fire, a fire that could destroy our civilization.
What ended the prevalent practice of slavery during the Greco-Roman era was the revolutionary Christian message about equality among humankind as declared by Apostle Paul in Galatians 3:28, "There is neither Jew nor Gentle, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." This radical Christian idea took hold of the Roman world and the West, and for the next millennium, no influential philosopher advocated slavery, infanticide or eugenics.
But during the 18th and 19th centuries there was the rise of anti-Christian philosophy among influential thinkers who again promoted racism, including the famous Scottish philosopher and atheist David Hume who asserted in "Essay XXI. Of National Characters": "Negroes, and in general all the other species of man (for there are four or five different kinds), [are] naturally inferior to the whites," and "You may obtain anything of the Negroes by offering them strong drink; and may easily prevail with them to sell, not only their children, but their wives and mistresses, for a cask of brandy."
Nietzsche's Superman – a madman determined to destroy most of humanity to benefit a 'superior' race.
Hitler was the end-product of the West's determination to move away from its Christian heritage. In rejecting Christianity, the radical atheism of the twentieth century did not take humanity forward into some enlightened post-Christian utopia; it took humanity back into pre-Christian barbarism."
James White: Exposition on Angel's of Rev.14 SERIES PAGE
James White: Exposition on Angel's of Rev.14 SERIES PAGE
And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth,.....Revelation 14:6
1st Angel
2nd Angel
3rd Angel
Papal Notes - Friend of Francis: Add 30 more boys to the List
But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13
"Last year, Tossati recounted in First Things how the Pope demanded to meet with Cdl. Gerhard
Müller, then head of the CDF, in June 2013 to quash a dossier about an ally of his. The Pope had Cdl. Müller's secretary pull the cardinal away from offering Mass to meet with him:
In October 2014, the BBC reported that Cdl. Murphy-O'Connor was the subject of a police
investigation for failing to report on Fr. Hill's alleged sexual abuse of numerous children. A notorious pedophile priest, Fr. Hill served two prison sentences for charges of sexually abusing minors. He is accused of abusing about 30 boys over the course of several decades.
When Murphy-O'Connor was head of the Arundel-Brighton diocese, he allegedly shuffled Fr. Hill around to various parishes and other appointments. At one point, he assigned the predator priest to an airport chapel, where Hill allegedly assaulted a boy with special needs who had missed his flight."
Genesis 13:13
"Last year, Tossati recounted in First Things how the Pope demanded to meet with Cdl. Gerhard
Müller, then head of the CDF, in June 2013 to quash a dossier about an ally of his. The Pope had Cdl. Müller's secretary pull the cardinal away from offering Mass to meet with him:
The cardinal was celebrating Mass in the church attached to the congregation palace, for a group of German students and scholars. His secretary joined him at the altar: "The pope wants to speak to you." "Did you tell him I am celebrating Mass?" asked Müller. "Yes," said the secretary, "but he says he does not mind — he wants to talk to you all the same." The cardinal went to the sacristy. The pope, in a very bad mood, gave him some orders about a dossier concerning one of his friends, a cardinal.At the time of the article's publication last year, Tossati did not know who this "friend" of the Pope was. But now, in an article published Monday, he says an inside source told him that this was indeed Cdl. Murphy-O'Connor.
In October 2014, the BBC reported that Cdl. Murphy-O'Connor was the subject of a police
investigation for failing to report on Fr. Hill's alleged sexual abuse of numerous children. A notorious pedophile priest, Fr. Hill served two prison sentences for charges of sexually abusing minors. He is accused of abusing about 30 boys over the course of several decades.
When Murphy-O'Connor was head of the Arundel-Brighton diocese, he allegedly shuffled Fr. Hill around to various parishes and other appointments. At one point, he assigned the predator priest to an airport chapel, where Hill allegedly assaulted a boy with special needs who had missed his flight."
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