And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth;
and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
Revelation 13:11
Pay close attention to how Depressions play a role to the point to be made.
Founding Fathers Cycle [1789-1829]Each President was one of the Founding Fathers and got the nation on it's footing.
(Ind.) George Washington (Fed.) John Adams (DR) Thomas Jefferson (DR) James Madison (DR) James Monroe
Jacksonian Populist Cycle [1829-1841]
Andrew Jackson dominated the cycle with his introduction of populism for the first time into American politics.
Jackson ran 3 times, won the popular vote 3 times, the electoral vote twice and got his V.P. Van Buren elected. It came to an end with a deep recession.
(NR) John Quincy Adams (D) Andrew Jackson (D) Martin Van Buren
Pre-Civil War Competitive Cycle [1841-1861]

(W) William Henry Harrison (W) John Tyler (D) James Polk (W) Zachary Taylor (W) Millard Fillmore (D) Franklin Pierce (D) James Buchanan
Republican Civil War & Reconstruction Cycle [1861-1881]
Dominated by the Civil War, Reconstruction and the Republican Party.
(R) Abraham Lincoln (U/D) Andrew Johnson (R) U.S. Grant (R) Rutherford Hayes
Competitive Post Civil War Cycle [1881-1897]
Competitive Cycle that produced no popular vote winners getting
hitting 50% of the vote as the nation sunk into Civil War voting lines. But--The Cycle ended due to a DEPRESSION as bad as the future Great Depression under Cleveland. near the end gave the rise to the Populist Party (Republicans in the north, Democrats in the south and Populists in the west).
(R) James Garfield (R) Chester Arthur (D) Grover Cleveland (R) Benjamin Harrison (D) Grover Cleveland again
Progressive Turn of the Century Cycle [1897-1921]
In the aftermath of the Depression the 2 parties split into 3 factions within each-the Conservatives opposed to the Progressives and the Moderate Progressives (advocated the Populist regulation and reforms) and the Radical Progressives (advocating the Socialist calls for government control).
The Moderate Progressives (Populist Party positions) won out with the Square Deal of child labor laws, 40 hour work week/overtime pay, workers comp, work place safety/OSHA, etc. As Teddy Roosevelt said so as to curb the excesses of capitalism so as to preserve it and not have the Socialists rise up to power.
The previous DEPRESSION triggered this massive ECONOMIC REFORMS
(R) William McKinley (R) Teddy Roosevelt (R) William Taft (D) Woodrow Wilson
Republican Era of the Roaring 20's Cycle [1921-1933]
The nation took a Conservative break following all the economic
change and upheaval of WW 1.
Produced 3 massive Republican Landslides in a row. But- The cycle came crashing to an end with the GLOBAL GREAT DEPRESSION.
(R) Warren Harding (R) Calvin Coolidge (R) Herbert Hoover
Democrat New Deal Cycle [1933-1953]
Dominated by massive ECONOMIC overhauls of the New Deal triggered by the Great Depression then the war years of WW2. Produced Democrat Landslides for FDR.
(D) Franklin Roosevelt (D) Harry Truman

I Like Ike Caretaker Cycle [1953-1961]
A cycle of Ike as caretaker of stability for a breather following the changes of the New Deal and war years.
(R) Dwight Eisenhower
Turbulent 60's & 70's Cycle [1961-1981]
Cycle of internal disorder (race riots, Vietnam, rise of Feminism, the Christian Right rising up in opposition to abortion, Presidential assassination and resignation, first inklings of Political Correctness and Cultural Marxism, etc.) shaking up the voting patterns in the country the most since the Civil War.
(D) John Kennedy (D) Lyndon Johnson (R) Richard Nixon (R) Gerald Ford (D) Jimmy Carter
Republican Reagan/Bush 80's Cycle [1981-1993]

(R) Ronald Reagan (R) George Bush
Competitive Cycle of the Culture Wars [1993-2009]
Cycle of elections where no one wins by double digits and only once (2004) did anyone get over the 50% mark in popular vote. The nation sunk back into fighting internally over the Culture Wars and the spilling over into the War on Terror breaking out.
(D) Bill Clinton (R) George W. Bush
Competitive Cycle of Globalism vs. Nationalism [2009-?]
Cycle, that so far, has produced no double digit victories for President as the nation divides along lines of Globalism vs.
Nationalism. The cycle is also tinged with economic Populism (Obama's leftist rhetoric of "spread the wealth around" and Sanders and the Occupy Movements liberal bent to populism (blaming jobs going overseas on greed) vs. Tea Party & Trump's populism with a Conservative bent (blaming jobs going overseas on government regulations and taxes).
(D) Barack Obama (R) Donald Trump
***Now here is the Question: Since the stock market has been over inflated by a large margin for nearly a decade, when the inflated, overheated bubble bursts triggering what could be the worst DEPRESSION in world history....could the response be another massive restructuring of the economy--this time due to globalism---globally?
*Possibly a system that controls who can buy or sell?
*Possibly a system (like suggested by the IMF and World Bank as part of austerity measures for Greece, which they rejected at the time) a 6 day work week?....
*And what day will the global cry be for a day to appease an angry Father God by Christians in response to natural disasters, joined by non-Christians to appease an angry mother earth so as to reduce our so-called carbon footprint?
*And what institution has a foot in both camps calling (via Ladauto Si) for a day of rest for both worship and to let the earth rest?
---JUST A THOUGHT---WHO KNOWS...since the Last 2 actual DEPRESSIONS have triggered huge ECOMIMIC REFORMS...will this time be a Global Deal?
--P.S. ...also, what was one of the signs right before the end?...Like the days of Lot (Sodom).
Gay marriage, transgender bathrooms, etc. sweeping the planet and no opposition to it is tolerated.
BTW-all this coincides with the historical cycles of Cliodynamics...we are way past due for the climax of the crises fact, it should be over and hasn't yet started. A sign it will be really bad based on history...see Link Below for more on that.
Cliodynamics & Mark of the Beast? [Link Below]