How do we tell if something is actual ERROR that needs to be challenged and rejected in the church and what is to be relegated to differences of opinion that is a non-salvation issue?
...let's List 3 possibilities along these lines-----
1) IF the differences of interpretation don't undo any of the 5 Pillars of the Faith.
a) Sabbath
b) Sanctuary Doctrine (and it's subtext of the 3 phases of the Judgment)
c) State of the Dead
d) Spirit of Prophecy
e) Second Advent (and it's subtext of the 3rd Angel's Message/Identity of the Mark of the Beast)
*Either view doesn't undermine the Biblical outline of the 2nd Advent or impact what the Mark of the Beast is identified as in the 3rd Angel's Message. So why fight over it?
2- 24 Elders... are they those who were raised as the first fruits at Christ's Resurrection or are they the heads of other worlds as the "Sons of God" in Job seem to indicate?
*Either view doesn't undermine the Biblical outline of the 2nd Advent or impact what the Mark of the Beast is identified as in the 3rd Angel's message. So why fight over it?
On the other hand--when the Spectrum crowd, or others, begin to question the Heavenly Sanctuary, toss out the pre-Advent phase of the Judgment, redefine 666 as "spiritual", deny the identity of the Beast power, separate the Little Horn and the Beast into two separate power players on the stage of prophetic history, undermine the S.O.P.'s legitimacy, semi-spiritualize the Sabbath, etc.-then we have a problem--It's called HERESY....they are tampering--or outright removing the Biblical Pillars of the Faith.
*And of course one of their most dangerous Heresies is the attempt to disconnect True Righteousness by Faith which is Justification (outer court) + Sanctification (inner court) as God shows you in His plan of Redemption in the Sanctuary so as to be prepared for your Judgment in the next compartment, the Most Holy Place. They are usually disingenuous by declaring Obedience/Sanctification as Legalism.
They purposely distort both the seriousness and simplicity of the Judgment. For what is God looking for in the Judgment? That your heart is right with God and as a result--For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. 1 John 5:3. Adventism DOES NOT teach you are saved by works--but rather works are the fruit of the root as taught by James and Paul. That is simply what God is looking at--what's truly in your heart....that is reflected by your words, thoughts and works which GOD says will be brought into the Judgment...the Judgment doesn't have to be made complicated or confusing. IF the Judgment was based on Justification that would be just a Naughty or Nice List, hence there would be no need for a real binding Judgment as the Fordites elude to in their attacks on the Judgment. (Remember, Ford learned at the feet of one of the top Calvinists of the mid 20th century on Eschatology...he imbibed at the well of Preterism from a Predestinationist)...ASSAULTING the Definition of TRUE RIGHTEOUSNESS BY FAITH is an Assault on the Sanctuary.
---as a sidenote-- our Pioneers (including E.G.W.) taught that the 3rd Angel's Message will be about True Righteousness by Faith...How could that be you ask?...well, if those alive at His return are Justified and have truly surrendered to God, they will also be Sanctified, OBEDIENT even in the face of persecution by resisting the Mark of the Beast.
2) Does it bring Open SIN into the Church? IF so--it can't be tolerated.
* Rather than calling sinners to Repentance-they not only encourage them to wallow in their sin, some have gone as far (as in California) to make a Transgender individual Elder. When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. Ezekiel 3:18....very SUCCINCT....even for a 21st century reader.
2- Does it smack of the Sin of Blasphemy?
*Like John McLarty telling his flock in 2017 to set aside the "ancient texts" on LGBT topics? How is it Blasphemous you ask? Who has power to change the Word of God?...ONLY GOD. And one Biblical example of Blasphemy is claiming to be God on earth. So by declaring that we can set aside "ancient texts" that don't fit his political views--well you get the picture of what McLarty was in essence doing (BLASPHEMY FROM THE PULPIT-Likely unknowingly, yet still he should know better-AND BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE).
3) Does it bring in Rebellion and /or divisiveness against the Church from the world (in other words not rooted in a Scriptural basis)? The Church doesn't have time to be distracted by nonsense.
* The push for this nonsense comes not from Scripture - but from the politics of the world. Those who have their heart in the politics (and politicians) influenced by the militant feminism of the world are the core nucleus behind the push. ("Those who feel called out to join the movement in favor of woman's rights ...might as well sever all connection with the third angel's message. The spirit which
attends the one cannot be in harmony with the other. The Scriptures are plain upon the relations and rights of men and women." Testimonies VOL.1, p. 421 E.G.W.).
2- Evolution.
* This undermines Scripture on so many levels, well documented on this blog multiple times. Also, there are several well researched organizations online which refute Darwinian Macro-evolution and long Age Chronology. The ONLY reason there are those who push evolution is they CHOOSE to listen and agree with critics of YEC. They could just as easily CHOOSE to accept the science presented that refutes evolution at such places as CMI, ICR, AIG, CEH, etc....but they CHOOSE not to....this push for evolution doesn't come from Scripture which is clear - By the word of the LORD were the heavens made;..For he spake, and it was done;...But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. Psalm 33:6,9/Mark 10:6....SUCCINCT...this push for evolution comes from the heart of man...."Inferences erroneously drawn from facts observed in nature have, however, led to supposed conflict between science and revelation; and in the effort to restore harmony, interpretations of Scripture have been adopted that undermine and destroy the force of the word of God. Such a conclusion is wholly uncalled for. The Bible record is in harmony with itself and with the teaching of nature." Education p.129,131 E.G.W.
(correctly identifying the Mark of the Beast), it doesn't undermine the State of the Dead Doctrine, it doesn't mess the S.O.P. as authoritative (although E.G.W. held a Trinitarian view) and it doesn't undermine the pre-advent Judgment.
2- Their view of the Godhead doesn't promote open sin in the Church.
3- Their view doesn't come from the secular world--rather it comes from misinterpreting Scripture.
------Sooooo...If the ERROR of interpretation resulting in a Binitarian view doesn't meet the above criteria, yet it goes against official Church Doctrine--then the Binitarian brethren (who are in error) should learn the "Silence Is Golden Rule" instead of bashing those of us in cyberspace as "papists", etc., who hold to the Biblical official Doctrine of the Church (the Triune Godhead view of which I believe)....WHY FIGHT OVER EVERYTHING..sometimes SILENCE IS GOLDEN...
2) The 2520 Error....There are 2 views of 2520 that I've heard.
One view says the 2520 prophecy ends in 1844. IF that is true, and it doesn't undermine the prophetic timeline, then IF that's what you want to believe on your own (even though James White himself refuted it) then that's your choice. But don't go around bullying the Church into accepting it and using it for your own litmus test or declaring the Church to be part of Babylon because the Church (and James White, Ellen's husband) don't buy into the error....SILENCE IS GOLDEN...
-On the other hand- I have seen one person in cyberspace promoting 2520 and claimed it ends in the next century on a specific date with the 2nd Advent resulting...IF (I stress "IF") someone is teaching that, then that would be time setting and assaulting one of the 5 Pillars of the Faith, the outline of the 2nd Advent. That would be getting into HERESY. That would require censure by their local congregation or if a leader in the public arena, then discipline by the General Conference.
...let's List 3 possibilities along these lines-----
1) IF the differences of interpretation don't undo any of the 5 Pillars of the Faith.
a) Sabbath
b) Sanctuary Doctrine (and it's subtext of the 3 phases of the Judgment)
c) State of the Dead
d) Spirit of Prophecy
e) Second Advent (and it's subtext of the 3rd Angel's Message/Identity of the Mark of the Beast)
---2 Examples---
1- 144,000... is it a Literal number of believers at the 2nd Advent or a prophetic symbolic number for God's people in the End Time?*Either view doesn't undermine the Biblical outline of the 2nd Advent or impact what the Mark of the Beast is identified as in the 3rd Angel's Message. So why fight over it?
2- 24 Elders... are they those who were raised as the first fruits at Christ's Resurrection or are they the heads of other worlds as the "Sons of God" in Job seem to indicate?
*Either view doesn't undermine the Biblical outline of the 2nd Advent or impact what the Mark of the Beast is identified as in the 3rd Angel's message. So why fight over it?
On the other hand--when the Spectrum crowd, or others, begin to question the Heavenly Sanctuary, toss out the pre-Advent phase of the Judgment, redefine 666 as "spiritual", deny the identity of the Beast power, separate the Little Horn and the Beast into two separate power players on the stage of prophetic history, undermine the S.O.P.'s legitimacy, semi-spiritualize the Sabbath, etc.-then we have a problem--It's called HERESY....they are tampering--or outright removing the Biblical Pillars of the Faith.
*And of course one of their most dangerous Heresies is the attempt to disconnect True Righteousness by Faith which is Justification (outer court) + Sanctification (inner court) as God shows you in His plan of Redemption in the Sanctuary so as to be prepared for your Judgment in the next compartment, the Most Holy Place. They are usually disingenuous by declaring Obedience/Sanctification as Legalism.
They purposely distort both the seriousness and simplicity of the Judgment. For what is God looking for in the Judgment? That your heart is right with God and as a result--For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. 1 John 5:3. Adventism DOES NOT teach you are saved by works--but rather works are the fruit of the root as taught by James and Paul. That is simply what God is looking at--what's truly in your heart....that is reflected by your words, thoughts and works which GOD says will be brought into the Judgment...the Judgment doesn't have to be made complicated or confusing. IF the Judgment was based on Justification that would be just a Naughty or Nice List, hence there would be no need for a real binding Judgment as the Fordites elude to in their attacks on the Judgment. (Remember, Ford learned at the feet of one of the top Calvinists of the mid 20th century on Eschatology...he imbibed at the well of Preterism from a Predestinationist)...ASSAULTING the Definition of TRUE RIGHTEOUSNESS BY FAITH is an Assault on the Sanctuary.
---as a sidenote-- our Pioneers (including E.G.W.) taught that the 3rd Angel's Message will be about True Righteousness by Faith...How could that be you ask?...well, if those alive at His return are Justified and have truly surrendered to God, they will also be Sanctified, OBEDIENT even in the face of persecution by resisting the Mark of the Beast.
2) Does it bring Open SIN into the Church? IF so--it can't be tolerated.
---2 Examples---
1- The push to accept openly practicing LGBT into the flock (or our universities).
2- Does it smack of the Sin of Blasphemy?
*Like John McLarty telling his flock in 2017 to set aside the "ancient texts" on LGBT topics? How is it Blasphemous you ask? Who has power to change the Word of God?...ONLY GOD. And one Biblical example of Blasphemy is claiming to be God on earth. So by declaring that we can set aside "ancient texts" that don't fit his political views--well you get the picture of what McLarty was in essence doing (BLASPHEMY FROM THE PULPIT-Likely unknowingly, yet still he should know better-AND BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE).
3) Does it bring in Rebellion and /or divisiveness against the Church from the world (in other words not rooted in a Scriptural basis)? The Church doesn't have time to be distracted by nonsense.
---2 Examples---
1- Women Ordination.* The push for this nonsense comes not from Scripture - but from the politics of the world. Those who have their heart in the politics (and politicians) influenced by the militant feminism of the world are the core nucleus behind the push. ("Those who feel called out to join the movement in favor of woman's rights ...might as well sever all connection with the third angel's message. The spirit which
attends the one cannot be in harmony with the other. The Scriptures are plain upon the relations and rights of men and women." Testimonies VOL.1, p. 421 E.G.W.).
2- Evolution.
* This undermines Scripture on so many levels, well documented on this blog multiple times. Also, there are several well researched organizations online which refute Darwinian Macro-evolution and long Age Chronology. The ONLY reason there are those who push evolution is they CHOOSE to listen and agree with critics of YEC. They could just as easily CHOOSE to accept the science presented that refutes evolution at such places as CMI, ICR, AIG, CEH, etc....but they CHOOSE not to....this push for evolution doesn't come from Scripture which is clear - By the word of the LORD were the heavens made;..For he spake, and it was done;...But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. Psalm 33:6,9/Mark 10:6....SUCCINCT...this push for evolution comes from the heart of man...."Inferences erroneously drawn from facts observed in nature have, however, led to supposed conflict between science and revelation; and in the effort to restore harmony, interpretations of Scripture have been adopted that undermine and destroy the force of the word of God. Such a conclusion is wholly uncalled for. The Bible record is in harmony with itself and with the teaching of nature." Education p.129,131 E.G.W.
***The "Silence Is Golden Rule"***
---2 Examples---
1) Here's a tricky one based on the 3 criteria above: What to do with those, mostly on the Independent Right (since we've already taken swipes at the self ordained Progressive Left) who advocate (all over cyberspace) for a Binitarian view rather than a Trinitarian view?---2 Examples---
[Trinitarian view is the Triune God head (Tri=3) while a Binitarian view holds that just the Father & Son make up the Godhead and that the Spirit is just God's presence in the world (Bi=2)]
1- Their view doesn't undermine any of the 5 Pillars of the Faith. It doesn't weaken the Sabbath or the Law, it doesn't undermine the flow of the 2nd Advent events or tamper with the 3rd Angel's message (correctly identifying the Mark of the Beast), it doesn't undermine the State of the Dead Doctrine, it doesn't mess the S.O.P. as authoritative (although E.G.W. held a Trinitarian view) and it doesn't undermine the pre-advent Judgment.
2- Their view of the Godhead doesn't promote open sin in the Church.
3- Their view doesn't come from the secular world--rather it comes from misinterpreting Scripture.
------Sooooo...If the ERROR of interpretation resulting in a Binitarian view doesn't meet the above criteria, yet it goes against official Church Doctrine--then the Binitarian brethren (who are in error) should learn the "Silence Is Golden Rule" instead of bashing those of us in cyberspace as "papists", etc., who hold to the Biblical official Doctrine of the Church (the Triune Godhead view of which I believe)....WHY FIGHT OVER EVERYTHING..sometimes SILENCE IS GOLDEN...
2) The 2520 Error....There are 2 views of 2520 that I've heard.
One view says the 2520 prophecy ends in 1844. IF that is true, and it doesn't undermine the prophetic timeline, then IF that's what you want to believe on your own (even though James White himself refuted it) then that's your choice. But don't go around bullying the Church into accepting it and using it for your own litmus test or declaring the Church to be part of Babylon because the Church (and James White, Ellen's husband) don't buy into the error....SILENCE IS GOLDEN...
-On the other hand- I have seen one person in cyberspace promoting 2520 and claimed it ends in the next century on a specific date with the 2nd Advent resulting...IF (I stress "IF") someone is teaching that, then that would be time setting and assaulting one of the 5 Pillars of the Faith, the outline of the 2nd Advent. That would be getting into HERESY. That would require censure by their local congregation or if a leader in the public arena, then discipline by the General Conference.