..when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? Luke 18:8
"Such is the fame of celebrity UK atheist Richard Dawkins that British
evolutionary sociologist Professor Margaret Woodley devised a ‘Dawkins Indicator’ as
a measure of community “irreligious feelings”.
Evidently Richard is pleased with the rise of the Dawkins Indicator
in the UK. The website of his Richard Dawkins Foundation highlighted a
recent editorial in The Guardian which concluded that:
“Post-Christian Britain is now a fait accompli.” The forthcoming British
census is expected to reveal that fewer than half of Britons describe
themselves as Christian. Noting this, his Foundation’s website gloated:
“Naturally, Richard Dawkins has had an outsized role in these changes”.
Very likely so, given Dawkins’ long and unwavering promotion of evolution as fact, and his overt hostility to the teaching of the Bible’s account of history. He has even dubbed the teaching of creation to children as ‘child abuse’, e.g. in his fiercely anti-Christian book The God Delusion." CMI
fait ac·com·pli
a thing that has already happened or been decided
before those affected hear about it, leaving them with no option but to
accept it.