And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; Acts 17:26
"Darwin believed the British were clearly superior to the “immense mongrel population of Negroes... [he] encountered in Brazil”. Furthermore, “the doctrine of European superiority to other peoples
of the planet underlay all of his later work on the descent of the human animal”.
of the planet underlay all of his later work on the descent of the human animal”.
Darwin even believed that “the English were more ‘civilized’ than, say, the Italians or the Germans” .
In some of his many encounters with Negroes, Darwin noted that one he met was “uncommonly stupid”.
In some of his many encounters with Negroes, Darwin noted that one he met was “uncommonly stupid”.
The Brazilians were “ignorant, cowardly, & indolent in the extreme”. The natives of South America struck Darwin as “more amusing that any Monkeys”.
Darwin felt attempts to civilize the Fuegians was folly. He wrote that the South American natives had the “strong odor of negros, a point of real repugnance”.
Darwin described the Queen of Tahiti as “an awkquard [sic] large woman without any beauty, gracefulness or dignity of manners”. Darwin concluded the Fuegian language was barely articulate, but a list of the Fuegian vocabulary, later prepared by a missionary, included over 32,000 words. In Descent of Man, Darwin repeated claims." CMI
Darwin described the Queen of Tahiti as “an awkquard [sic] large woman without any beauty, gracefulness or dignity of manners”. Darwin concluded the Fuegian language was barely articulate, but a list of the Fuegian vocabulary, later prepared by a missionary, included over 32,000 words. In Descent of Man, Darwin repeated claims." CMI