And the Spirit & the bride say, come.... Reveaaltion 22:17

And the Spirit & the bride say, come.... Reveaaltion 22:17
And the Spirit & the bride say, come...Revelation 22:17 - May We One Day Bow Down In The DUST At HIS FEET ...... {click on blog TITLE at top to refresh page}---QUESTION: ...when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? LUKE 18:8

Thursday, June 3, 2021

IN the NEWS - Even the Weddings are Places of Groaning

For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. Romans 8:22
Story I
"In a disturbing incident, the sister of a bride in Uttar Pradesh was made to marry the groom after the bride collapsed and died in
the middle of the wedding ceremony
. The incident occurred in Etawah district’s Sanadpur where Surabhi was tying the knot with local resident Manoj Kumar.

After exchanging garlands as part of Hindu wedding rituals, however, Surabhi collapsed on the stage of the ‘Jaymala’. A doctor was called to treat her who upon inspection declared her dead. Surabhi seems to have died of a massive cardiac arrest that occurred right in the middle of the wedding. The families of both the bride and groom, however, decided to continue with the ‘festivities’ by replacing the bride with her sister.

We did not know what to do in the situation. Both the families sat together and someone suggested that my younger sister Nisha should be married to the groom. The families discussed the matter and both agreed,” Surabhi’s brother Saurabh told news agency IANS.

"Surabhi’s body was kept in another room and the marriage of Manjesh was solemnized with Nisha. After the wedding, when the ‘baraat’ left, Surabhi’s last rites were held,” he said."
Story II
 "A newlywed woman, still in her bridal clothing, reportedly died of a heart attack during her bidaai ceremony.

 Thursday night, she was wed to Bisikesan Pradhan of Tentulu village. The wedding was reportedly a small, family affair at her parental home, according to Odisha TV.

The following morning, as they prepared for the bidaai, the woman was inconsolable. She kept crying and would not stop.

The onlookers reported she cried so much that she fainted. A guest at the wedding said Rosy had been distressed since before, as her father passed away a few months ago. Attempts were made at reviving her. Many people have been known to faint under emotional duress. Once Rosy collapsed, family members and distant relatives tried their best to get her back up. They sprayed water on her face to get her back to consciousness. But nothing seemed to work.

So they finally rushed to the Dunguripallu CHC emergency. However, the doctors declared her to be dead on arrival, meaning she passed away either on the way to the hospital or at the house itself. The cause of death was identified as cardiac failure. Since Rosy was a young, otherwise healthy woman, the Binika Police were involved in her death report. Her body has been sent for a post-mortem and the final results will be presented after the autopsy." 