But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall
be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies.... 2 Peter 2:1
"Encouraged by Roman Catholic academia and most bishops, many prominent Catholics happily assert that their church embraces evolution.....
---When the Pontifical Academy of Sciences organized an international conference on creation and evolution in 2009, it decided specifically not to invite any scientists who supported creation or Intelligent Design (ID).
Free enquiry was not part of the agenda. The only creationist present was a multi-faith invitee.
Once the organization discovered that this Turkish Muslim professor was a creationist who dared to speak out against evolution, his microphone was turned off..............with the recent suppression of the seminary of the Friars of the Immaculata in Rome,4 the last bastion of traditional creation theology was shut down and theistic evolution has become the virtually undisputed academic orthodoxy in the Roman Catholic seminaries and universities.
According to last year’s Gallup Poll, nearly 40% of all American Catholics believe in a Biblical creation less than 10,000 years ago and accept the historicity of Adam and the worldwide Flood as described in Genesis. This also explains why, although teaching evolution in Catholic institutions is the rule, it is still controversial among traditional religious communities and in Catholic circles at the parish level.
The public shift of the Vatican towards evolution only started under Pope John Paul II.In a lecture for the Papal Academy of Science (22 October 1996) he spoke positive words about evolution as ‘more than a hypothesis’.
Also at the time, newspaper headlines followed, including ‘Pope believes in evolution’.
Catholic media like EWTN were quick to explain that the wording of the speech did not endorse biological evolution. What is profoundly mystifying though, is that John Paul’s famous lecture most likely never took place, despite the countless international news reports to the contrary.
The text of the speech was, most likely, forwarded to the media without the pope ever seeing or signing it.
The press release also bypassed the pope’s right-hand man who was responsible for approving its contents. It is reported that members of the Pontifical Academy for Science received a copy without the pope’s usual signature.
The media coup outmanoeuvred the small circle of John Paul II loyalists in the Vatican who took an interest in publicly preserving the teachings of the magisterium on Genesis. They were placed before a fait accomplit. A combination of embarrassment and the liberal personal views of John Paul II kept him from public disclosure and correction of this affair, particularly as the speech had received the highest praise by almost all media outlets in the world.
Both Benedict and John Paul functioned under tremendous pressure, especially from the Jesuit order, which is not only the largest religious order, but also the one most involved in and responsible for Catholic education. In the 20th century they took a leading role, both in media and education, in actively promoting historical criticism in Biblical studies and Darwinism in science.
Georges Lemaître, the Belgian physicist who proposed the idea that was popularized as the ‘big bang’, was educated in a Jesuit school; and an influential Jesuit evolutionist was Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. His thinking shows that the adoption of neo-Darwinism isn’t merely about the historicity of one or two chapters in the Bible, but inevitably leads to the denial of core Biblical truths. "
CMI/ Benno Zuiddam