Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Hebrews 13:8
"One of three things is indispensable to those who would prove the change of the Sabbath.
1. One plain statement that God has changed the Sabbath from the
seventh to the first day of the week.
2. Or a single statement that God has blessed, hallowed and sanctified the first day of the week.
3. Or a single commandment to keep the first day holy as a Sabbath unto the Lord.
The reasonableness of this must be apparent to every one.
For a plain commandment from the Lord of hosts, can only be changed by an explicit, divine statement authorizing such change. And as the God of heaven has blessed and sanctified his Rest-day, no human authority may presume to choose in its stead another day, and require that that day be observed, unless the Lord himself shall transfer his blessing to that day and command that it be kept holy.
These truths are self-evident.
Q: But how many of the above particulars do the advocates of this change claim!
A: They do not claim one of them!"
J.N. Andrews