And the Spirit & the bride say, come.... Reveaaltion 22:17

And the Spirit & the bride say, come...Revelation 22:17 - May We One Day Bow Down In The DUST At HIS FEET ...... {click on blog TITLE at top to refresh page}---QUESTION: ...when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? LUKE 18:8
Thursday, December 30, 2021
Puritan Corner - Your Best Course
A Taste from All 3 Chapters
IN the NEWS - A World in Jeopardy: A World Upside Down
"On Friday, Jeopardy! champion Amy Schneider became, according to NBC News, “the highest-earning female contestant in the game show’s nearly 57-year run.”
There’s just one problem. Amy Schneider is a man.Amy Schneider is a man who identifies as a woman. Some call that a transgender woman. Despite his identifying as a woman, he is biologically male.....Schneider being dubbed the highest-earning female in Jeopardy! history nevertheless erases the achievements of actual women who have competed in the show, like Larissa Kelly, the true highest-earning female in Jeopardy! history." PJMedia
Christianity: CAPITALISM Vs. Socialism
IN the NEWS - When WOKE goes Full Matt. 24:12
- Being BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) (2 points)
- Age 65+ (2 points)
- BMI 35 kg/m2 and higher (2 points)
- Diabetes mellitus (2 points)
- Chronic kidney disease (3 points)
- Heart disease in patients ages 55+ (2 points)
- Chronic respiratory disease in patients ages 55+ (3 points)
- Hypertension in patients age 55+ (1 point)
- Immunocompromised (3 points)
- Pregnancy (4 points)
the end, if all factors are the same, the hospitals are required to
give the BIPOC people the treatment first, if some monoclonal antibodies
inventory is remaining then the white patients can get treatment too." PJM
IN the NEWS - Luciferian Woke Thoughts on Display
"The crossbow-armed man who tried to assassinate Queen Elizabeth at Windsor Castle on Christmas Day said he was motivated by anger over colonialism and racial discrimination.
A video of Jaswant Singh Chail posted just 24 minutes before his assassination attempt shows the culprit ranting in a distorted voice.The suspect, who is seen wearing a white mask and a black hoodie, states, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry for what I’ve done and what I will do. I will attempt to assassinate Elizabeth, queen of the Royal Family.”
He goes on to state that the attack is “revenge” for the 1919 Amritsar massacre, which took place 7 years before Queen Elizabeth was even born.
Chail got to within 500 meters of the Queen’s apartments at Windsor Castle before he was apprehended by armed officers.
The culprit had scaled a spiked outer wall using a rope ladder, immediately triggering alarms as he was spotted on surveillance cameras.
The Queen was having breakfast at the time of the incident and was immediately informed by police about the attempted attack." SN
Creation Moment 12/31/2021 - Even Darwinians aren't Safe from WOKE
But a couple of evolutionary biologists have been aghast at their culture after suffering the wrath of today’s “Woke” mob—those anarchists who promote violence in support of “social justice” (SJ). Q: How can they say it is wrong? Their righteous indignation rings hollow when they rehearse the wrong that has been done to them, and then give advice on what should be done about it.
Colin Wright
Wright testifies that his scientific colleagues were comfortable writing about binary sexuality when it concerned flies or meadow voles, but they shielded off human beings in such a way that they were not allowed to speak of sex in the same realistic terms. When he tried to point out this inconsistency, he received responses that were “couched in social justice talk about these terms in vague ways” for fear of offending somebody.
In 99.98% of cases, he says, the outcome of development leading to maleness or femaleness is non-controversial: it is binary, measurable by whether the body produces sperm or ova.
For a time around 2010, he continues, he was willing to grant that
“gender identity” might differ from biological sex, but he maintained that sex itself remained a binary reality. In the last couple of years, he says, scientists have been asked to make “another concession” – to say that biological sex is the same thing as gender identity: that it is fluid and can change, too. The Woke mob began insisting that one’s identity choice determines what sex they are. “That’s when I got off that train,” he says. It was blurring the line completely.---As for the agenda, he sees the social justice (SJ) movement responsible for the new irrationality and insanity in cancel culture. “It’s kind of a bizarre place we’re currently in,” he muses, where “you can’t make the most introductory Biology 101 claims about sex differences without these things being considered hate speech.” On Instagram, he had only posted a graph from a peer-reviewed paper in Sports Medicine, a premiere health journal. Their judgment of it as “hate speech” prompted him to ask for a review. After two rounds of review, Instagram maintained its judgment that it was hate speech.
As a result of this incident, a leftist campaign was mounted against him — so public that he can probably never be hired in his PhD specialty at any university.
---Students at Penn State, where he did postgraduate work, complained of being triggered by seeing him on campus. Professors joined in the campaign of calling him a transphobe bigot. Even colleagues he had worked with and considered friends, whom he considered able to discuss anything, turned on him because of this issue. He noted that they didn’t read his writings, but made up their opinions based on rumors they had heard.
Wright is alarmed that these ideas are rampant now in science. So great is the pressure within academia, he says, that journals have to go outside academia to find people able to write about the reality of sex differences. To do so within most universities would be career suicide.
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Socialists & Social Reformers vs. the Sabbath
Creation Moment 12/30/2021 - Killer Chimps & Romans 8:22
"Since evolutionists claim chimpanzees are our closest living
relatives, it’s not surprising that they would look at chimp behavior for clues to that of humans. So when the evidence started to come in that the common chimp (Pan troglodytes) routinely engaged in warfare and killing of its own kind, some were obviously tempted to see in it an explanation for aspects of human sin.*Now a substantial research project, published as a letter in Nature, seems to have discredited such romantic views about why chimps
kill others. The study, by an international community of over 30 scientists, “gathers data from some 426 combined years of observation, across 18 different chimp communities.” It finds that human activity, such as feeding chimps or destroying their habitats, had “little effect on the number of killings”—a total of 152 all up. The kill rate, similar to that in hunter-gatherer societies, goes “up and down as a simple consequence of competition for scarce resources.”Since the Bible indicates that both humans and nature are fallen, it shouldn’t surprise us to find that chimps kill other chimps, or that dolphins do nasty things to other dolphins." CMI
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
The Life
*Now the life which grace confers upon the saints is none other than the life of Christ, which, like the sap from the stem, runs into us, the branches, and establishes a living connection between our souls and Jesus.
Faith is
the grace which perceives this union, having proceeded from it as its
firstfruit. It is the neck which joins the body of the Church to its
all-glorious Head." Charles Spurgeon
Free Will & God's Foreknowelge
The late Pastor Bob Trefz refuted this heresy of Open Theism most convincingly:
“The theological problem of freedom versus foreknowledge is resolved immediately when one looks at it from the perspective of God, not man, and from the very name, I AM. God lives in a different dimension than man. God preserves man’s freedom, but because God sees the future like we see the present, He knows in advance the decisions that man, in his freedom, will make. Therefore God knows in minute detail what the future will be and, on that basis, God gave John on Patmos the accurate picture of what will transpire at the end of time.” Cherith Chronicle, March-April 2016, p. 17. Woodland, Washington.
As good as this rebuttal is, we need not rely on the words of a man to resolve this so-called enigma. Scripture and Inspiration can answer this challenge.
“Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like Me. Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure.” Isaiah 46:9, 10." AdventMessenger
Creation Moment 12/29/2021 - Books of Nature & Revelation
Since the book of nature and the book of revelation bear the impress of the same master mind, they cannot but speak in harmony....
Inferences erroneously drawn from facts observed in nature have, however, led to supposed conflict between science and revelation.... Millions of years, it is claimed, were required for the evolution of the earth from chaos; and in order to accommodate the Bible to this supposed revelation of science, the days of creation are assumed to have been vast, indefinite periods....
Such a conclusion is
wholly uncalled for.
Of each successive day of creation, the Sacred Record
declares that it consisted of the evening and the morning, like all
other days that have followed." E.G.W.
Monday, December 27, 2021
The Judgment as it Relates to Probation
Creation Moment 12/28/2021 - "Tall Order"
Sunday, December 26, 2021
Trumpets: Those Referenced by John vs. Those Referenced by Paul
IN the NEWS - Human SACRIFICE 2021:The Ravening Wolf of Jamaica
"A Jamaican cult leader whose followers killed two people in a
'human sacrifice' ritual has died in a police car crash while being taken to court to be charged.Kevin Smith, 39, was killed alongside a police officer when the car taking him from Montego Bay to Kingston crashed on Monday.
Smith was arrested last week over an alleged human sacrifice ritual which left two people dead and three more injured and was waiting to be formally charged.
The cult leader allegedly oversaw congregants slash the throat of a woman, kill another person, and stab at least three more as part of the ritual at Pathways International Kingdom Restoration Ministries on October 17.
It was not immediately clear what caused the crash but pictures showed an apparently lifeless Smith being stretchered away from the scene.Two police officers involved in the crash were left in a critical condition while Smith and a third cop were killed.
Smith was on his way to court in Kingston where he was set to be formally charged over the deaths of two people during an alleged human sacrifice ritual during a three-day convention on October 17.
The preacher had told the congregation there would be a 'great flood' and asked his followers to gather at the church and leave their phones wrapped in tin foil at home. According to Ricketts, Smith would demand his followers to “take a knee,” when addressing him, asking them to refer to him as “Crown Bishop… at all times.”
At the church the attendees dressed in white robes, were allegedly instructed to take part in a bloodletting ritual which involved people getting 'stabbed' and 'slashed', witnesses told local media.
'I was outside waiting to go in... when I saw the lady's throat being slashed,' a woman who did not want to be named told the Jamaica Observer.
'It was very intense. When I saw blood and the young lady fell, I said 'This is it for me,' and I walked away; I could not stay, I couldn't.'
The victim who had her throat slashed was named locally as Tanecka Gardner, though this was not confirmed by police. Then a man was ordered to strip naked and died in the same way to get the 'impure' blood out of his body.
At least 14 minors were found at the scene and taken into custody. There were later allegations of abuse against the boys, police said.
The source added: There is huge concern that influential people - including other local police officials - were involved and that this may have happened before and gone unreported.
The entire congregation had been called to the church and around 50 had arrived wearing white when the killing started. Scores could have died.
They had done two days of fasting on Friday and Saturday and the ritual began on Sunday, with people lining up to board "the Ark" after Smith warned a great flood was coming.
Before the ritual began on Sunday, Smith posted on Facebook: 'The Ark is loading now! Leave immediately dressed in white.
'I am His Excellency Dr Kevin O Smith D.Min, Crown Bishop and
End Time Nabi . . . Conqueror Lion of the Tribe of the Judah King of Kings and Lord of Lord Yesus Christos, the One True and living God.'He also told followers he was leading them on a 'Noah's Ark' journey to salvation and that there would be 'no survivors' from the 'Roman Catholic sacrifice'.
Local media reported Smith swindled his congregation out of up to £7,000 a week which he then used to fund his lavish lifestyle - including designer clothes and jewellery, a £5000,000 hillside mansion with a private swimming pool, and a new BMW X6.
Management consultant Dr Henley Morgan has admitted opening doors for Pastor Kevin O. Smith to access the corridors of power locally.
Morgan said during the early days, Smith showed “great charisma and great prophetic powers”.