And the Spirit & the bride say, come.... Reveaaltion 22:17

And the Spirit & the bride say, come...Revelation 22:17 - May We One Day Bow Down In The DUST At HIS FEET ...... {click on blog TITLE at top to refresh page}---QUESTION: ...when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? LUKE 18:8
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Puritan Corner - Where Christ Subdued
Job's Q & A on State of the Dead
IN the NEWS - Boko Haram Pulls a Judges 21:25 in Nigeria
IN the NEWS - More Social Unrest on the way?
Creation Moment 4/30/2021 -Job 5:3...even on Mars
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
The 3 "overturn's" (interesting observation)
Creation Moment 4/29/2021 - Scale of it all.....
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
The Flying Roll
Creation Moment 4/28/2021 - Blue Stars Tell Us.....
Monday, April 26, 2021
The Origins of "Protestant"
The "Really" File - (Drag Kids...)
The video then shows two young blonde girls being made by a drag queen to perform poses to music as they collect money from the attendees.
This is by no means the only instance of children being exposed to sexualized drag queen shows in late night clubs.
In 2019, so-called ‘drag queen kid’ Desmond is Amazing performed on stage at a gay club in New York while patrons tossed money at the then 12-year-old boy.
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From the "Really" File |
A video posted to Tik Tok in February last year showed a drag queen dancing suggestively in front of a girl no older than 6 as adults in the room applauded and cheered.
Creation Moment 4/27/2021 - "Court Jester Model"?... How Fitting a Term by Darwinians themselves...

The only horse-sized rabbits are botanical in nature.
Where’s my horse-sized rabbit? ( There are some pretty big fossil rodents, but no big fossil rabbits. Leave it to Darwinists to explain anything and everything.
So why don’t we see rabbits rivaling the sizes of horses?
To answer this question, a research team led by Kyoto University’s Primate Research Institute investigated the fossil record and evolutionary history of lagomorphs. In a study in the journal Evolution, the team reports that larger herbivore competitors were one evolutionary constraint limiting rabbits’ size.
Why didn’t rodents have larger herbivore competitors that kept them small? The evolutionary explanations given in this article for keeping rabbits from growing as big as horses could be asked about rodents, but the storytellers are silent on that. What they do, instead, is bring in Wonderland characters – complete with illustrations!
“An ongoing debate in evolutionary biology concerns whether biological or environmental processes are more important in shaping biological diversity,” states Tomiya, “as characterized by the ‘red queen‘ and ‘court jester‘ hypotheses.”
“For some time, the court jester model—ascribing diversity to abiotic forces such as the climate—has been dominant, due to the difficulty of studying biological interactions in the fossil record.“
Sunday, April 25, 2021
The Bi-Sexual dudes of Belial: Ripple Effect of Bad Seeds throughout all Society [Case Study]
IN the NEWS - Rip his Name Off
Genesis 13:13
Creation Moment 4/26/2021 - a point about lucifer from Observation of the Creation
.... the researchers observed Proxima Centauri.
They caught the extreme flare on May 1, 2019, with five telescopes that traced its timing and energy in unprecedented detail.