Jospeh Prince has a new SCAM for selling his prosperity gospel message-the Obed-Edom story of the Old Testament...So that means the Benjamin Generation (Ben Gen) angle of his prosperity gospel message must be loosing steam so now he has a new angle to keep it fresh...
2 Observations:
1) It is sad (and getting old) that these TV evangelists keep preaching to people about being "blessed" materially rather than spiritually...
2) For someone who has disdain for the Law of God (Mr. Prince is the prince of preaching cheap grace) he sure does use a lot of Old Testament stuff when it suits his purpose....
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Joseph Prince - the prince of the Cheap Grace & Prosperity Gospel Mix |
According to Joseph Prince-
"You and your household can begin to live a life full of every blessing! Let Joseph Prince uncover for you secrets to a blessed family and life from Obed-Edom’s story in the Old Testament. See how it’s not about trying to achieve your blessings by your own strength, but all about placing Jesus central in your life, and having a revelation and appreciation of His blood shed for you. Whatever your lack is today, learn how you can practice the presence of Jesus in your life and watch Him over-supply every need according to the riches of His grace!"
You can watch his dispicable display of prosperity gospel abuse of scripture to preach material wealth below...
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having
itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own
and will turn away from listening to the truth and
wander into myths.
2 Timothy 2:4,5 RSV