So too is the Moral Law of God. It is a tightly wound law. When one deviates from it either way its called sin. But Christ made a way for mankind to escape and start over. We can look to science and math and see God.
*When we look at science and math, we see the Macro-universe (the big) governed by Einsteins theory of relativity. A set of defined laws that govern things.
*When we look at religion, we see God's Law that governs mankind.
*Back to science and math, when we look at Quantum mechanics, micro-universe (the small) such as at the atomic level-we are surprised to see chaos, or better yet, randomness.
*When we look to religion, we see that at the personal (micro) level, He grants us the same thing-its called FREE WILL. Thats why we have a deviation from His tightly wound laws, because sin entered by the choice of Adam and Eve to deviate.
Look at the snowflake. When certain physical laws happen-it produces snow. Yet NO two snowflakes are alike. The path of randomness they take while floating to earth carves each one into a different individual snowflake. So too with us. Freewill carves each of our characters by choices we make. Of course, freewill is a step above the randomness of the snowflake, as man is above the snowflake in Creation-but I think you get the point.
When we look to science and even math-we can say with King Jehoshaphat .....our eyes are upon thee. 2 Chronicles 20:12