And the Spirit & the bride say, come.... Reveaaltion 22:17

And the Spirit & the bride say, come.... Reveaaltion 22:17
And the Spirit & the bride say, come...Revelation 22:17 - May We One Day Bow Down In The DUST At HIS FEET ...... {click on blog TITLE at top to refresh page}---QUESTION: ...when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? LUKE 18:8

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Creation Moment 3/1/2025 - 12 recent discoveries that have changed the debate about design in the universe

For His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. Romans 1:20 ESV

"12 recent discoveries that have changed the debate about design in the universe....
The 12 discoveries are: 
1. The universe (space-time, matter, energy) had a beginning.
2. The laws of physics, the fundamental constants, and the initial conditions of the universe are fine-tuned to allow for the possibility of life.
3. Protein sequence space is far too large to be searched and highly functional sequences (i.e., enzymes) are incredibly rare (~ 1 in 1077).
4. The number of genes in the simplest free-living organism is about 450.
5. Life is based on a digital information processing system.
6. Molecular machines and sophisticated software algorithms are essential to all life-forms.
7. Random mutation + natural selection has severe limitations as a creative mechanism that are now well understood.
8. So many highly improbable factors make Earth habitable that it is VERY unlikely that another truly “Earth-like” planet exists in our galaxy.
9. The “junk DNA” paradigm has been shown to be false. Most, if not all, non-coding DNA has function.
10. The Cambrian (and other) explosions in the fossil record are not consistent with the Darwinian model of gradual evolution.
11. Extensive post-translational processing (editing) of genes occurs in eukaryotes: the spliceosome and the splicing code.
12. Genes extensively overlap in the same or opposite directions within a stretch of DNA (overlapping codes)."