"So also it is not only that the Christian is created by the word of God, but by that same word he is sustained, nourished, and caused to grow. God holds up “all things” by His powerful word.
And the Christian is among this “all things” no less than any or all the worlds.
There can be no question whatever that all the worlds are held up, and held in their places, by the Lord. But it is not only all the worlds, it is “all things” that are held up and held in place by the Lord. Hebrews 1:3 ...upholding all things by the word of His power.
Q: O struggling, failing Christian, is not that word which holds up great worlds able also to hold up you?
Q: O struggling, failing Christian, is not that word which holds up great worlds able also to hold up you?
Trust that word.
Depend implicitly upon it.
Rest wholly upon it:
and then you will find rest in it."
A.T. Jones