Instead, the preferred explanation now is that billions of years ago, a large object crashed into Mercury, stripping away its lesser-density material, and leaving behind the high-density planet seen today.
Consider the implications of this. Evolutionists have admitted that the planet that we see today cannot be explained by gradual evolutionary processes! This is a stunning admission. Instead, they propose a long-ago catastrophic collision. What is the evidence for this collision? Only that Mercury would otherwise disprove evolution!
Over and over again in astronomy, cosmic collisions are invoked as a sort of magic wand to rescue evolutionary theories from the facts. The planet Uranus is tilted over, but evolution says it can’t be—therefore, long ago something hit it and knocked it over. Venus’s rotation contradicts evolutionary predictions—therefore, long ago something hit it and spun it round the opposite way.
Mars’ atmosphere is too thin for evolutionist tastes—therefore, it used to be thicker, but long ago something hit Mars and stripped most of it away.
Mercury is too dense for evolution—therefore, long ago something
hit it and conveniently removed the lighter parts. Evolutionists wave
their collision-wand at will, and yet mock as ‘unscientific’ the
Christian belief in a one-off catastrophic global Flood, despite the
abundant physical and historical evidence for it." CMI