For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible....
Colossians 1:16
“Some of the steps leading to the synthesis of DNA and RNA can be duplicated in the laboratory, others cannot. … The problem is that complex molecules such as DNA (and RNA) cannot simply be assembled in a glass jar by combining various chemicals. Such organic molecules also tend to break down when heated ….” Rare Earth, p. 63, see also The RNA World, second edition, 1999, p. 68, 159
Colossians 1:16
“Some of the steps leading to the synthesis of DNA and RNA can be duplicated in the laboratory, others cannot. … The problem is that complex molecules such as DNA (and RNA) cannot simply be assembled in a glass jar by combining various chemicals. Such organic molecules also tend to break down when heated ….” Rare Earth, p. 63, see also The RNA World, second edition, 1999, p. 68, 159