And the Spirit & the bride say, come.... Reveaaltion 22:17

And the Spirit & the bride say, come...Revelation 22:17 - May We One Day Bow Down In The DUST At HIS FEET ...... {click on blog TITLE at top to refresh page}---QUESTION: ...when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? LUKE 18:8
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Heresies of Dishonor & Flattery SERIES: Eternal Torment {"hell"}
"It is a remarkable fact that all the heresies which have arisen in the Christian Church have had a decided tendency to dishonor God and to flatter man."
Charles Spurgeon
The teaching of Eternal Torment (an ever burning "hell")
Dishonors God by ascribing to Him the characteristics of His opponent Lucifer....for only someone diabolical would torment someone for eternity who lived only a few decades on this space fabric of time but rejected God. This Heresy has done serious damage to the image of Christendom's God.
It also Flatters men that his soul lives forever, is immortal, maybe in this case not in heaven among the saints, but non the less the myth that it lives on---a total Fallacy.
....the soul that sinneth, it shall die.
But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished.
Then death and the grave were thrown into the lake of fire.
This lake of fire is the second death.
Ezekiel 18:4/Revelation 20:5,14
Charles Spurgeon
The teaching of Eternal Torment (an ever burning "hell")
Dishonors God by ascribing to Him the characteristics of His opponent Lucifer....for only someone diabolical would torment someone for eternity who lived only a few decades on this space fabric of time but rejected God. This Heresy has done serious damage to the image of Christendom's God.
It also Flatters men that his soul lives forever, is immortal, maybe in this case not in heaven among the saints, but non the less the myth that it lives on---a total Fallacy.
....the soul that sinneth, it shall die.
But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished.
Then death and the grave were thrown into the lake of fire.
This lake of fire is the second death.
Ezekiel 18:4/Revelation 20:5,14
Luther on the 2 Court Colors of Lucifer
Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers. Psalm 124:7
"The devil is like a fowler; of the birds he catches, he wrings most of their neck, but keeps a few alive, to allure other birds to his snare, by singing the song he will have in a cage.
I hope he will not get me into his cage.
--For if the devil had no power but to plague us in body and goods, and vexed and tormented us only with the cares and troubles of this
life, he were no devil to make account of.
--But he has learned a higher art; he takes away and falsities the article of justification, privative et positive,
---and either tears the same quite out of our hearts, as in Popedom,
---or defiles it through sects and heresies, which hang thereon a gloss about works, or what not, leaving the husks of the nuts to the hearers, but the kernels are gone.
The devil has two manner of shapes or forms, wherein he disguises himself;
---he either appears in the shape of a serpent, to affright and kill;
---or else in the form of a silly sheep, to lie and deceive;
these are his two court colors."
Martin Luther
"The devil is like a fowler; of the birds he catches, he wrings most of their neck, but keeps a few alive, to allure other birds to his snare, by singing the song he will have in a cage.
I hope he will not get me into his cage.
--For if the devil had no power but to plague us in body and goods, and vexed and tormented us only with the cares and troubles of this
life, he were no devil to make account of.
--But he has learned a higher art; he takes away and falsities the article of justification, privative et positive,
---and either tears the same quite out of our hearts, as in Popedom,
---or defiles it through sects and heresies, which hang thereon a gloss about works, or what not, leaving the husks of the nuts to the hearers, but the kernels are gone.
The devil has two manner of shapes or forms, wherein he disguises himself;
---he either appears in the shape of a serpent, to affright and kill;
---or else in the form of a silly sheep, to lie and deceive;
these are his two court colors."
Martin Luther
The Reformer Bugenhagen
Johannes Bugenhagen
"Bugenhagen (or Pomeranus, as he was known using his Latinized name) was born in 1485 in Wollin, Pomerania.
Bugenhagen devoted most of his intellectual energy to lecturing on Scripture.
He would publish a number of commentaries in subsequent years.
--His most famous, a 1524 commentary on the Psalms, grew out of his early lectures at Wittenberg and went through numerous printings.
His other commentaries included
--the minor letters of Paul (published 1525),
--Romans (1527),
--the Gospel of Matthew (1543),
--Jeremiah (1546),
--and Jonah (1550).
Two other contributions to the Protestant use of Scripture were notable.
--In 1524, Bugenhagen transposed Luther’s German New Testament into Low German—ahead of the publication of Luther’s own version—and his reading would become popular and widely printed.
--He also composed a harmony of the passion narrative drawn from the four Gospels.
On February 22, 1546,
Bugenhagen preached the funeral sermon for his longtime friend and ally in reform, Luther.
He died April 20, 1558, in Wittenberg, and was buried under the altar at the Wittenberg city church where he had served for 35 years."
His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant:
Matthew 25:21
Even the Colors of it?
What say ye? Judges 18:8
Even the Colors chosen for Halloween are steeped in paganistic
"The classic Halloween colors can also trace their origins back to the Celtic festival Samhain.
Black represented the “death” of summer while orange is emblematic of the autumn harvest season."
Even the Colors chosen for Halloween are steeped in paganistic
"The classic Halloween colors can also trace their origins back to the Celtic festival Samhain.
Black represented the “death” of summer while orange is emblematic of the autumn harvest season."
Bobbing for Apples & Jack-o-Lanterns
"Several ancient Halloween practices still exist in modern observances.
--Bobbing for apples was originally a form of divination (fortune
telling) to learn of future marriages. The first person to bite an apple was predicted to be the first to marry in the coming year …
--The jack-o-lantern … represented a watchman on Halloween night or a man caught between earth and the supernatural world” (Jack Santino, All Around the Year: Holidays & Celebrations in American Life, 1994, p. 26).
There shall not be found among you anyone who … practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord (Deuteronomy 18:10-12)."
Halloween: A Celebration of Evil
--Bobbing for apples was originally a form of divination (fortune
telling) to learn of future marriages. The first person to bite an apple was predicted to be the first to marry in the coming year …
--The jack-o-lantern … represented a watchman on Halloween night or a man caught between earth and the supernatural world” (Jack Santino, All Around the Year: Holidays & Celebrations in American Life, 1994, p. 26).
There shall not be found among you anyone who … practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord (Deuteronomy 18:10-12)."
Halloween: A Celebration of Evil
Creation Moment 10/31/2019 - Satan's Shiploads of Skeletons
As saith the proverb of the ancients,
Wickedness proceedeth from the wicked:
1 Samuel 24:13
"Darwinism is a package deal.
There’s something about hatred of God that drives people mad.
Satan is determined to kill and destroy humans through all means he can, including self-destructive behaviors like drug use, purposelessness and crime.
It’s no wonder, then, that his followers also love death.
--Some of them want to wipe out half of humanity because of
climate change or the disaster du jour.
climate change or the disaster du jour.
--Leftists have few qualms about killing the most vulnerable: children in the womb, the mentally ill, and elderly and other vulnerable people who are a drain on society, “useless eaters” as H.G. Wells and other Social Darwinists would call them.
Satan got shiploads of skeletons with the tyrannical, Darwin-loving, anti-Christian regimes of Nazism and communism.
If Satan can’t kill, he perverts.
--The sexual revolution has shortened the lives of countless human beings who repudiated God’s instruction manual to fulfill their passions.
These were justified in the name of “science” and encouraged by perverts like Kinsey and Sanger.
--Leftists also work to shut down speech and prevent evidence against Darwinism from being heard,
As we evaluate the case for Darwinism vs Design, or Evolution
vs Creation,....We need to see The Long War Against God.*
vs Creation,....We need to see The Long War Against God.*
--Darwin’s biological model is mistakenly called a “tree of life.” Satan must love how that term mocks the tree God planted in the garden and will restore in the eternal state. Darwin’s tree is a Tree of Death, planted by Satan, the father of lies, watered and fertilized by his minions."
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Heresies of Dishonor & Flattery SERIES: Eco-Spirituality
"It is a remarkable fact that all the heresies which have arisen in the Christian Church have had a decided tendency to dishonor God and to flatter man."
Charles Spurgeon
Eco-Spirituality, creeping into Christendom, Dishonors God by placing Focus on the creation rather than the Creator. Also, Christians buying into the notion of supposedly saving the planet undermines the Truth about how the world actually ends.
The only man made component that will effect how this all ends here is man's free will used to rebel against His Creator.
It also Flatters men that they can save themselves (through supposedly saving the planet) which is the root of every False Religion.
The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof;
because they have transgressed the laws,
changed the ordinance,
broken the everlasting covenant.
Who changed the truth of God into a lie,
and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator...
Isaiah 24:5/Romans 1:25
Charles Spurgeon
Eco-Spirituality, creeping into Christendom, Dishonors God by placing Focus on the creation rather than the Creator. Also, Christians buying into the notion of supposedly saving the planet undermines the Truth about how the world actually ends.
The only man made component that will effect how this all ends here is man's free will used to rebel against His Creator.
It also Flatters men that they can save themselves (through supposedly saving the planet) which is the root of every False Religion.
The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof;
because they have transgressed the laws,
changed the ordinance,
broken the everlasting covenant.
Who changed the truth of God into a lie,
and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator...
Isaiah 24:5/Romans 1:25
SDA Issues - 60 Years? Uhm.....
"On October 8-10, 2019 Orthodox, Anglicans, Pentecostals, Seventh-day Adventists, Lutherans, Mennonites, Methodists, the Reformed Churches, Evangelicals and Roman Catholics met again this year to “foster coherence within the worldwide ecumenical movement.”
This news source and picture is being made available by the Vatican. This is what Rome is reporting. The information contained in here was published by the Vatican City, the Holy See, the universal government of the Roman Catholic Church. In fact, the Vatican also reveals that these meetings aimed at promoting unity among the churches have been taking place for “sixty years.” Here is the direct quote:
“Meeting without interruption for over sixty years, the Conference has significantly contributed to build trust and partnership among the Church leaders and between their respective traditions, and to foster the coherence of the ecumenical movement worldwide. The Conference is currently chaired by Reverend Dr Martin Junge, General Secretary of the Lutheran World Federation, who is seconded by the secretary, Dr. Ganoune Diop, Director of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty for the worldwide Seventh–day Adventist Church.”
“Coherence” means “a state or situation in which all the parts or ideas fit together well so that they form a united whole.” And a coherence within the ecumenical movement is an attempt to unite the churches into one body. Rome is the chief architect and promoter of interfaith unity and dialog.
Elder James White also gave us important counsel on the subject of interfaith relationships with other churches. This counsel today has been completely rejected. Notice what he cautions us never to do:
“Here is a man, for instance, who does not agree with us on the subject of the second coming of Christ. He believes
that we are wholly mistaken in regard to this great truth. Can we feel union with such a man, and take him into our fellowship and communion? We cannot. We can but feel that he shuts his eyes to some of the clearest light of the Scriptures, and refuses assent to their most unequivocal testimony. We cannot therefore extend to him the hand of Christian fellowship. Just so with the Sabbath. Can we fellowship the man who violates it? We cannot. On a vital point connected with the teaching of the word of God, we are at issue; and the union that would otherwise exist between us, is of course destroyed. So with the subjects of baptism, the sleep of the dead, the destruction of the wicked, etc. Where there is not agreement in theory, there can be, in the Christian sense, no real communion of heart and fellowship of feeling. (James White, “Fifty Unanswerable Arguments,” Review and Herald, Vol. 19, January 14, 1862, page 52 paragraph 22). AdventMessenger
IN the NEWS - Gays in K?
And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Genesis 6:5
"Ottawa intends to give a survey from grades K-12 that will ask for information about student ethnicity, religion, gender identity, and sexual orientation.
Such information is already collected by Statistics Canada on the official census every 5 years by law. The collected information is considered protected and only released for general statistical use. Why does the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board need this information.
The age of legal consent for release of the kind of information for which they will be asking in Canada is 18 years of age. Before that age, that authority rests with the parent or guardian of the child. It seems likely that the purpose of the survey is not to collect information at all, but rather, to normalize sinful sexual “identities” as a propaganda move. The district is already noted for its agenda in creating an atmosphere dedicated to Intersectionality and Critical Race Theory."
Genesis 6:5
"Ottawa intends to give a survey from grades K-12 that will ask for information about student ethnicity, religion, gender identity, and sexual orientation.
Such information is already collected by Statistics Canada on the official census every 5 years by law. The collected information is considered protected and only released for general statistical use. Why does the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board need this information.
The age of legal consent for release of the kind of information for which they will be asking in Canada is 18 years of age. Before that age, that authority rests with the parent or guardian of the child. It seems likely that the purpose of the survey is not to collect information at all, but rather, to normalize sinful sexual “identities” as a propaganda move. The district is already noted for its agenda in creating an atmosphere dedicated to Intersectionality and Critical Race Theory."
Creation Moment 10/30/2019 - Insurmountable
So God created man in his own image... Genesis 1:27
"Developmental gene regulatory networks—an insurmountable impediment to evolution.
Macroevolution requires that new developmental adaptations arise via random mutations that somehow provide a novel advantageous selectable trait.
Developmental genetics research has documented that at the initial hierarchical levels of gene expression, it is nearly impossible to beneficially change the overall program by even single gene mutations without causing a major catastrophe.
Another important aspect of the developmental genetics paradigm is the paradox of conserved protein sequence among top-level transcription factors combined with mutation intolerance.
Extreme sequence conservation would seem to support common descent yet lack of mutability negates the fundamental mechanism of evolutionary change.
In contrast, an Intelligent Design model predicts common code serving a general purpose in unrelated engineered systems."
"Developmental gene regulatory networks—an insurmountable impediment to evolution.
Macroevolution requires that new developmental adaptations arise via random mutations that somehow provide a novel advantageous selectable trait.
Developmental genetics research has documented that at the initial hierarchical levels of gene expression, it is nearly impossible to beneficially change the overall program by even single gene mutations without causing a major catastrophe.
Another important aspect of the developmental genetics paradigm is the paradox of conserved protein sequence among top-level transcription factors combined with mutation intolerance.
Extreme sequence conservation would seem to support common descent yet lack of mutability negates the fundamental mechanism of evolutionary change.
In contrast, an Intelligent Design model predicts common code serving a general purpose in unrelated engineered systems."
Monday, October 28, 2019
Heresies of Dishonor & Flattery SERIES: Women Ordination
"It is a remarkable fact that all the heresies which have arisen in the Christian Church have had a decided tendency to dishonor God and to flatter man."
Charles Spurgeon
Women Ordination Dishonors God by undoing His system He
established of Headship in an Ecclesiastical setting. As God is the Head of Christ in this setting, so too the male over the female....but outside this system they are equal as Christ is with the Father.
It also Flatters both genders--females in that they can rise above the system God Designed in the Church and males in that they can view themselves as PC and pat themselves on the back in their own eyes.
But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ;
Therefore an overseer must be above reproach,
the husband of one wife...
1 Corinthians 11:3/1 Timothy 3:2
Charles Spurgeon
Women Ordination Dishonors God by undoing His system He
established of Headship in an Ecclesiastical setting. As God is the Head of Christ in this setting, so too the male over the female....but outside this system they are equal as Christ is with the Father.
It also Flatters both genders--females in that they can rise above the system God Designed in the Church and males in that they can view themselves as PC and pat themselves on the back in their own eyes.
But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ;
and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.
Therefore an overseer must be above reproach,
the husband of one wife...
1 Corinthians 11:3/1 Timothy 3:2
SDA Issues - Autopsy of Ryan Bell's Fall
Below in Red are the words of Ryan Bell (former Pastor turned Atheist) from the Christian Post.
They are followed by my response/commentary in Green to each point of his.
"Ryan J. Bell, former pastor of the Hollywood Adventist Church in California, launched an experiment to live without God on New Year’s Eve in 2013 after preaching for 20 years. A year later, he concluded that God did not exist. Five years into that decision, he admits that for a while he missed Christianity, but not anymore.
"My beliefs had been shifting for many years. I started out as a very conservative Christian and ended as a very progressive Christian,
albeit still in a conservative denomination. I sometimes say it was like whittling a stick — cutting away little bits, shaving off rough edges — and I kept at that project until one day I looked down and there was no stick left."
He was warned about those little foxes--or his "whittling" away of little bits...Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: Song Of Solomon 2:15
"Another way to think about this is that conservative Christianity is a very bounded community. There are clear markers of who is in and who is out. Part of the theological and ministry project I found myself a part of was widening that community to include more people and a broader analysis of politics. Eventually, it widens so far that it includes everyone and at that point, I didn't feel the need for Christianity, per se. It was just the human family."
So he went by his feelings rather than the Word and began his slide by getting caught up in secular Leftist Politics.
"I am an atheist, for sure, but there's so much more to me than that. I'm a humanist in the sense that I don't believe anyone is
coming to save us. We are the ones we're waiting for. I'm also a democratic socialist, which describes how I understand politics. My humanism and my democratic socialism go hand in hand. I can't separate existential questions about meaning and value from political questions about who has access to a materially good life."
The first part he is clearly rooted in SELF---that we are waiting for ourselves---sort of a naïve, post modernist, pop-psychology self-centered worldview where one thinks highly of himself.
Self is the essence. Self is displayed on the pedastool and from it stems his Leftist Politics. Here he had his spiritual life begin to bend to the temporal worldview rather than the other way around....a key factor in his fall it would appear.
(are those of you who may be on a similar path paying attention?)
"There wasn't one exact moment, but there were a series of moments.
--One was developing a personal friendship with a member of my
church who was gay. That led me on a years-long project of trying to figure out what the Bible said about homosexuality. The idea that the Bible may have gotten this wrong was a big moment for me.
--September 11, 2001, was also a turning point. It was in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 that it struck me that people of other religions also believe God is commanding them to do things, things I thought were unspeakably evil, which led me to recall the things that my people — Christians — have done and continue to do in God's name that are unspeakably evil. That was the beginning of me wondering whether religion is just a belief system that people use to justify their perceived supremacy."
A couple of observations:
1) There is a reason we are not to allow open sexual rebellion in our midst of the Church (see 1 Cor. 5). A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. Galatians 5:9 You see, he let a Little bit of that Leaven into his Church and it began to sway his view. He was WARNED in Scripture.
2) As for so-called Christians who may have done evil in the name of God, the 3rd Commandment actually is about dealing with just that.
Taking God's name in Vain, in the Hebrew text, actually means doing something in the name of God (that you shouldn't be doing) that will turn people from God. It is the only Commandment God says that He will not hold you Guiltless. (as a Pastor he should have spent more time in the Word and less in his bitter politics-then he would know & understand this).
*As for comparing his fellow Christians wrong doings to Islam---it is Christianity only that has this 3rd Commandment.
"I'd also encourage folks to try to understand that those who are leaving are in pursuit of truth. They're not in open rebellion, as I sometimes hear Christians say. The same thing that led many people to Christianity (the pursuit of truth) has led many out of it. Perhaps that's something we can share in common."
Let Paul Respond to this point about Bell's situation- Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 2 Timothy 3:7
They are followed by my response/commentary in Green to each point of his.
"Ryan J. Bell, former pastor of the Hollywood Adventist Church in California, launched an experiment to live without God on New Year’s Eve in 2013 after preaching for 20 years. A year later, he concluded that God did not exist. Five years into that decision, he admits that for a while he missed Christianity, but not anymore.
"My beliefs had been shifting for many years. I started out as a very conservative Christian and ended as a very progressive Christian,
albeit still in a conservative denomination. I sometimes say it was like whittling a stick — cutting away little bits, shaving off rough edges — and I kept at that project until one day I looked down and there was no stick left."
He was warned about those little foxes--or his "whittling" away of little bits...Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: Song Of Solomon 2:15
"Another way to think about this is that conservative Christianity is a very bounded community. There are clear markers of who is in and who is out. Part of the theological and ministry project I found myself a part of was widening that community to include more people and a broader analysis of politics. Eventually, it widens so far that it includes everyone and at that point, I didn't feel the need for Christianity, per se. It was just the human family."
So he went by his feelings rather than the Word and began his slide by getting caught up in secular Leftist Politics.
"I am an atheist, for sure, but there's so much more to me than that. I'm a humanist in the sense that I don't believe anyone is
coming to save us. We are the ones we're waiting for. I'm also a democratic socialist, which describes how I understand politics. My humanism and my democratic socialism go hand in hand. I can't separate existential questions about meaning and value from political questions about who has access to a materially good life."
The first part he is clearly rooted in SELF---that we are waiting for ourselves---sort of a naïve, post modernist, pop-psychology self-centered worldview where one thinks highly of himself.
Self is the essence. Self is displayed on the pedastool and from it stems his Leftist Politics. Here he had his spiritual life begin to bend to the temporal worldview rather than the other way around....a key factor in his fall it would appear.
(are those of you who may be on a similar path paying attention?)
"There wasn't one exact moment, but there were a series of moments.
--One was developing a personal friendship with a member of my
church who was gay. That led me on a years-long project of trying to figure out what the Bible said about homosexuality. The idea that the Bible may have gotten this wrong was a big moment for me.
--September 11, 2001, was also a turning point. It was in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 that it struck me that people of other religions also believe God is commanding them to do things, things I thought were unspeakably evil, which led me to recall the things that my people — Christians — have done and continue to do in God's name that are unspeakably evil. That was the beginning of me wondering whether religion is just a belief system that people use to justify their perceived supremacy."
A couple of observations:
1) There is a reason we are not to allow open sexual rebellion in our midst of the Church (see 1 Cor. 5). A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. Galatians 5:9 You see, he let a Little bit of that Leaven into his Church and it began to sway his view. He was WARNED in Scripture.
2) As for so-called Christians who may have done evil in the name of God, the 3rd Commandment actually is about dealing with just that.
Taking God's name in Vain, in the Hebrew text, actually means doing something in the name of God (that you shouldn't be doing) that will turn people from God. It is the only Commandment God says that He will not hold you Guiltless. (as a Pastor he should have spent more time in the Word and less in his bitter politics-then he would know & understand this).
*As for comparing his fellow Christians wrong doings to Islam---it is Christianity only that has this 3rd Commandment.
"I'd also encourage folks to try to understand that those who are leaving are in pursuit of truth. They're not in open rebellion, as I sometimes hear Christians say. The same thing that led many people to Christianity (the pursuit of truth) has led many out of it. Perhaps that's something we can share in common."
Let Paul Respond to this point about Bell's situation- Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 2 Timothy 3:7
Creation Moment 10/29/2019 - OOL Oops
For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible...
Colossians 1:16
"OOL (origin of life) material is shoveled out like Halloween candy to gullible kids, unaware they are being given poison.
What if chemicals could just come together and form life?
Then nature does it without a Creator, and we can live as we please!
This thought process, simplistic as it is, actually occurs.
Origin of life breakthrough: Charles Darwin’s creation theory ‘PROVED after 100 years’ (Express UK). This drool by Callum Hoare has to qualify for worst Big Lie about OOL in recent memory. “Proved” ...
It’s loaded with propaganda tricks beyond the opening Big Lie of the title.
Authority (“Charles Darwin”).
Euphemism (“legendary”).
Bandwagon (“now widely accepted”).
Loaded words (“breakthrough, amazingly, astonishing”).
Scrape out the propaganda and look for the data.
What is it?
Djokik found geyserite. That’s all. Geyserite, that greyish-white substance, also called siliceous sinter, that coats the geyser cones in Yellowstone Park.
What does that have to do with life? Nothing. Geyserite is dead. From some lifeless gray rock, Djokik envisions Darwin’s “warm little ponds,” like witch’s cauldrons, from which bubble forth (as all secular scientists claim) “evolutionary matter” (whatever that is; is it rock quivering with desire to become a brain?). Life must have “emerged” from hot water, he thinks, because Father Darwin imagined it. So geyserite PROVED Darwin was right?"
Colossians 1:16
"OOL (origin of life) material is shoveled out like Halloween candy to gullible kids, unaware they are being given poison.
What if chemicals could just come together and form life?
Then nature does it without a Creator, and we can live as we please!
This thought process, simplistic as it is, actually occurs.
Origin of life breakthrough: Charles Darwin’s creation theory ‘PROVED after 100 years’ (Express UK). This drool by Callum Hoare has to qualify for worst Big Lie about OOL in recent memory. “Proved” ...
Charles Darwin was the legendary 19th-century scientists best known for his contribution to the study of evolution, where he proposed that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestors – now widely accepted and considered a foundational concept in science. However, when Darwin published “The Origin of Species” 150 years ago, he deliberately avoided the subject of the origin of life, as he could not prove his ideas. Privately though – in a letter – Darwin told his friend, the explorer Joseph D. Hooker, that he could imagine a small, warm pool where the inanimate matter would arrange itself into the evolutionary matter, aided by chemical components and sufficient sources of energy.It would be hard to exaggerate how goofy this article is.
Amazingly, that theory has been proved, according to astrobiologist Tara Djokik, who made an astonishing discovery in Pilbara, Western Australia.
It’s loaded with propaganda tricks beyond the opening Big Lie of the title.
Authority (“Charles Darwin”).
Euphemism (“legendary”).
Bandwagon (“now widely accepted”).
Loaded words (“breakthrough, amazingly, astonishing”).
Scrape out the propaganda and look for the data.
What is it?
Djokik found geyserite. That’s all. Geyserite, that greyish-white substance, also called siliceous sinter, that coats the geyser cones in Yellowstone Park.
What does that have to do with life? Nothing. Geyserite is dead. From some lifeless gray rock, Djokik envisions Darwin’s “warm little ponds,” like witch’s cauldrons, from which bubble forth (as all secular scientists claim) “evolutionary matter” (whatever that is; is it rock quivering with desire to become a brain?). Life must have “emerged” from hot water, he thinks, because Father Darwin imagined it. So geyserite PROVED Darwin was right?"
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Heresies of Dishonor & Flattery SERIES: Universalism
"It is a remarkable fact that all the heresies which have arisen in the Christian Church have had a decided tendency to dishonor God and to flatter man."
Charles Spurgeon
Universalism (the idea that all people will be saved) is a False
Doctrine among some off the most theologically liberal Christians--and Dishonors God by dismissing the Warnings in Scripture of the Wrath of God--for why would God truly pour out His wrath on mankind at some point IF all will be saved?
Universalism also Flatters the believers in this nonsense that how they live their lives actually doesn't matter at the end of the day. IF everyone Universally will be saved---why would it matter?
For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake,
some to everlasting life,
and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
Revelation 6:17/Daniel 12:2
Charles Spurgeon
Universalism (the idea that all people will be saved) is a False
Doctrine among some off the most theologically liberal Christians--and Dishonors God by dismissing the Warnings in Scripture of the Wrath of God--for why would God truly pour out His wrath on mankind at some point IF all will be saved?
Universalism also Flatters the believers in this nonsense that how they live their lives actually doesn't matter at the end of the day. IF everyone Universally will be saved---why would it matter?
For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake,
some to everlasting life,
and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
Revelation 6:17/Daniel 12:2
Creation Moment 10/28/2019 - Influence of the Darwinian Regime
Yea, they spake against God; Psalm 78:19
"We have lived under the evolutionary regime for longer than people lived behind the Iron Curtain.
It has certainly affected our culture in hidden and not so hidden ways, with the evolutionary view being in the foreground, the first thing we see in our news and popular culture.
Everything is framed in terms of
The good life is something to have, to experience, to master.
Subtle and not so subtle messages declare that worth comes from physical beauty, celebrity, or power. These are all things that would improve fitness, according to Darwinian theory.
So the regime has affected our thinking."
Ann Gauger/EN&V
"We have lived under the evolutionary regime for longer than people lived behind the Iron Curtain.
It has certainly affected our culture in hidden and not so hidden ways, with the evolutionary view being in the foreground, the first thing we see in our news and popular culture.
Everything is framed in terms of
--material explanations,
--material needs,
--material goals.
The good life is something to have, to experience, to master.
Subtle and not so subtle messages declare that worth comes from physical beauty, celebrity, or power. These are all things that would improve fitness, according to Darwinian theory.
So the regime has affected our thinking."
Ann Gauger/EN&V
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Heresies of Dishonor & Flattery SERIES: "Once Saved Always Saved"
"It is a remarkable fact that all the heresies which have arisen in the Christian Church have had a decided tendency to dishonor God and to flatter man."
Charles Spurgeon
So-called "Once Saved Always Saved" Dishonors God by
disconnecting the outer court (Grace/Justification) from the inner court (Obedience/Sanctification) laid out in the Plan of Redemption shown in the Sanctuary. They want to stay in the outer court but never pass into the inner court....they cry Grace while decrying Obedience as Legalism.
In this they Flatter themselves that there is no need for them to have the Law of their God Written on their hearts as stated in the New Covenant. This is Flattery of the heart of the Worst, most Dangerous kind.
If ye love me, keep my commandments.
This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord,
I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;
John 14:15/Hebrews 10:16
Charles Spurgeon
So-called "Once Saved Always Saved" Dishonors God by
disconnecting the outer court (Grace/Justification) from the inner court (Obedience/Sanctification) laid out in the Plan of Redemption shown in the Sanctuary. They want to stay in the outer court but never pass into the inner court....they cry Grace while decrying Obedience as Legalism.
In this they Flatter themselves that there is no need for them to have the Law of their God Written on their hearts as stated in the New Covenant. This is Flattery of the heart of the Worst, most Dangerous kind.
If ye love me, keep my commandments.
This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord,
I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;
John 14:15/Hebrews 10:16
What is Righteousness?

Righteousness is obedience to the law.
Righteousness is right doing, and it is by their deeds that all will be judged.
Righteousness is holiness, likeness to God,
and "God is love." 1 John 4:16.
It is conformity to the law of God, for "all Thy commandments are righteousness" (Psalm 119:172), and "love is the fulfilling of the law" (Romans 13:10).
He who enters heaven must have a character that is without spot or wrinkle or any such thing."
The "Really" File - (Netflix Propaganda)
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; 2 Corinthians 6:17
"The Netflix cartoon, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, is adding a gender non-binary character to its upcoming fourth season.
The character Double Trouble will be voiced by activist and actor Jacob Tobia, who was born male but claims to be “gender-nonconforming.”
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From the "Really" File |
The cartoon series, based off the 1980s Masters of the Universe toy line, has a history of adding LGBTQ characters." Breitbart
IN the NEWS - Bishop Rails Agianst "demonic sacrileges"
Idolatry, witchcraft,.... that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
Galatians 5:20,21
"An Amazonian bishop is denouncing the "demonic sacrileges" taking place in Rome, confirming that the controversial fertility figure dubbed "Pachamama" is indeed a pagan goddess.
Bishop José Luis Azcona, Emeritus Bishop of Marajó in the Amazon region, is condemning the pagan rites surrounding the idol as "demonic sacrileges that produce scandal."
"In those rituals there is the devil, there is magic...” the Spanish-born prelate thundered in a 45-minute sermon.
Delivering his homily in Portuguese, Bp. Azcona affirmed that "these celebrations depend on the spirits that are evoked and it is evident that this is witchcraft, from which the letter of St. Paul to the Galatians warns us, in chapter 5, verse 29, when he denounces the sin of idolatry that is incompatible with the Gospel and with mission."
"The invocation of the statuettes in front of which even some religious have bowed in the Vatican (and I will not mention the religious order to which they belong) is the invocation of the mythical power of Mother Earth, to which they are asking blessings upon humanity or offering gestures of gratitude," he insisted. "These are scandalous demonic sacrileges, especially for the little ones who can't discern."
At the investiture of Moisés Atisha, bishop of Arica, Chile, the bishops participated in an indigenous ritual invoking the spirits of the pagan Aymara Indians.
In a YouTube video, Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, Biblical scholar who directed the Italian Catholic Bible project and former president of the Pontifical Council for Culture, can be seen participating in a pagan Pachamama ritual in San Marcos Sierras, Argentina."
Galatians 5:20,21
"An Amazonian bishop is denouncing the "demonic sacrileges" taking place in Rome, confirming that the controversial fertility figure dubbed "Pachamama" is indeed a pagan goddess.
Bishop José Luis Azcona, Emeritus Bishop of Marajó in the Amazon region, is condemning the pagan rites surrounding the idol as "demonic sacrileges that produce scandal."
"In those rituals there is the devil, there is magic...” the Spanish-born prelate thundered in a 45-minute sermon.
Delivering his homily in Portuguese, Bp. Azcona affirmed that "these celebrations depend on the spirits that are evoked and it is evident that this is witchcraft, from which the letter of St. Paul to the Galatians warns us, in chapter 5, verse 29, when he denounces the sin of idolatry that is incompatible with the Gospel and with mission."
"The invocation of the statuettes in front of which even some religious have bowed in the Vatican (and I will not mention the religious order to which they belong) is the invocation of the mythical power of Mother Earth, to which they are asking blessings upon humanity or offering gestures of gratitude," he insisted. "These are scandalous demonic sacrileges, especially for the little ones who can't discern."
At the investiture of Moisés Atisha, bishop of Arica, Chile, the bishops participated in an indigenous ritual invoking the spirits of the pagan Aymara Indians.
In a YouTube video, Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, Biblical scholar who directed the Italian Catholic Bible project and former president of the Pontifical Council for Culture, can be seen participating in a pagan Pachamama ritual in San Marcos Sierras, Argentina."
IN the NEWS - Magic Resistance?
Hmmm.which side of the Political Spectrum do we find these people aligned?...hmmm...very telling...
There shall not be found among you....Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.
Deuteronomy 18:10,11
"In case you missed the news, it has been reported that today, Oct. 25, at 11:59 p.m., "thousands of witches will simultaneously conduct a ritual that is meant to 'bind' Donald Trump."
The occult ceremony.....the third annual "binding spell" against Trump, with the first one taking place during Trump's first year in the White House in 2017.
Referring to themselves as the "Magic Resistance,"....
One of the organizers, activist and self-described magical thinker Michael Hughes, told the Washington Examiner, "I'm willing to go on record and say it's working."
He said that after he posted instructions for the spell online in 2017, it "immediately" went viral "and just completely exploded."
There shall not be found among you....Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.
Deuteronomy 18:10,11
"In case you missed the news, it has been reported that today, Oct. 25, at 11:59 p.m., "thousands of witches will simultaneously conduct a ritual that is meant to 'bind' Donald Trump."
The occult ceremony.....the third annual "binding spell" against Trump, with the first one taking place during Trump's first year in the White House in 2017.
Referring to themselves as the "Magic Resistance,"....
One of the organizers, activist and self-described magical thinker Michael Hughes, told the Washington Examiner, "I'm willing to go on record and say it's working."
He said that after he posted instructions for the spell online in 2017, it "immediately" went viral "and just completely exploded."
IN the NEWS - 280,000?
But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13
"The former Catholic priest Oliver O'Grady has been arrested in the Algarve, in Portugal, under a European Arrest Warrant.
O'Grady, born in Limerick, was ordained as a priest in California in 1971. The pedophile was sentenced to 14 years in prison in the United States for the rape and sexual abuse of at least 25 children, including two young brothers.
In 2006, O'Grady was the subject of an award-winning documentary, Deliver Us from Evil. The movie detailed how he preyed on children and how the Catholic church moved him from parish to parish and knew that abuses were happening.
In 2012, he was sentenced to three years in prison by Irish authorities when child pornography was discovered on his laptop, which he'd left on an Aer Lingus flight.
Further investigations found nearly 280k images of child pornography on O'Grady's laptops and hard drives.
Portugal’s Policia Judiciaria (police) confirmed on Thursday that O'Grady had been arrested on Monday (Oct 21). He is expected to be sent back to Ireland, the Irish Mirror reports."
Genesis 13:13
"The former Catholic priest Oliver O'Grady has been arrested in the Algarve, in Portugal, under a European Arrest Warrant.
O'Grady, born in Limerick, was ordained as a priest in California in 1971. The pedophile was sentenced to 14 years in prison in the United States for the rape and sexual abuse of at least 25 children, including two young brothers.
In 2006, O'Grady was the subject of an award-winning documentary, Deliver Us from Evil. The movie detailed how he preyed on children and how the Catholic church moved him from parish to parish and knew that abuses were happening.
In 2012, he was sentenced to three years in prison by Irish authorities when child pornography was discovered on his laptop, which he'd left on an Aer Lingus flight.
Further investigations found nearly 280k images of child pornography on O'Grady's laptops and hard drives.
Portugal’s Policia Judiciaria (police) confirmed on Thursday that O'Grady had been arrested on Monday (Oct 21). He is expected to be sent back to Ireland, the Irish Mirror reports."
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