For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12
"Saint Agnes was named for Saint Agnes of Rome. Her father was an eminent Christian who dwelt in the village of Gracciano Vecchio, near the Lake of Perugia in central Italy.
Her only wish, first verbalized at age 6, was to enter the convent at Montepulciano.....On one such trip, as Agnes, her mother, and some women of the household were passing a section of road on which several brothels were located, a murder of crows descended from the sky, attacking Agnes. While the women were able to drive them off, this event unsettled the girl, who later proclaimed that the crows were devils."
"When she was nine she asked her parents to enter a monastery; they ...she was allowed to join the Sisters of Monte Pulciano who were living under the Rule of Saint Augustine.
This experience would prepare her for a later important work, that of founding a large monastery in honor of the Mother of God at Monte Pulciano;
---the Blessed Virgin had already appeared to her and told her that it would be founded on faith in the Most High and undivided Trinity. occurred sometimes that where she knelt in prayer, flowers sprang up — violets, lilies and roses.
---One year, during the night of the Assumption, the Mother of the Savior appeared to her again and placed the Infant Jesus in her arms. ---Saint Agnes succeeded in founding the foretold monastery, in which
she presided over twenty cloistered Dominican Sisters; an Angel had told her to establish it under the Rule of Saint Dominic.
---She frequently multiplied loaves, as Christ did in the gospels, to feed those in need.
---She had also apparently reached such a level of sanctity that invalids and those afflicted with different types of mental illness would be restored to health just by being brought into her presence.
---During her last illness, she was sent to bathe in curative waters; during her journey there she brought back to life a child who had drowned. Her health did not improve, but a spring welled up nearby which cured others and was named the water of Saint Agnes.
Saint Agnes returned to her monastery and prepared for death. She died at the age of 43 on April 20, 1317. Miracles occurred at her tomb.
--+++--In 1435 during exhumation, it was discovered that her body was incorrupt, with sweet perfume trickling from both her hands and feet."
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12
"Saint Agnes was named for Saint Agnes of Rome. Her father was an eminent Christian who dwelt in the village of Gracciano Vecchio, near the Lake of Perugia in central Italy.
Her only wish, first verbalized at age 6, was to enter the convent at Montepulciano.....On one such trip, as Agnes, her mother, and some women of the household were passing a section of road on which several brothels were located, a murder of crows descended from the sky, attacking Agnes. While the women were able to drive them off, this event unsettled the girl, who later proclaimed that the crows were devils."
"When she was nine she asked her parents to enter a monastery; they ...she was allowed to join the Sisters of Monte Pulciano who were living under the Rule of Saint Augustine.
This experience would prepare her for a later important work, that of founding a large monastery in honor of the Mother of God at Monte Pulciano;
---the Blessed Virgin had already appeared to her and told her that it would be founded on faith in the Most High and undivided Trinity. occurred sometimes that where she knelt in prayer, flowers sprang up — violets, lilies and roses.
---One year, during the night of the Assumption, the Mother of the Savior appeared to her again and placed the Infant Jesus in her arms. ---Saint Agnes succeeded in founding the foretold monastery, in which
she presided over twenty cloistered Dominican Sisters; an Angel had told her to establish it under the Rule of Saint Dominic.
---She frequently multiplied loaves, as Christ did in the gospels, to feed those in need.
---She had also apparently reached such a level of sanctity that invalids and those afflicted with different types of mental illness would be restored to health just by being brought into her presence.

Saint Agnes returned to her monastery and prepared for death. She died at the age of 43 on April 20, 1317. Miracles occurred at her tomb.
--+++--In 1435 during exhumation, it was discovered that her body was incorrupt, with sweet perfume trickling from both her hands and feet."