The worst flooding in the region—based on 120 years of record keeping—has killed at least 40 people and displaced hundreds of thousands, the BBC reported. Bosnian officials say more than 25 percent of the population is without drinking water.
Flooding destroyed Adventist Church buildings in Paraćin and Svilajnac in Serbia and in Trnjaci and Doboj in Bosnia, said Igor Bosnić, Communication director for the Church’s South-East European Union Conference, based in Belgrade, Serbia.
In the Doboj Adventist Church, Bible Worker Josef Taši and his wife Marina fled to their attic to escape on May 15, where they waited for eight hours to be rescuced by boat. They lost all their possessions.
In Šabac, 20 students and professors from Belgrade Theological Seminary joined a group of 6,000 volunteers to build a shield of sand bags along the River Sava, said Dragan Grujičić, principal of the seminary. The team built a 23 kilometers wall on the night of May 17.
Youth of the Belgrade churches also joined volunteers to help fill bags with sand and distribute food.
Pastor Miroslav Gagić reported that church members in Sremska Mitrovica held a short worship on Saturday before the men went to work at the banks of the River Sava. Women cooked and distributed food to volunteers.
ADRA Serbia and ADRA Croatia have initiated collection of food, drinking water and clothes for people who have had to leave their homes.
“We have to help people in their difficult times. We should not forget them even once the water is gone,” said Zlatko Musija, president of the Adventist Church’s Adriatic Union, which includes Croatia." ANN
There stood a man ...... and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us.
Acts 16:9ADRA link below