"Finally, do not argue or debate over Scripture. You cannot study the Bible in a crowd. Be still and
know that I am God. Psalm 46:10. It is not in the tempest, but in the still, small voice that the Lord was revealed to Elijah. Noise and clamor are incompatible with efficient Bible study. Jesus is just as able to open the Scriptures to you, and to open your understanding, as He was while on earth in the flesh." Sabbath School Lesson July,1894
know that I am God. Psalm 46:10. It is not in the tempest, but in the still, small voice that the Lord was revealed to Elijah. Noise and clamor are incompatible with efficient Bible study. Jesus is just as able to open the Scriptures to you, and to open your understanding, as He was while on earth in the flesh." Sabbath School Lesson July,1894