What does this verse mean?
Some Christians try and use this verse to claim its talking about corporations & common people who "pollute" the planet.
Others go a step further and try to use it for their political agenda of the cause of supposed man made "global warming"...and they get blinded by their own political worldview.
The most liberal of Christians use it to go even a step further and try to find common ground with the secular left on the "climate change" agenda. Rather than spreading the Gospel-they open the door to new age attitudes to enter the Church.
But what about another view? Global Warming alarmists have been apparently doing experiments with the weather and have had some success in influencing it. But what if their tampering with Mother Earth is what causes destruction on earth? What if THEY are the ones who trigger natural disasters to some degree? Much of this research is funded by world governments in the name of "climate change".
For instance, there is some speculation about the polar vortex, which they have tampered with, could collapse, which would trigger alot of cold weather for an extended period of time. "The polar vortex can be compared to a cylinder full of cold air. If you cut the cylinder in half and move one half away from the other, the cold air will sink. That is exactly how the stratosphere. If you have displaced parts of the stratosphere, the cold air that is held in the polar vortex will be released and flow down into lower latitudes. If the vortex is displaced enough, it may collapse altogether, leading to Super frigid temperatures over parts of the world." BIN The Polar Vortex is one of the things "Climate Change" scientists have been experiementing on.
I believe the Mark of the Beast will be implemented by the joining together politically in common cause the Christian Right (Protestants & Papal Rome) to appease an angry "Father God" over natural disasters. But how do they get those on the secular left to join in? By appeasing an angry "Mother Earth". They both gain something politically by setting aside a day of rest/or to let the planet rest.
Sort of a spiritual counterfiet Sabbath for one side to appease "Father God" and an enviromental "Sabbath" day of rest to lessen pollution to appease an angry "Mother Earth". If the many crises that break out in the end are natural disaster types-how else do you think the Christian Right could possibly reach out to the secular left ot go along?
See Below links from this blog
This from the UK MailOnline (Using fear to implement & fund their agenda)
"A rogue nation could use climate change as an excuse to carry out potentially disastrous experiments with geoengineering, experts warn.
A country threatened by rising sea levels or even a wealthy individual could use their resources to tamper with the atmosphere in a bid to cool the planet, with uncertain consequences.
The nightmare possibility, which could set off a disastrous chain reaction in the Earth's climate systems, is one possible 'X Factor' considered in a report on global risks by the World Economic Forum.
'The global climate could, in effect, be hijacked by a rogue country or even a wealthy individual, with unpredictable costs to agriculture, infrastructure and global stability,' the report warns.
Scientists worried about climate change are exploring ways in which they could artificial manipulate the Earth's climate in an attempt to mitigate some of its worst effects.
Many different processes have been mooted for such geoengineering, but the most common suggestion is for 'solar radiation management' in which particles of sulphur could be injected into the stratosphere to block solar energy."
Whether an evil rogue state or the world governmental bodies (who worship the creation -Mother Earth-more than the Creator-Father God) using this as an excuse to meddle in the climate for their "global Warming" agenda-should leave it alone.....
....and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. Revelation 11:18
Some Christians try and use this verse to claim its talking about corporations & common people who "pollute" the planet.
Others go a step further and try to use it for their political agenda of the cause of supposed man made "global warming"...and they get blinded by their own political worldview.
The most liberal of Christians use it to go even a step further and try to find common ground with the secular left on the "climate change" agenda. Rather than spreading the Gospel-they open the door to new age attitudes to enter the Church.
But what about another view? Global Warming alarmists have been apparently doing experiments with the weather and have had some success in influencing it. But what if their tampering with Mother Earth is what causes destruction on earth? What if THEY are the ones who trigger natural disasters to some degree? Much of this research is funded by world governments in the name of "climate change".
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Will Global Warming Alarmists actually be the ones who "Destroy" the earth in their quest for worshipping "Mother Earth" and seeking to implement their political agenda? just asking...... |
I believe the Mark of the Beast will be implemented by the joining together politically in common cause the Christian Right (Protestants & Papal Rome) to appease an angry "Father God" over natural disasters. But how do they get those on the secular left to join in? By appeasing an angry "Mother Earth". They both gain something politically by setting aside a day of rest/or to let the planet rest.
Sort of a spiritual counterfiet Sabbath for one side to appease "Father God" and an enviromental "Sabbath" day of rest to lessen pollution to appease an angry "Mother Earth". If the many crises that break out in the end are natural disaster types-how else do you think the Christian Right could possibly reach out to the secular left ot go along?
See Below links from this blog
This from the UK MailOnline (Using fear to implement & fund their agenda)
"A rogue nation could use climate change as an excuse to carry out potentially disastrous experiments with geoengineering, experts warn.
A country threatened by rising sea levels or even a wealthy individual could use their resources to tamper with the atmosphere in a bid to cool the planet, with uncertain consequences.
The nightmare possibility, which could set off a disastrous chain reaction in the Earth's climate systems, is one possible 'X Factor' considered in a report on global risks by the World Economic Forum.
'The global climate could, in effect, be hijacked by a rogue country or even a wealthy individual, with unpredictable costs to agriculture, infrastructure and global stability,' the report warns.
Scientists worried about climate change are exploring ways in which they could artificial manipulate the Earth's climate in an attempt to mitigate some of its worst effects.
Many different processes have been mooted for such geoengineering, but the most common suggestion is for 'solar radiation management' in which particles of sulphur could be injected into the stratosphere to block solar energy."
Whether an evil rogue state or the world governmental bodies (who worship the creation -Mother Earth-more than the Creator-Father God) using this as an excuse to meddle in the climate for their "global Warming" agenda-should leave it alone.....