And the Spirit & the bride say, come.... Reveaaltion 22:17

And the Spirit & the bride say, come.... Reveaaltion 22:17
And the Spirit & the bride say, come...Revelation 22:17 - May We One Day Bow Down In The DUST At HIS FEET ...... {click on blog TITLE at top to refresh page}---QUESTION: ...when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? LUKE 18:8

Sunday, February 9, 2025

SDA History: Early Shepherds Rod HERESY in Indiana in 1930's

But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies.... 2 Peter 2:1

Q: HOW did this HERESY, of Victor Houteff's Shepherd's Rod Movement from out of California, reach as far as Indiana in the 1930's before the internet?
These clips are taken from the Heretical "Symbolic Codes" Magazine of Houteff from the 1930's about the heretical movement in Indiana.

So it was C.T. something or another who brought the poison to SDA's in Indiana.....
"Brother C. T. _____ under date of Sept. 2 explains his numerous experiences in his travels through the middle west in the interest of the SRod which, for lack of space, we cannot enumerate herein, and has been able to interest a number of families of which several of them have already fully taken their stand on the side of present truth. Besides his public and private studies he has scattered much of our free literature." { 1SC3: 2.6 }

Q: HOW did this catch on in a nearby county to where I live? This is scary that this blatantly spiritually offensive movement caught on in Blackford County.
"Sr. Sebring of Hartford City writes as follows:
I have been reading and studying the SRod, Volumes One and Two, and the four tracts….I have read them several times and the more I read, the more I see the truth in them…. 
I have belonged to the church for 42 years,…but when those in office received word from the conference to drop in 30 days all that believed the SRod, they stopped me from leading the prayer meeting and took my Sabbath School class away from me and warned me not to teach the SRod in the church…but I am glad I can be partaker with Christ in His sufferings.
" { 1SC5: 2.5 }

SHAME on Cleve Smith.....
"Dear Brethren:
I was baptized into the S.D.A. church about 23 years ago and was happy in the truth at that time. But later, as I saw the church departing from the fundamental principles, in despair I quit going to Sabbath School and paying tithe for something like 10 or 12 years. This summer I took courage and renewed my former experience by repenting and confessing my sins, and by attending regularly the
church here at
Hartford City, and endeavoring to help it also to return to the old landmarks. 
About that time Bro. Cleve Smith, a firm believer in the SRod, came to my house and gave me tracts #1 and #2. At that time Elder Moore and wife were leaving the city for the summer and he put me in charge of the prayer meetings during his absence. Everything went fine until at one prayer meeting I invited Bro. Edwards to give the study, but when they found out that he was a believer in the SRod, such opposition was raised that I had to take up the study myself.
One Sabbath later on, the assistant elder belittled the SRod so much that his opposition against it urged me to look into the matter for myself. I told them that I had a greater desire now than ever before to read the books. So I ordered Volume 1 and 2, but before I received them the church had called a business meeting in which they asked a certain sister, who has been a S.D.A. for over 40 years, if she believed the teachings of the SRod. Answering in the affirmative, they put her on probation for 30 days, after which they were to remove her name from the church record if she did not by that time renounce the teachings of the SRod. But she is now rejoicing in the sealing message more and more.
" { 1SC5: 2.9 }

Q: The Heresy Rocks Muncie
"The church at Muncie, Indiana, has made another drive against the members who are studying the SRod. The first two were made by the Indiana Conference president. He came to the church under the impression that the entire membership was being led astray, and seemed astonished when he learned that only one member was studying the SRod. But in his attempt to stamp out present truth, he suggested this member be given 30 days in which to renounce the SRod. A vote was taken and carried in his favor. However, as in the end of the “30 days” the one in question was still studying, the Conference president called another meeting and disfellowshipped this member on the former vote. 
Nevertheless, instead of crying down the SRod it just gave it a good start. Several meetings have been held with a goodly number present. Books and tracts have been distributed and there are several interested ones weighing the claims of the SRod. The church elder and deacon, like the Jesuits in the days of the Inquisition, and the Pharisees of old, were spying to find out who were studying the SRod. They called another meeting, at which portions of the Bible and Testimonies were read by the accused, but the reading made no effect. The church officials would try to turn the readings around and use them against the accused. They finally made a call for all who were against the SRod to move to one side of the room and the command was obeyed. Besides the ones who were studying the SRod, three others remained seated, feeling they could not intelligently say they were against a thing that they had not studied and knew nothing about. Nevertheless they were all given the customary 30 days. 
(Signed) R. H. Smith, Muncie, Ind.{ 1SC6: 3.11 }

Back to Blackford County....
"A certain family came recently to Hartford City. I called on them bu
t found they had never heard of the message. So I gave them the SRod and the tracts.
Now they are rejoicing in present truth and are having a real reformation in their home, what with restoring the family altar, observing the principles of health reform, returning to the system of tithing, and ordering their conversation.

The church voted my name off the books two weeks ago, and last Saturday night there were two ministers here and they surely did preach against the SRod
{ 1SC6: 4.3 }

Mr. Edwards 19.....
"We are having some grand SRod meetings here. Last Sabbath we met at the home of Bro. _____ in Muncie, and there were present 19 in all
Let us have courage, for victory is sure, and that right soon. I never have felt the Lord so near, nor never have I felt so full of courage as now. Praise His name! 
(Signed) Wm. Edwards,
Hartford City, Ind
{ 1SC7: 3.4 }

Experience of Philebaum in Hartford City....
"When the reform message came to me it found me for one thing heavily in debt. Immediately I began to ask the Lord to take care of this debt for me in such a way as to satisfy my creditor and leave us on friendly terms. This He straightway did, and now I am in a much better position to fulfill the admonition, “Whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 
How thankful I am that God hears the faithful prayers of His people and looses their heavy burdens! By His grace I mean to do all to His glory and help finish the work. 
(Signed) H. H. Philebaum
Hartford City, Ind
{ 1SC7: 3.8 }

Thursday Nights in Muncie.....
"I am still holding meetings here; also we have organized a prayer band which meets on Thursday nights. We have Sabbath P.M. studies also. 
I am glad to tell you that we have one more member in our company. The church voted him out last night, March 4. He is determined to help rescue the brethren in Zion.
(Signed) Oran Richardson,
Muncie, Indiana
{ 1SC10: 4.17 }

Vories Decieves 2/3 in Logansport....
"Dear Brother Houteff:
 Our dear Brother Vories brought the message to us here and there
surely has been a stirring up
; many are accepting it and I pray to God that no one shall reject it. However, I am sure there will be a division among us; but the sealing message will find out how many are on the Lord’s side. 
Brother Vories and myself have been preaching the “Shepherd’s Rod in a round about way, preparing them by degrees. But at last we really had to tell them the message, and I am happy to say (thanking God for it) that more than two-thirds have accepted it
But now the church elder has stopped us from leading the meeting so you can see that the professed people of God today, as of old, will not endure sound doctrine.” 
(Signed) L. F. OTTO
Logansport, Ind.
{ 2SC3,4: 9.2.6 }

---Well, at least they had the guts to publish critics 
of their movement and magazine
here are a couple of good ones we can conur with....
"Please discontinue sending any of your tracts or letters to our home as we are not interested and all such are put into the fire. We are well satisfied with the “Truth” as taught by the Seventh-day Adventist denomination and want none of the Shepherd’s Rod teachings
{7SC1-6: 3.1.2 }
I wish you would please keep this junk to yourselves. I don’t want it. I use it for paper to start a fire and I don’t need it because I have plenty of paper to start a fire with.
I don’t know who sent you my address but you might tell them they surely made a mistake
{ 7SC1-6: 3.1.5 }"