And the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days. Genesis 7:24
"Interestingly, in the upper halves of the Greenland ice cores,
creationist and uniformitarian age assignments agree to within a factor
of two or three of one another.
Only in the bottom halves of the Greenland cores do uniformitarian and
creationist age estimates dramatically diverge. Yet, the counting
process is most difficult and uncertain in the bottom core sections,
where ‘jumps’ in dust content are assumed to represent seasonal cycles. However, several factors together can plausibly account for overcounting in the bottoms of the Greenland cores.
First, seventyfold variations in dust content in the core bottoms complicate the counting process.
Second, individual storms (thousands of which would be expected ina
post-Flood Ice Age lasting hundreds of years) can change ice dust
Third, uniformitarian expectations of very thin annual layers in the bottom core sections contribute to overcounting.
Moreover, creationists have pointed out that the frequencies and
thicknesses of tephra layers within the deep Antarctic ice cores are
more consistent with young-Earth expectations as is the lack of erosion of the Gamburtsev Mountains beneath the East Antarctic ice sheet.