....inventors of evil things.... Romans 1:30
website LGBTQ Nation about the ad, saying: “It has been a dark year for everyone – A global pandemic, code red for our planet, refugee crisis and more......Perhaps what we need this year is a warm and heartfelt love story? A celebration of the fact that we can love whomever we want in Norway, despite everything bad that happens around the world...,” she added.
"The Norwegian postal service Posten has released an annual
Christmas video featuring Santa Claus falling in love with another man.....The video, entitled “When Harry Met Santa,” is a four-minute short film in which the main character interacts with Santa Claus several times, before writing him a letter stating: “Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is you.”
As Santa Claus arrives at the home once again, revealing that he has employed extra help — the Post Office — with delivering presents in order to spend more time with Harry. After staring briefly at each other, the pair embrace in a kiss.
Monica Solberg, Posten’s marketing director, spoke to the news
From the "Really" File |
website LGBTQ Nation about the ad, saying: “It has been a dark year for everyone – A global pandemic, code red for our planet, refugee crisis and more......Perhaps what we need this year is a warm and heartfelt love story? A celebration of the fact that we can love whomever we want in Norway, despite everything bad that happens around the world...,” she added.
Left-wing British newspaper The Guardian, called the video “heartwarming”....Some have criticized the ad, however, including English singer Steve Brookstein who commented on Twitter: “Norway making Santa a closet homosexual cheating on Mrs Claus is the worst Christmas idea… EVER!” Breitbart