"After weeks of butting heads with the Trump administration over pandemic guidance, the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued guidance on Friday for the reopening of religious institutions.
Recommendations include;
Trump said that he would "override" governors who keep places of worship closed."
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:20
Recommendations include;
- Encouraging staff and congregants to wash their hands with soap and water
- Providing hand sanitizer
- No-touch trash cans
- Encouraging the use of cloth masks
- "Suspending or at least decreasing use of a choir/musical ensembles and congregant singing, chanting, or reciting during services,"
- Daily disinfection
- Social distancing
- Limiting the sharing of objects such as books and hymnals
- Identify an area to quarantine people with COVID-19 symptoms
- If someone in a congregation is diagnosed with COVID-19, perform contact tracing and inform anyone with exposure to the person to stay home and self-monitor
- Close off any area used by a sick person and do not use until it has been disinfected - which should be performed at least 24 hours later.
- Designate a staff member to handle COVID-19 concerns
Trump said that he would "override" governors who keep places of worship closed."
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:20