NOW BE VERY CAREFUL HERE---nobody knows how this will end---possibly in a couple of months it could be under control and blow over--OR--the worst possible scenario...only time will tell--BUT--this gives one a feel what it might be like in Global Panic during a Time of Trouble....and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Matthew 24:7
From Al Jazeera....
On Wall Street, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted 495
points, or 1.92 percent, at the open of trading in New York, extending a brutal rout that saw the index nosedive nearly 1200 points on Thursday - its biggest one day point drop ever....a Global Economic Collapse that could lead to a Global Economic Restructuring--Leading to Control in a way one can't buy or sell without permission in some way, shape or form.
From Breitbart....
A Hong Kong coronavirus patient has revealed her pet dog has a “low level” of the virus, local health authorities confirmed early Friday.....Imagine what this could mean IF animals too can get--and maybe spread
Pope Francis has come down with a “slight indisposition,” forcing him to cancel a planned Mass in Rome, just a day after he
expressed his solidarity with coronavirus sufferers around the world — and as the disease continues to spread across Italy. The illness has forced the 82-year-old pontiff to nix a penitential Mass, marking the start of Lent, that he’d planned to celebrate at the St. John Lateran basilica across town with Roman clergy, the Vatican said. Francis will proceed with the rest of his planned work Thursday, but “preferred to stay near Santa Marta,” the Vatican hotel where he lives, officials said.....Head of the Little Horn Entity possibly touched by this...
From Al Jazeera....
Saudi Arabia on Thursday halted travel to the holiest sites in Islam (Mecca and Medina) over coronavirus fears just months ahead of the annual Hajj pilgrimage, as the Middle East recorded more than 220 confirmed cases......Even Islam Touched along with the Pope as world religions find common ground...
From ZeroHedge...
Italy, where late on Saturday prime minister Conte announced that
a total of 76 cases have been confirmed in 5 regions, declaring the Coronavirus situation a "National Emergency." The Prime Minister also said that Italy has implemented a law decree to fight the coronavirus, and is committed to limiting the spread of the Coronavirus....Complete Shut Down of Nations?
From State of the Planet....
Depictions of the “climate apocalypse” often fixate on the temperature changes, sea level rise and proliferation of natural disasters wrought by climate change. Epidemics are an often
overlooked outcome that belongs to that future. Medical researchers and climate scientists note that viral outbreaks may become more common with the progression of the climate crisis, which is affecting the movement of humans, animals, and pathogens. Zoonotic diseases already comprise roughly 70 percent of all human infections, but experts fear the climate crisis will accelerate their transmission by changing the boundaries and characteristics of existing animal habitats.....Ah yes, the Climate CULT never let's a crises go to waste as they will use it to galvanize support for their nonsense, which includes a call to set aside a day to reduce our so-called carbon couple this with world religion leaders joining in common cause--with these people....JUST A THOUGHT.
From Al Jazeera....
On Wall Street, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted 495
points, or 1.92 percent, at the open of trading in New York, extending a brutal rout that saw the index nosedive nearly 1200 points on Thursday - its biggest one day point drop ever....a Global Economic Collapse that could lead to a Global Economic Restructuring--Leading to Control in a way one can't buy or sell without permission in some way, shape or form.
From Breitbart....
A Hong Kong coronavirus patient has revealed her pet dog has a “low level” of the virus, local health authorities confirmed early Friday.....Imagine what this could mean IF animals too can get--and maybe spread
Pope Francis has come down with a “slight indisposition,” forcing him to cancel a planned Mass in Rome, just a day after he
expressed his solidarity with coronavirus sufferers around the world — and as the disease continues to spread across Italy. The illness has forced the 82-year-old pontiff to nix a penitential Mass, marking the start of Lent, that he’d planned to celebrate at the St. John Lateran basilica across town with Roman clergy, the Vatican said. Francis will proceed with the rest of his planned work Thursday, but “preferred to stay near Santa Marta,” the Vatican hotel where he lives, officials said.....Head of the Little Horn Entity possibly touched by this...
From Al Jazeera....

From ZeroHedge...
Italy, where late on Saturday prime minister Conte announced that
a total of 76 cases have been confirmed in 5 regions, declaring the Coronavirus situation a "National Emergency." The Prime Minister also said that Italy has implemented a law decree to fight the coronavirus, and is committed to limiting the spread of the Coronavirus....Complete Shut Down of Nations?
From State of the Planet....
Depictions of the “climate apocalypse” often fixate on the temperature changes, sea level rise and proliferation of natural disasters wrought by climate change. Epidemics are an often
overlooked outcome that belongs to that future. Medical researchers and climate scientists note that viral outbreaks may become more common with the progression of the climate crisis, which is affecting the movement of humans, animals, and pathogens. Zoonotic diseases already comprise roughly 70 percent of all human infections, but experts fear the climate crisis will accelerate their transmission by changing the boundaries and characteristics of existing animal habitats.....Ah yes, the Climate CULT never let's a crises go to waste as they will use it to galvanize support for their nonsense, which includes a call to set aside a day to reduce our so-called carbon couple this with world religion leaders joining in common cause--with these people....JUST A THOUGHT.